I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 591 First Form

Chapter 591 First Form

Fein and Voli had just finished a long day of training, and the sun had set over the horizon. Fein stretched his arms and legs, feeling the satisfying soreness of his muscles.

Voli yawned and shook his fur, crackling with the energy of lightning. "That was a good workout, Fein. You're getting stronger every day."

Fein chuckled. "Thanks, Voli. But I still have a long way to go. You make it look easy with your lightning and wind manipulation."

Voli grinned. "Well, I have been practicing really hard to at least help you. But you're doing great, Fein. I can't even fathom your full power now."

Fein scratched the golden bear's head, enjoying the softness of his fur. "Hey, do you want to go get some food? I'm starving."

Voli's ears perked up. "Food? Count me in. Where do you want to go?"

Fein thought for a moment. "How about that new ramen place down the street? I heard it's pretty good."

Voli's eyes lit up. "Ramen? Sounds delicious. Let's go!"

The two of them walked down the street, Fein enjoying the cool night air and Voli walking by his side. They arrived at the ramen place, which was bustling with people.

Fein and Voli sat down at a small table, and a waiter came over to take their order. Fein ordered the spicy miso ramen, while Voli went for the vegetarian option.

As they waited for their food, Fein and Voli talked and laughed about their day. They shared stories and jokes, and Fein couldn't help but feel grateful for the loyal and clever golden bear by his side.

When their food arrived, they dug in with gusto. The rich broth and chewy noodles warmed their bellies, and Voli was especially delighted with the flavorful vegetables in his dish.

After they finished their meal, Fein paid the bill and the two of them walked back home, feeling satisfied and content.

As they reached the doorstep, Voli turned to Fein. "Thanks for the ramen, Fein. That was great. I always enjoy spending time with you."

Fein smiled. "Me too, Voli. You're a great friend. I hope you would be always be this active and energetic. You know, too much lying on the ground will lead you to a sedentary lifestyle."

Voli stretched and yawned. "Well, I think it's time for me to get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow, Fein."

Hearing this, Fein was speechless. Didn't he just said to Voli that he should be active and energetic?

Still, Fein waved goodbye as the golden bear walked off, feeling happy and content from their merry time together.


Fein sat cross-legged on the floor of his training room, with Voli sitting patiently beside him. He held a golden apple in his hand, one of the necessary ingredients for the Golden Mist Technique. Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and focused all his energy on the apple, visualizing the process of converting it into mist.

As he began to channel his energy into the apple, a golden glow began to emanate from his body. His hair began to rise, as if caught in a powerful wind, and sparks of electricity danced around him. Voli looked on, fascinated, as Fein's aura began to grow in intensity.

Suddenly, Fein's eyes snapped open, and he let out a cry of triumph. The apple in his hand had vanished, replaced by a swirling cloud of golden mist that seemed to radiate power. With a grin, Fein stood up and stepped into the mist, which enveloped him completely.

As he disappeared from sight, the room shook with the force of his transformation. The walls crackled with energy, and objects flew off shelves and tables as the air around Fein became charged with power. Voli hunkered down, bracing himself against the force of the energy.

Several minutes passed as the room filled with the sound of crackling energy and the swirling mist. Finally, the mist began to dissipate, and Fein stepped out from its midst. His hair was now a bright shade of yellow, and his eyes glowed with an intense blue light. The aura around him burned with golden flames, and his muscles bulged with newfound strength.

As he took a deep breath, the force of the transformation dissipated, and the room fell silent. Fein looked around, and the sight that met his eyes was one of destruction. The walls were scorched and pitted with burn marks, and furniture lay shattered and broken across the room. A thick layer of dust and debris covered the floor.

Fein shook his head, a rueful smile on his face. He knew he had a lot of work to do to repair the damage he had caused. But for now, he was just happy to have successfully learned the first form of the Golden Mist Technique. And with Voli by his side, he knew he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


-Voli's POV-

As Fein consumed the golden apple, Voli watched him intently. He had seen his master perform many feats of strength and skill, but this was something new entirely. As the golden mist technique began to take hold, Voli could sense the immense power that was building within Fein's body.

As Fein's hair turned yellow, his eyes blue, and his aura erupted into a golden flame, Voli's eyes widened in amazement. He had never seen Fein look so fierce and powerful before. The energy radiating from his body was so intense that Voli had to take a step back to avoid being overwhelmed.josei

As Fein's hair spiked high, Voli watched in awe as his master's entire body began to change. His muscles swelled with power, his skin took on a golden sheen, and his face contorted into a fierce snarl. Voli could feel the heat emanating from Fein's body as he grew hotter and hotter with each passing moment.

As Fein let out a deafening roar, Voli couldn't help but feel a mixture of fear and excitement. He knew that Fein was tapping into a power that was beyond anything he had ever seen before. And as the ground shook and the air crackled with energy, Voli watched in wonder as Fein unleashed the full force of his power.

As Fein's transformation began to wane, and his golden aura dissipated, Voli breathed a sigh of relief. He was glad that his master had not lost control and caused even more damage. And as Fein returned to his normal form, Voli could sense that he was still filled with a tremendous amount of power.

In the end, Voli knew that Fein's mastery of the golden mist technique would make him an even more formidable opponent. And as he watched his master walk away, Voli couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and admiration. For he knew that Fein was a true master of his craft, and a force to be reckoned with.

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