I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 571 Studying The Soul Artifact

Chapter 571 Studying The Soul Artifact

Fein sat alone in his room, staring at the soul artifact he had retrieved from Adrian's corpse. His expression was neutral as he examined it, weighing the artifact's potential uses in his mind.

He knew that this artifact could heal souls, which was a rare and valuable ability. But he also knew that such a power could be dangerous in the wrong hands. Fein was not one to act rashly or impulsively. He needed to consider the consequences of his actions carefully.

Despite his logical approach, Fein couldn't help feeling a twinge of excitement. The thought of being able to heal Michael and Brick Norty's injured souls was tantalizing. He had been searching for a way to help them for so long, and this artifact could be the answer he had been seeking.

But he couldn't let his emotions cloud his judgment. Fein knew that he needed to learn more about the artifact's history and capabilities before he could use it effectively. He would need to do more research and experimentation before he could confidently use it to heal anyone's soul.

Fein stood up from his chair and walked over to the window, gazing out at the night sky. He knew that he had a lot of work ahead of him, but he was up to the challenge. He was not one to back down from a difficult task, especially when the potential rewards were so great.

As he stood there, watching the stars twinkle in the distance, Fein felt a sense of satisfaction wash over him. He had achieved a great victory today, and he knew that he was one step closer to achieving his ultimate goal.josei


Fein stepped out of his room and walked towards the common area, where he found Sofia, Voli, and Aoi waiting for him. They looked at him expectantly, eager to hear about the battle.

Fein began to recount the whole process of his battle with Adrian, describing the intensity of the fight and how he had to use his sword domain to overpower Adrian. He explained how Adrian had tried to use soul defense and took out his shield artifact to resist, but it was no match for Fein's sword domain.

"And then, I was finally able to retrieve this," Fein said, holding up the soul artifact. "With this, I can finally heal Michael and Brick Norty's injured soul."

Sofia looked at Fein with a mix of admiration and concern. "That's amazing, Fein. But be careful with that artifact. You know how dangerous soul artifacts can be."

Fein nodded in agreement. "Yes, I'm well aware of the risks. That's why I plan to use it as carefully as possible."

Voli looked at Fein with a raised eyebrow. "So, what are you going to do with the artifact now?"

"I plan to use it to heal Michael and Brick Norty's injured soul. But first, I need to study it more and understand its capabilities fully," Fein replied.

Aoi nodded in agreement. "That's a wise decision. It's better to understand the full scope of the artifact's power before using it."

Fein smiled at his companions. "Thank you for your concern. I appreciate your support."

Sofia smiled back at him. "Of course, Fein. We're all in this together."

Voli nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we got your back, man."

Aoi smiled warmly. "We're a team, Fein. We'll figure this out together."

Fein took a deep breath before speaking. "Adrian was not always a bad person," he began. "He was once a promising young man who had dreams of becoming a great hero. But something happened that changed him."

Voli tilted his head in curiosity, while Aoi and Sofia listened attentively.

"He suffered a great loss," Fein continued. "His family was murdered by a group of raiders when he was still a child. He was the only survivor and was left with deep emotional scars. He became obsessed with gaining power and strength to protect himself and those he cared about, but it twisted his ideals and turned him into a ruthless warrior."

Sofia's expression turned solemn, and Aoi's eyes seemed to glisten with unshed tears.

"That's a tragic story," Sofia said softly.

"I can understand why he became the way he did," Aoi added, her voice barely above a whisper.

Voli huffed in agreement, his fur standing on end. "It's never too late to change, but unfortunately, it seems like Adrian was too far gone," he said.

Fein nodded. "Yes, he made his choices and had to face the consequences. But it's important to remember that he wasn't always like that."

There was a moment of silence before Sofia spoke up. "Fein, do you think there's a chance that we can heal his soul?" she asked, her eyes pleading.

Fein shook his head. "I'm afraid not. The damage was too great, and he was consumed by his own darkness. The soul artifact can only heal soul, not bring the back."

Aoi nodded in agreement, a sad expression on her face.

Sofia sighed heavily, but her resolve seemed to strengthen. "Then we'll make sure to remember him as he was before, and honor his memory by helping those in need," she said.

Fein smiled slightly. "That's a good plan," he said.

Voli grunted in agreement, and Aoi gave a small nod.

Fein spent several days studying the soul artifact, its properties, and its principles. He was determined to unlock its full potential and understand its secrets. He shut himself in his room, pouring over countless tomes and scrolls that he had collected over the years.

Voli often checked on him, bringing him meals and making sure he didn't forget to take breaks. The golden bear could sense the intensity of Fein's focus and knew that it was best to leave him be, for the most part.

Aoi and Sofia were busy with their own affairs, but they occasionally dropped in to see how Fein was doing. They could tell that he was making progress, but he was also becoming increasingly reclusive.

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