I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 618 Passionate Speech

Chapter 618 Passionate Speech


Kassandra stood before the members of the Eyes of the Dark Nights, a fierce determination in her eyes as she began to speak. Her voice was low and steady, but the emotion behind it was palpable.

"I stand before you today as a member of this organization because of Fein," she began, her eyes scanning the room to ensure that she had everyone's attention. "Fein is not just a master of the sword, or a wielder of powerful magic. He is a man who understands the value of loyalty, and who will do whatever it takes to protect those he cares about."

Kassandra's mind drifted back to the time when she had first met Fein, and the deal that had brought her into his service. Her own kingdom had been at war with a neighboring kingdom for years, and it seemed as though the fighting would never end. Kassandra had been desperate for a solution, and it was then that she met a man in the middle of the war offering her a deal to join an organization that wasn't even founded yet.

That man was Fein.

"At the time, I had heard of Fein's legendary sword skills and his accomplishments as the tamer of a legendary beast." Kassandra continued. "But what I didn't know was that he had something else that was just as powerful: his ability to inspire loyalty and to bring people together."

Kassandra paused, taking a deep breath as she gathered her thoughts. "When I first met Fein, I was skeptical. I didn't know him, and I didn't trust him. But he promised me that if I helped him, he would help me in return. And he kept his promise."

Fein had enlisted Kassandra's help in infiltrating the enemy kingdom, and together they had destroyed the enemy's main weapon and toppled their army. The war had ended, and Kassandra's kingdom had emerged victorious. But more than that, Kassandra had gained something she had never expected: a sense of purpose and a new family.

"Fein helped me to achieve my goals, but he did more than that," Kassandra said, her voice growing stronger. "He showed me that there was more to life than just fighting and winning. He showed me that it's possible to create something new and beautiful out of the ashes of destruction."

The other members of the Eyes of the Dark Nights listened intently as Kassandra spoke, some of them nodding in agreement. They knew that Fein was a powerful warrior, but they had never heard of his exploits as a diplomat and a peacemaker.

"But most of all," Kassandra continued, her voice softening slightly, "Fein showed me that I was not alone. That even in the darkest of times, there are people who will stand by you and fight for you. And that is why I stand here today, as a member of the Eyes of the Dark Nights, ready to fight for Fein and for all of you."

There was a moment of silence in the room as Kassandra finished speaking, and then the other members began to applaud. Fein smiled from his throne at the back of the room, proud of the woman he had helped to become. He knew that with Kassandra and the other members by his side, he could accomplish anything.

The eight little kids also said their speech after hearing Kassandra. They are homeless, but Fein helped them through hard times. He even taught them all kinds of skills and knowledge. Fein was their master and benefactor. They reminisced about the first time they met him on the market. 

The eight little kids gathered in front of Fein, their eyes shining with gratitude and admiration. They stood shoulder to shoulder, a ragtag group of children who had been struggling to survive on the streets before Fein took them under his wing. Now, they were part of his organization, the Eyes of the Dark Nights, and they couldn't be more proud.

Fein looked at them with a gentle smile, his eyes full of warmth and affection. He knew how much they had been through before they met him, and he was determined to help them in any way he could. He had taught them all kinds of skills and knowledge, from combat techniques to survival strategies. He had given them a home and a family, and they were grateful beyond words.

One of the kids, a boy with messy brown hair and a mischievous grin, stepped forward and cleared his throat. "Um, hi, Fein," he said, his voice trembling slightly. "We just wanted to say... thank you. For everything."

Fein nodded, his smile widening. "You're welcome, my young apprentice. But it is you who should be thanked, for your hard work and dedication."

The boy grinned even wider, his cheeks turning red. "Nah, it's all thanks to you. You taught us how to fight and how to survive. You gave us food and shelter. You even let us train you personally!"

Fein chuckled, his eyes sparkling. "Yes, I remember. You were quite the handful back then. But you have come a long way since then. I am proud of you, all of you."

The other kids nodded in agreement, their faces beaming with pride. They had come a long way indeed. They had gone from begging on the streets to training with Fein and teaching them wisdom and skills. They had gone from having no hope to having a purpose.

Another kid, a girl with curly hair and a determined expression, stepped forward. "Fein, we also wanted to say that we won't let you down. We'll do whatever it takes to make this organization the best it can be. We'll work hard and be loyal to you, always."

Fein smiled at her, his eyes softening. "I know you will, my dear. I have faith in all of you. You are the future of this organization, and I am proud to have you by my side."

The other kids nodded again, their determination shining in their eyes. They were not just kids anymore. They were soldiers, warriors, protectors. They had a purpose, and they were ready to fulfill it.

Fein looked at them with a sense of awe and pride. He knew that they had come a long way, but he also knew that there was still a long road ahead. The Eyes of the Dark Nights was just beginning, and there would be many challenges and obstacles to overcome.

But Fein was not worried. He had faith in his organization, and in his young apprentices. Together, they would conquer any challenge that came their way, and they would make the world a better place.

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