I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 651 Apocalypse Phase

Chapter 651 Apocalypse Phase

The entire continent was shrouded in darkness, as the night sky was the only source of light. It was quiet, too quiet, as if the entire world was holding its breath. Suddenly, a loud explosion shattered the silence, followed by many more. The earth shook violently, buildings trembled, and the ground cracked open in numerous places.

People came out of their houses, bewildered and frightened. They looked up to the sky and saw several portals opening up, one after the other. From these portals, hordes of monsters emerged, pouring into the streets of towns and cities, destroying everything in their path. The monsters were huge, with razor-sharp teeth and claws, their eyes gleaming with hunger and malice.

People ran for their lives, screaming and crying, trying to escape the terror that had come upon them. The sound of destruction and chaos echoed everywhere, as the monsters attacked and killed indiscriminately. The sky was lit up with the flames of burning buildings, and the stench of death filled the air.

Degu users appeared on the scene, trying to fight off the monsters, but they were too few, and the monsters were too many. They fought valiantly, but it was a losing battle. One by one, they fell to the relentless onslaught of the monsters.

The monsters were everywhere, tearing apart buildings, smashing cars, and killing people left and right. People ran and hid wherever they could, but the monsters seemed to be everywhere. They seemed unstoppable, their numbers endless.josei

Amidst the chaos, a man stood alone, watching the destruction from a distance. He was tall and muscular, with long hair and a thick beard. His face was grim and determined, as he watched the carnage unfold.

"We've underestimated them," he muttered to himself. "We should have been better prepared. We should have seen this coming."

He took a deep breath and clenched his fists. "But it's not too late. We can still fight back. We can still save our world."

With that, he turned around and headed towards the nearest portal, determined to find a way to stop the monsters and save his people.


In the kingdom of Andor, the streets were crowded with people running and screaming as monsters poured out from the newly-formed dungeon at the center of the city. Goblins scurried along the ground, picking off helpless civilians one by one, while towering ogres smashed through buildings with their enormous fists. The once-beautiful castle at the heart of the city was now a pile of rubble, and the skies were filled with the smoke and flames of burning buildings.

As the people of Andor tried to fight back against the endless tide of monsters, their efforts proved futile. Swords and arrows bounced harmlessly off the thick hides of the larger creatures, and abilities fizzled out before they could make a dent in their targets. Those who tried to flee were quickly cut down by the monsters' claws and teeth. It was a scene of complete chaos and despair.

Meanwhile, in the neighboring kingdom of Arindale, the situation was no better. Mammoths rampaged through the streets, trampling anyone who crossed their path. Giant tarantulas scuttled along the walls, leaving webs of sticky silk in their wake. Dark creatures with glowing eyes and razor-sharp claws stalked through the shadows, picking off stragglers who had managed to escape the initial onslaught. The once-thriving city was now a ghost town, its streets littered with the bodies of the dead.

ραпdα---nᴏνa| сom In the distant land of Zaldrin, the people fared no better. The monsters that emerged from the dungeon there were unlike any that had been seen before - twisted, demonic creatures that seemed to delight in the pain and suffering of others. They tore through the city, their claws and fangs tearing apart even the sturdiest of buildings. As the people of Zaldrin tried to hold them off, they could feel their hope slipping away with each passing moment. The monsters were just too powerful, too numerous, and too relentless.

Through it all, the people of the continent could do nothing but watch in horror as their homes and loved ones were destroyed before their eyes. The monsters seemed unstoppable, their sheer numbers and ferocity overwhelming even the most skilled of fighters.

As the night wore on, the monsters continued to rampage through the cities and countryside, leaving destruction in their wake. Buildings crumbled and collapsed under their weight, while fires burned out of control, lighting up the darkened skies. Trees were uprooted and smashed to the ground, and the earth trembled with each heavy footstep of the rampaging beasts.

The once-beautiful landscape was now a wasteland, scarred by the monsters' claws and teeth. Rivers and streams were choked with debris, and the air was thick with smoke and dust. The stars were obscured by the haze, and the moon shone dimly through the clouds.

Amidst the chaos, the remaining humans fled for their lives, their homes and livelihoods destroyed. They huddled together in makeshift shelters, shivering with fear and uncertainty. The cries of the wounded and dying echoed through the streets, and the stench of death hung heavily in the air.

As the sun began to rise, the monsters began to retreat back into their dungeons, their hunger for destruction temporarily sated. The survivors emerged from their hiding places, blinking in the harsh light of day, surveying the devastation around them with horror and despair. They knew that rebuilding their homes and lives would be a long and arduous process, but they also knew that they had no choice but to try.

The monsters may have destroyed their homes and killed their loved ones, but they would not destroy their spirit. With grim determination, they began the slow and difficult process of picking up the pieces and moving forward, vowing to never forget the terrible night when the monsters came and changed their world forever.

Fein stood at the center of the city, his shadow army surrounding him. The sound of monsters echoed throughout the streets, causing the civilians to tremble in fear. But Fein's expression remained calm and collected, his perception scanning the area for any sign of monsters.

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