I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 603 Sofia And Aoi Is Back!

Chapter 603 Sofia And Aoi Is Back!

As Fein walked out of the training grounds, he spotted Sofia and Aoi waiting for him. His heart leaped with joy as he walked towards them. He couldn't wait to see Sofia's beautiful smile and to feel her embrace. Aoi flew towards him, wrapping her wings around him. Fein felt her icy touch, but he didn't mind. He missed his beloved friends and was happy to be reunited with them.

"Fein! We missed you!" Sofia said as she hugged him tightly. Fein felt the warmth of her embrace and the scent of her hair. He felt his heart swell with love for her.

"I missed you too, Sofia. And you too, Aoi," Fein replied, smiling at the purple phoenix. Aoi chirped happily, spreading her wings and fluttering in the air.

"How was your training?" Sofia asked, looking at Fein with concern. Fein knew that Sofia always worried about him, especially since his powers were dangerous and unpredictable.

"It was tough, but I'm getting better," Fein said, putting on a brave face. He didn't want to worry Sofia, but he knew that she could see through his facade.

Sofia placed her hand on Fein's chest, feeling his heartbeat. She looked into his eyes, searching for any sign of weakness or pain. Fein felt her concern and appreciated her care for him.

"You're working too hard, Fein. You need to take care of yourself," Sofia said, her voice soft and gentle. Fein nodded, feeling grateful for her understanding.

Aoi landed on Fein's shoulder, nuzzling her beak against his cheek. Fein felt her warmth and love, and he smiled at her. He knew that Aoi didn't express her emotions like humans or other beasts, but he could feel her affection for him.

"It's good to be back here," Aoi said, her voice melodic and soothing.

Fein felt a surge of happiness, realizing how lucky he was to have such wonderful friends. He knew that he could rely on Sofia, Aoi, and the others to support him and stand by him no matter what. He felt a sense of peace, knowing that he was not alone in this world.

"Thank you, both of you. I missed you too," Fein said, smiling at his friends. He felt their love and loyalty, and he knew that he would do anything for them.


Voli sat across from Sofia and Fein, recounting the tale of Lucian and his tragic end. "I still can't believe someone as logical and patient as Lucian could walk down such a dark path," he said, shaking his head.

Fein listened intently, his mind racing with thoughts. He wondered if he had the same potential for darkness that Lucian had, and if it was only his friends and family that kept him from succumbing to it.

Sofia looked troubled as she listened to the story. "It's scary to think that someone could be so convinced of their own perspective that they would go to such lengths," she said.

Voli nodded in agreement. "But that's why we have to be vigilant," he said. "We have to keep an eye out for each other and make sure we don't let our own convictions blind us to the truth."

Fein smiled wryly. "That's easier said than done," he said. "After all, we're all a little bit blinded by our own beliefs."josei

Sofia nodded thoughtfully. "That's true," she said. "But as long as we can recognize that, we can try to stay open-minded and avoid the same fate as Lucian."

Voli smiled, sensing the heaviness in the room dissipating. "In any case," he said, "we did what we had to do to stop him. And the suicide cases stopped as soon as he was gone."

Fein nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. "Yes, I'm just glad it's all over," he said.

Sofia looked at him with concern. "Are you okay?" she asked.

Fein smiled faintly. "I'm fine," he said. "Just reflecting, I suppose."

Fey suddenly burst into the room, grinning from ear to ear. "Hey guys, I've got some great news!" she exclaimed.

The group turned to her, eager to hear what she had to say. Fein felt a sense of warmth spread through him, glad to be surrounded by the people he cared about most. For a moment, he forgot about the darkness that lingered at the edges of his mind, and was content to simply bask in the warmth of his friends and family.


Fein, Sofia, Aoi, and Voli spend a day together, enjoying a peaceful break from their usual missions. They start by visiting Fein's mother, Melissa, at her bakery. Sofia admires the cakes and asks, "Do you think we could try making some of these at home?"

Melissa responds, "Of course! I'd be happy to teach you."

Next, the group heads to a nearby park to have a picnic. Aoi comments on the pleasant weather, "The sun is shining brightly today. It's quite a lovely day."

Voli nods in agreement, "Yes, it's a perfect day for a picnic."

Fein smiles, "I'm glad we could take a break from our usual duties and spend some time together like this."

Sofia adds, "Me too. It's nice to have a day where we can just relax and have fun."

After finishing their picnic, the group decides to play some games. Fein and Sofia team up against Aoi and Voli in a game of frisbee. Aoi throws the frisbee to Voli, who catches it with ease, "You'll have to do better than that!" he teases.

Fein and Sofia work together to throw the frisbee in a way that will be difficult for Voli to catch. Fein throws the frisbee high in the air, and Sofia uses her powers to make the wind blow it off course.

Voli leaps into the air to try and catch it, but misses, "Ah, you got me that time!"

The group continues to play games and enjoy each other's company throughout the day. As the sun begins to set, they start to pack up and head home.

Fein turns to the group and says, "Today was really nice. We should do this more often."

Sofia nods, "Definitely. It's good to take a break and just enjoy each other's company."

Aoi adds, "I agree. We should make this a regular thing."

As they walk home, the group feels recharged and ready to take on their next mission together.

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