I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 629 Mission Board

Chapter 629 Mission Board

Fein stood before the mission board, surveying the various tasks posted upon it. His fellow members of the Dark Knights were gathered around him, eagerly waiting for their next mission. Fein cleared his throat and spoke, his voice ringing out loud and clear.

"Alright, listen up everyone. We've got a new set of missions posted on the board. We've got everything from simple errands to dangerous infiltration missions. Choose wisely, and be sure to read the details carefully before accepting."

Kassandra stepped forward, her bow at her side. "I'll take the infiltration mission. I can summon a legion of undead to help me out if things get dicey."

Anthony nodded in agreement. "I'll take the tactical mission. I'll need to strategize and plan before we make any moves."

Brick Norty rubbed his hands together excitedly. "Ooh, there's a scientific research mission on here. I'll take that one, guys."

Sofia stepped forward, her red eyes shining with determination. "I'll take the destruction mission. I can handle the firepower needed to complete it."

Voli grunted in agreement, flexing his paws. "I'll take the protection mission. I can control the wind and lightning to keep us safe."

Roger Geryei chimed in. "I'll take the surveillance mission. I'm an A-rank degu user, after all. I can blend in and stay hidden."

Kiba nodded. "I'll take the tracking mission. My good-natured personality will help me talk to locals and gather intel."

Azazel simply stood there, his face impassive. "I'll take the assassination mission. It's a necessary evil to maintain order in the underworld."

Fein nodded, pleased with the decisions his team had made. "Excellent choices, everyone. Be sure to prepare well for your respective missions. Remember, completing missions not only earns us rewards, but also helps us maintain our stronghold in the underworld."

As the team dispersed to prepare for their missions, Fein took a moment to observe their facial expressions and body language. Kassandra looked confident and determined, her bow at the ready. Anthony's face was focused and serious, his mind already at work on his tactical mission. Brick Norty had a gleam in his eye, excited to delve into the scientific research. Sofia's red eyes blazed with determination, ready to unleash her destructive powers. Voli flexed his paws, ready to unleash his control over the elements. Roger Geryei looked focused, his eyes scanning the mission details carefully. Kiba wore a friendly smile, eager to talk to the locals and gather intel. And Azazel remained stoic and neutral, already preparing for the necessary evil of his assassination mission.

Fein was proud of his team, and he knew they would succeed in their respective missions. The Dark Knights were a force to be reckoned with, and their stronghold in the underworld would only grow stronger with each mission completed. 

Fein stood in the center of the Hall of the Dark Knight Underground Base, his eyes scanning the empty room. He took a deep breath and let out a sigh, his mind racing with thoughts about the mission board.

"This mission board will revolutionize our organization," he muttered to himself. "It will allow our members to take on tasks suited to their skills and earn rewards for their accomplishments."

He paced around the room, his mind focused on the potential benefits of the mission board. "No longer will our members be limited to just the tasks we assign them. They can choose what missions they want to take on and earn rewards based on their performance."

Fein paused and looked up at the ceiling, a sly grin forming on his lips. "And, of course, we'll be able to weed out the weak ones who can't handle the tasks assigned to them."

He chuckled to himself, knowing that the mission board would give him a way to identify the strongest members of the organization. "Only the strongest survive in this world, and the mission board will ensure that our organization is made up of the strongest."

Fein's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching the hall. He quickly composed himself and turned to face the entrance. "Ah, Kassandra, just the person I wanted to see."josei

Kassandra, the commander of the Eyes of the Dark Knights, entered the hall and gave a slight nod of her head in greeting. Fein continued, "I want you to oversee the mission board. Make sure everything runs smoothly and that only the best missions are posted."

Kassandra nodded in agreement, knowing that Fein always had a plan up his sleeve. As she turned to leave the hall, Fein spoke once more, "And Kassandra, make sure everyone knows that only the strong will survive in our organization. The mission board will make sure of that."

Kassandra nodded again and left the hall, leaving Fein alone with his thoughts once more. He smirked to himself, knowing that the mission board would bring his organization to new heights. With a newfound confidence, Fein left the hall to continue his plans for the future of the Dark Knights.


The members of the Eyes of the Dark Knights were gathered in the Hall of the Dark Night Underground Base, still buzzing with excitement about the implementation of the mission board. Kassandra, the Commander, was pacing back and forth with a smile on her face while the others were gathered around the board, eagerly eyeing the available missions.

Brick Norty, Fein's best friend and a skilled scientist, let out a low whistle. "This is gonna make things a lot more interesting," he said, his eyes scanning over the various mission descriptions. "I mean, we've always been able to handle things on our own, but having specific tasks to complete and rewards to earn is going to really up the ante."

Anthony, the strategist of the group, nodded in agreement. "It'll give us a chance to prove our skills and show what we're capable of. And of course, the rewards are always a nice bonus."

Voli, Fein's tamed beast, let out a low growl of excitement and nudged Roger Geryei, the A rank degu user, with his snout. Roger grinned and scratched the beast's ear, murmuring softly to him.

Kiba, the tactical and good-natured member of the group, let out a laugh. "I can't wait to get started. I've been itching for a new challenge."

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