I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 623 Warning Bells

Chapter 623 Warning Bells


The Dark Knights had just finished a mission, and as they entered their headquarters, they were greeted by a figure standing at the end of the hallway. The figure had a striking appearance, with piercing green eyes, and a long black cloak that seemed to flow around them like a shadow. The Dark Knights were immediately on edge, as they did not recognize this person.

"Who are you?" Fein demanded, his voice cold and commanding.

The figure stepped forward, revealing themselves to be a young woman with a slender build and an air of confidence. "My name is Raven," she said. "I have come to join your organization."

Fein narrowed his eyes, studying Raven carefully. "And what do you bring to our cause?"

"I have unique abilities," Raven replied cryptically. "I can be an asset to your team."

Fein glanced at his fellow Dark Knights, silently communicating with them. They nodded in agreement, and Fein turned back to Raven. "Very well. You may stay and prove yourself."

Raven joined the Dark Knights and quickly proved herself to be a valuable asset. Her abilities were indeed unique, and she used them to help the team on several missions. However, as time went on, the Dark Knights began to suspect that Raven had a hidden agenda.

"She's too good," one member whispered to Fein. "I don't trust her."

Fein considered this, watching Raven from a distance. She seemed to be always one step ahead, and her tactics were often unorthodox but effective. He couldn't deny that she was an asset to their cause, but the suspicion lingered.

One day, during a mission, the Dark Knights were ambushed by a rival organization. They fought fiercely, but they were outnumbered and outmatched. In the midst of the chaos, Raven disappeared, leaving the team to fend for themselves.

As the Dark Knights retreated, they realized that Raven had not just abandoned them - she had betrayed them. She had been working with the rival organization all along, using her unique abilities to gather information and sabotage the Dark Knights from within.

Fein was livid when he discovered the truth. He had trusted Raven, and she had betrayed him and the entire organization. He knew that he couldn't let this go unpunished.

The Dark Knights regrouped, and with Fein's leadership, they launched a fierce attack on the rival organization. They fought with all their might, and in the end, they emerged victorious.

Fein stood over Raven's fallen body, his eyes cold with fury. "You have brought shame to the Dark Knights," he said. "Your treachery will not be forgotten."

And with that, Fein ordered his team to leave Raven's body behind and walk away. The Dark Knights had lost one of their own, but they had emerged stronger and more united than ever before.


Fein sat at the head of the long wooden table in the dimly lit conference room of the Dark Knights' headquarters. He looked around the room, his piercing crimson eyes locking onto each member in turn, before he spoke.

"We cannot afford any more mistakes or betrayal," he said firmly. "We must tighten our screening process and only allow those who are truly dedicated to our cause to join us. Our enemies are watching us closely and any weakness could be our downfall."

As he spoke, Fein leaned forward, his powerful frame exuding authority and dominance. His long white hair fell forward, framing his face as he looked around the table, his eyes flashing with intensity.

One of the other members, a woman with short black hair and a scar above her eyebrow, spoke up. "But how do we know who we can trust?" she asked. "We've had infiltrators before, people who seemed dedicated to our cause but were really working against us."

Fein's eyes narrowed as he looked at her. "We will have to be more thorough in our screening process," he said firmly. "We cannot afford to let anyone into our organization who may be a threat. We will need to use all available resources to investigate potential members and ensure their loyalty to our cause."

As he spoke, Fein's body was commanding, his arms crossed over his chest as he leaned back in his chair. His voice was steady and unwavering, conveying his determination to protect the Dark Knights at all costs.

The other members around the table nodded in agreement, their faces serious as they contemplated the threat of betrayal. Fein's words had hit home, and they knew that they could not afford to be complacent.

From that day forward, the Dark Knights implemented stricter screening procedures for new recruits, using all available resources to investigate their backgrounds and loyalty. Fein's warning had been heeded.


Kassandra, one of Fein's most trusted associates, approached him with a serious expression etched on her face. She cleared her throat before speaking.

"Fein, we need to talk about our current situation. Our organization is growing faster than ever before, and with that comes new challenges," Kassandra said, her tone urgent.

Fein raised an eyebrow in interest, motioning for her to continue.

"We have recruited four hundred new members, all carefully screened and investigated, but their strength ranges from A rank to B rank. It's a delicate balance to maintain loyalty and trust among such a diverse group of individuals," Kassandra explained, her voice tinged with concern.

Fein stroked his chin thoughtfully, mulling over the information. He knew that as the organization grew, so did the risk of betrayal and disloyalty. It was imperative that they remained vigilant and took precautions to prevent any potential threats.

"We cannot afford to let our guard down, Kassandra. We must ensure that our recruitment process is even more rigorous and thorough than before. We need to weed out any potential traitors before they can cause any harm," Fein replied, his voice firm and resolute.

Kassandra nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I'll make sure that our screening process is even more stringent from now on. We cannot afford to make any mistakes," she said, her voice echoing Fein's determination.

Fein gave her a curt nod, acknowledging her words. He knew that their success relied on their ability to maintain the loyalty of their members.

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