I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 560 Becoming The World Champion

Chapter 560 Becoming The World Champion

Voli and Fein sat opposite each other at a small chessboard set up on a wooden table. Voli had his eyes focused on the board, studying the pieces and contemplating his moves, while Fein sat calmly with his hands folded in his lap.

The game had been going on for over an hour, with both players making strategic moves and taking their time to plan ahead. Voli had always been known for his intelligence and cleverness, but Fein's analytical mind and strategic thinking had proven to be a worthy match.

As the game progressed, Voli began to feel the pressure of Fein's carefully planned moves. He knew that one wrong move could cost him the game, and he could see the determination in Fein's eyes as he focused on the board.

Voli furrowed his brow, contemplating his next move, when suddenly Fein made a bold move that caught him off guard. Voli's eyes widened in surprise as he realized that Fein had seen through his plan and had cleverly countered it.

The game continued with Fein slowly gaining an advantage, and Voli could feel the pressure mounting. He knew that he needed to come up with a brilliant move to turn the game around.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to outsmart Fein's strategic mind. And in the end, Fein emerged victorious, with a satisfied smile on his face.

Voli congratulated Fein on his victory, impressed by his intelligence and cleverness on the chessboard. And Fein, in turn, praised Voli for his skill and sportsmanship, knowing that their game had been a true test of their abilities.

"Master, you should really join the chess competition. It was said that the current world champion would join. I think, with your ability, chess grandmasters would be like a child to you." Voli said with a serious face.

"Well, I don't have anything to do this month." Fein nodded. "I'll just consider it as a good mental stimulation."

"You would really join!?" Voli's eyes widened.


One month later, as per Voli's request. Fein decided to join the chess competition. He still has this confidence since he has the help of his S rank talent and natural intelligence. Even Michael and the big three could even beat him because of this. Though, those are just casual battle, but what he has to face now are the true grandmasters. Belong to the 1% players of chess and qualified to be called the GOATS of chess.

Fein had always been fascinated by the game of chess. He admired the strategy and intellectual challenge that it offered. Over the years, he had honed his skills and become a master of the game.

Fein decided to enter a prestigious chess tournament in the East. The tournament featured some of the best chess players in the world, including the reigning world champion, Magnus Carlsen.

Fein made his way through the tournament with ease, defeating his opponents one by one with his clever and strategic moves. He quickly made a name for himself in the chess world and gained the attention of many.

As the tournament neared its end, Fein found himself facing off against Magnus Carlsen himself in the final match. The two players sat across from each other, their eyes locked in concentration as they plotted their moves.

Fein sat across the chessboard from Magnus Carlsen, the current world champion. The game had been intense, with both players making impressive moves to gain an advantage over the other.

As they entered the final stretch of the game, Fein noticed an opportunity to create a pawn chain that would give him a strong position in the center of the board. He carefully maneuvered his pieces into place, sacrificing a knight in the process to maintain his advantage.

Magnus seemed surprised by Fein's bold move and began to sweat profusely as he considered his options. Fein watched as Magnus deliberated for several minutes, his eyes darting back and forth across the board.

Finally, Magnus made his move, attempting to counter Fein's pawn chain with a well-placed bishop. But Fein was ready for this, and he quickly responded with a knight fork, capturing the bishop and forcing Magnus into a difficult position.

With his advantage secure, Fein continued to press forward, steadily picking off Magnus's remaining pieces one by one. Magnus fought valiantly, but he was no match for Fein's intelligence and strategic thinking.

As Fein delivered the final blow, Magnus extended his hand in defeat, acknowledging Fein's incredible skill and congratulating him on a well-deserved victory.

Fein felt a sense of pride and accomplishment wash over him as the crowd cheered and applauded his victory. He had become a world champion in chess, a feat that few had ever achieved, and he knew that his intelligence and hard work had made it all possible.josei

"Fuck! He really did it! My master became the world champion!?" On the crowd among the audience, Voli couldn't help but curse.

Sofia smile when she heard this. "No matter Fein does, he will always excel."


Magnus Carlsen sat in his chair, staring blankly at the chessboard in front of him. He had just suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of Fein, a relatively unknown chess player from the East who had just become the world champion.

Carlsen couldn't believe what had just happened. He had been the reigning world champion for years, and he had faced some of the toughest opponents in the game, but none had ever beaten him quite like Fein had.

As he replayed the game in his mind, Carlsen couldn't help but admire Fein's strategy and intelligence. He had made moves that Carlsen had never even considered, and he had anticipated Carlsen's every move before he even made it.

Despite his disappointment, Carlsen couldn't help but feel a sense of respect and admiration for Fein. He knew that he had just witnessed something special, and that Fein would go down in history as one of the greatest chess players of all time.

As he shook Fein's hand and congratulated him on his victory, Carlsen couldn't help but wonder what other surprises the world of chess had in store for him. He knew that he would have to work harder than ever before to maintain his position at the top, and he couldn't wait to see what challenges lay ahead.

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