I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 568 Ascension To SS-Rank Realm

Chapter 568 Ascension To SS-Rank Realm

Fein stood in the middle of the abandoned kingdom, his eyes closed in deep concentration. His hands were pressed together in front of him as he focused on harnessing the power within him. The air around him crackled with energy as he gathered his strength.

Suddenly, Fein's eyes snapped open, and he threw his arms out to his sides. A blinding light erupted from his body, illuminating the entire kingdom. The ground shook beneath his feet as his magic power and degu energy surged to a new level.

Fein struggled to control the power coursing through him, but it was too much for him to handle. The energy exploded out of him in all directions, causing the ground to split and the buildings to crumble.

As the shockwaves of his power swept over the kingdom, Fein realized too late what was happening. He saw the old man in the distance, trying to flee from the destruction, but it was too late. The explosion consumed him, and he was gone in an instant.

Fein collapsed to his knees, his body shaking, and he was filled with guilt. He had never meant for this to happen, but now it was too late. The entire kingdom lay in ruins around him, and the old man was dead because of his own carelessness. Fein knew that he could never take back what he had done, but he vowed to be more careful with his powers from that day forward.

'Damn, system! Why haven't you told me that this would happen!?'

Fein stood amidst the rubble of the once-abandoned kingdom, his body trembling with a mixture of fear and anger. "Why did this happen? Why did I lose control?" he shouted at the system.josei

The system responded with a calm voice, "The reason for the loss of control is due to the reaction between your magic power and degu energy. Your body possesses a tremendous amount of both energies, and when they reached SS rank, a chemical reaction occurred, resulting in the explosion."

Fein clenched his fists, still unable to accept what had just happened. "But you could have warned me! You could have told me this was going to happen!"

"I did warn you," the system replied. "I informed you that ascending to SS rank carries significant risks and that your body must be ready to handle the surge in energy. Unfortunately, your body was not prepared, and this was the result."

Fein sighed heavily, realizing the truth in the system's words. "I see... I should have been more careful. I apologize for blaming you."

The system responded, "It's alright, Fein. It's my duty to inform and guide you. We'll work together to make sure this doesn't happen again."

Fein looked down at the fresh grave of the old man, feeling the weight of guilt on his shoulders. He had never intended for any of this to happen. The thought of the old man's life being cut short because of his own inability to control his power made him feel sick to his stomach.

As he stood there, lost in thought, the system's voice suddenly rang out in his head. "Fein, I know you are feeling guilty about what happened, but I must remind you that it was not entirely your fault. Your body possesses a tremendous amount of magic power and degu energy. When the two energies reached the SS rank, a chemical reaction occurred, which caused the explosion."

Fein gritted his teeth in frustration. "But if it wasn't for my negligence, the old man would still be alive. It's my responsibility to control my own power."

The system remained silent for a moment before speaking again. "I understand how you feel, Fein, but you must not let this consume you. The past cannot be changed, but you can still make things right. You can make good use of the soul artifact and pass it down to future generations. Use your power to protect others and prevent tragedies like this from happening again."

Fein took a deep breath and nodded. "You're right. I won't let this defeat me. I will use my power to protect others and ensure that the soul artifact is put to good use. Now that I ascended, I'll stop Adrian and retrieve the artifact. I will make sure that the soul artifact will be passed down and will be put to good use. That's the least hing I can do for the old man."

With his mind made up, Fein turned and walked away from the grave, his heart heavy with the weight of his guilt, but also with a new sense of purpose. After all, he already took the step to find an abandoned kingdom for safety. He was wrong; it wasn't that he was negligent, he already exercised safety measure and caution. It was just a fortuitous event. He hasn't foreseen that his promotion to SS rank would cause an explosion comparable to a fucking nuclear bomb. It was five times worse than the phenomenon Voli's evolution cause.

The energy level of his magic power and degu energy literally turned a large abandoned kingdom into dust.

The news of the destruction of the abandoned kingdom spread like wildfire throughout the North, leaving the people in shock and disbelief. Some whispered that it was the work of a powerful demon, while others claimed that it was a sign of impending doom.

As the news reached the ears of the Northern Council, they immediately dispatched a team of investigators to the site of the destruction. The investigators returned with grim reports of a massive explosion, but they were unable to determine the cause or the culprit behind it.

Meanwhile, the people of the North were left to speculate and theorize about what had happened. Some believed that it was a warning from the gods, while others thought that it was the result of a long-forgotten curse. Some even began to fear that they were under attack from a powerful enemy.

Despite the fear and uncertainty, the people of the North remained resolute and determined to rebuild what had been lost. They banded together and worked tirelessly to rebuild their homes and their lives, while also keeping a watchful eye for any signs of danger.

As the days turned into weeks, the incident at the abandoned kingdom became a distant memory, but the people of the North would never forget the destruction that had been wrought upon their land.

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