I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 635 The Encounter With The Half Dragon And Half Snake

Chapter 635 The Encounter With The Half Dragon And Half Snake: Fein's Flashback

Without warning, one of the Anacondas released a cloud of poisonous mist, causing Fein and his companions to stagger back, choking and coughing. Voli barked a warning to the group, his ears perked up and his tail held high in alert. Sofia quickly gathered herself and activated her vampire abilities, becoming impervious to the poison.

Fein, on the other hand, had a trick up his sleeve. With a quick gesture, he summoned his army of A-rank shadow soldiers, who emerged from the darkness to surround the Anacondas on all sides. The creatures hissed and coiled back, sensing the danger that lay ahead.

Fein smirked as he commanded his shadow army to attack. The soldiers surged forward, their black blades flashing as they sliced through the air. The Anacondas hissed and fought back, but they were quickly overwhelmed by the sheer number of shadows that surrounded them.

Meanwhile, Fein summoned his three S-rank shadow lords, each one more powerful than the last. The chimera ant lord lunged forward, its sharp mandibles snapping shut as it took a bite out of an Anaconda's thick scales. The death knight lord followed suit, swinging its massive sword with deadly precision as it cut through the creatures like butter.

The last lord, the angel of death, was the most fearsome of them all. It swooped down from above, its black wings spread wide as it rained down a barrage of dark energy. The Anacondas hissed and writhed, but they were no match for Fein's army of shadows and lords.

In the end, Fein emerged victorious, his army of shadows decimating the Anacondas with ease. He smirked as he surveyed the carnage before him, his eyes glittering with triumph. "Looks like we won this round," he said with a chuckle, turning to his companions. "Now, let's get out of here before any more surprises come our way."

The group nodded in agreement, still catching their breaths from the intense battle. With one last glance at the defeated Anacondas, they made their way out of the forest.


'This is a good warm-up.' Fein smiled and decided not to use his magic spells.

Fein stood confidently, his golden aura shining brightly as he faced off against the Half Dragon and Half Dark Snake. The ground shook with every step of the massive creature as it moved towards Fein, its transparent flames blazing hotter than the lava.

Fein's shadow army, including the three shadow lords, and hundreds of shadow soldiers, stood at the ready, waiting for Fein's command to attack. The Half Dragon and Half Dark Snake released a massive roar, and Fein knew the fight was on.

Fein quickly assessed his opponents and decided to engage the Half Dragon and Half Dark Snake directly. He charged forward at breakneck speed, leaving a trail of dust and debris behind him. The Half Dragon and Half Dark Snake met him head-on, breathing flames in his direction. Fein expertly dodged the flames and landed a powerful punch on the creature's scales, leaving a visible dent in its armor.

The Half Dragon and Half Dark Snake didn't waste any time, cloning itself a hundred times, filling the area with its clones. Fein was quick to realize that he was outnumbered and decided to use his shadow army to even the odds. The shadow soldiers charged forward, their movements swift and silent as they clashed against the Half Dragon and Half Dark Snake clones.

Fein saw his opportunity and went into his Golden Form, his strength and speed doubling as his eyes turned a bright gold. He charged forward, his fists landing blow after blow on the creature's scales. The Half Dragon and Half Dark Snake were tough opponents, but Fein's determination and skill proved to be too much for them.

The Half Dragon and Half Dark Snake tried to breathe its hot flames on Fein, but he was too fast for them. He darted around the flames, landing precise punches on the creature's scales, slowly chipping away at its defenses. The shadow army kept the clones at bay, and the three shadow lords used their unique abilities to overwhelm the Half Dragon and Half Dark Snake.josei

The fight raged on for several minutes, but Fein's battle experience and determination proved too much for the Half Dragon and Half Dark Snake. With one final blow, Fein shattered the creature's scales, leaving it defeated and motionless on the ground.

Fein emerged from the fight as the winner, but not unscathed. His golden aura flickered, and he reverted to his normal form, exhausted from the intense battle. He surveyed the area, the ground littered with debris and the remains of the Half Dragon and Half Dark Snake clones. "Pretty basic..."



Fein had been teleported to different parts of the Snake Island, searching for a suitable place to rest his weary group. He had grown tired and frustrated, having no luck finding a good place. He was about to teleport again when he heard a rustling sound from a nearby bush. He quickly turned around and saw a Half Dragon, Half Snake creature staring at him with its golden eyes.

Fein was caught off guard, but he quickly regained his composure and greeted the creature. "Hello there, I am Fein. What is your name?" Fein asked in a mischievous tone.

The Half Dragon and Half Snake creature snarled at him, revealing its sharp teeth. "I am not interested in small talk with a puny human like you," the creature replied in an arrogant voice.

Fein chuckled at the creature's arrogance. "Well, I'm sorry to hear that. I was just looking for a place to rest my group. Do you know of any good spots around here?"

The creature let out a menacing laugh. "Do I look like I care about your problems, human? I suggest you leave this place immediately before I decide to make you my next meal."

Fein was not intimidated by the creature's threats. "I see you are a cruel and ruthless creature. But I am not afraid of you. I have faced many challenges in my life, and I have always come out on top."

The Half Dragon and Half Snake creature was taken aback by Fein's boldness. It had never encountered a human who was not afraid of it before. "You talk too much for someone who is about to die," the creature growled as it breathed out a transparent flame hotter than lava.

Fein quickly teleported away, narrowly avoiding the deadly flames. He was not going to let this creature defeat him so easily. He needed to come up with a plan to defeat it.

As Fein thought of a plan, he observed the creature's body language. It was always on the defensive, ready to strike at any moment. Fein knew that the creature was confident in its abilities and that it was a formidable opponent.

Despite the creature's arrogance and ruthlessness, Fein saw something in its eyes that intrigued him. He sensed that there was more to this creature than meets the eye. He was determined to find out more about it.

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