I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 611 Tragic Battle

Chapter 611 Tragic Battle

The devil was getting weaker by the minute, but he still had a few tricks up his sleeve. He created a powerful shield around himself, making it impossible for Luna and Thalia to penetrate. Luna knew she had to come up with an unconventional strategy to take the devil down. She closed her eyes and focused her powers, creating a small ball of concentrated energy.

Thalia watched in awe as Luna's powers grew stronger by the second. Luna opened her eyes and threw the energy ball towards the devil's shield, shattering it into a million pieces. The devil was caught off guard by the attack, and Luna took the opportunity to charge forward, slicing off one of the devil's arms with her elemental powers.

The devil let out a blood-curdling scream as Luna and Thalia emerged victorious. The two degu users stood tall, proud of their achievement. They knew they had lost many comrades in the battle, but they also knew that their sacrifice would not go in vain. They continued their fight, determined to rid the North of the twelve devils and bring peace back to their land.


Thalia and Luna's fight caught the attention of the devils and degu users. They are the first group who managed to kill a devil. After all, two groups have already fallen in the hands of the devils, including Zander. While only one devil has been eliminated from the twelve devils. From 24 versus 12, it was now 20 vs 11 which doesn't look optimistic.

Balanar and the other devils looked down on the devil that Thalia and Luna had just defeated. They could barely contain their amusement as they watched their comrade being purified and defeated by the two degu users.josei

"Well, well, well, looks like we have a couple of fighters here," Balanar sneered. "But don't get too excited, little humans. The one you just defeated was the weakest among us. You'll soon learn what it means to face a true demon."

The other devils laughed and jeered, their eyes glowing with derision and malice. Thalia and Luna remained unfazed, however, their eyes gleaming with determination.

"You'll regret underestimating us," Luna said fiercely. "We're not afraid of you."

Thalia nodded in agreement. "We'll fight to protect our people, no matter what."

Balanar and the other devils sneered even more, their eyes flashing with amusement.

"Very well," Balanar said. "Let's see what you're made of."

With a flick of his wrist, Balanar summoned a massive fireball that hurtled towards the two degu users. Luna and Thalia quickly dove out of the way, their bodies rolling across the ground as the flames singed their clothes.

But the devil wasn't done yet. He summoned seven wolves, their eyes glowing with a malevolent light. The wolves leaped at the two degu users, their jaws gaping open.

Thalia summoned a bright light that enveloped the wolves, purifying them and causing them to dissipate into the air. Luna, meanwhile, unleashed a powerful gust of wind that knocked Balanar off his feet.

The devil snarled and leaped back up, his eyes blazing with anger. He summoned another fireball, but Luna was ready for it. She darted forward and kicked the fireball back at Balanar with all her strength.

The fireball hit Balanar square in the chest, blasting him backwards and sending him crashing to the ground. Luna and Thalia exchanged a triumphant look, but they knew that the fight wasn't over yet.

Balanar got back to his feet, his arm now missing from the previous fight with Zander and Thorin. He looked even angrier than before.

"You think that was impressive?" he spat. "I'll show you what real power looks like."

With a wave of his hand, Balanar summoned a massive meteor from the sky. The meteor hurtled towards Luna and Thalia, who barely had time to react.

Luna summoned a gust of wind that slowed the meteor down, but it was still hurtling towards them with deadly force. Thalia summoned a barrier of light, but the meteor shattered it with ease.

In the end, Luna and Thalia couldn't dodge the meteor. The impact was catastrophic, blasting the two degu users to pieces and leaving nothing but scorch marks on the ground.

Balanar looked down at the debris with satisfaction, his eyes glowing with triumph.

"That's what happens when you mess with demons," he said. "Now, who's next?"


The remaining degu users were filled with rage and desperation as they witnessed the deaths of their comrades. They knew that they had to kill the remaining eleven devils at all costs. The demons were also aware of this fact and were ready for a fierce battle.

The two groups clashed in the middle of the city, with the degu users attacking with all their might. The demons responded with their powerful magic, and the battle quickly turned into a chaotic mess. The degu users used all their abilities to try and gain the upper hand, but the demons were too powerful.

One of the demons, named Asmodeus, was particularly strong. He had a body made of fire and could summon flames at will. The degu users knew that they had to work together to defeat him, and they did their best to coordinate their attacks.

Unfortunately, even with their combined efforts, Asmodeus was too powerful. He killed several degu users with his flames, and the others were left scrambling for cover. One of the degu users, named Kael, tried to use his ice-based abilities to freeze Asmodeus, but the demon simply melted the ice and laughed at him.

The situation was dire, and the degu users knew that they had to come up with a new strategy. They huddled together to discuss their next move, and eventually, they came up with a plan.

The degu users split up into four groups of three, each group taking on one of the remaining demons. The degu users worked together to take down the demons, using their abilities to weaken and distract them. The demons fought back with all their might, but the degu users were relentless.

After a long and grueling battle, the degu users emerged victorious. They had managed to kill four of the demons, but at a great cost. Eight of their comrades had died in the process, and many others were severely wounded.

The degu users mourned the loss of their fallen comrades, but they knew that they had succeeded in protecting their city. They vowed to continue to fight against any demons that threatened their way of life, no matter the cost.

"Now, it's fifteen versus seven." One of the degu users breathed heavily. He felt helpless at this moment. They obviously have the numeric advantage at the start, but they still suffered great casualties. But he knew that it was because the devils possessed magic power and powerful spells.

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