I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 662 Reminder Of Dangers

Chapter 662 Reminder Of Dangers

The news of the destruction of the B rank stronghold from the North spread like wildfire. It was a dark day for humanity. People couldn't believe what they were hearing. The death toll was in the hundreds of thousands, and the stronghold had become a lair for the monsters. The mood was somber, and people were mourning for their loved ones.

In the S-rank stronghold, Fein was standing in the crowd, listening to the news with a heavy heart. His mind was filled with thoughts of what could have happened if the same fate were to befall them. He could see the fear and anxiety etched on everyone's faces.

"This is a tragedy," Fein whispered to himself. "So many lives lost."

Fey, who was standing beside him, looked at Fein with concern. "Fein, are you okay?" she asked.

Fein shook his head. "No, Fey. I can't stop thinking about what would happen if the same fate were to befall us. We need to do something about it."

Melissa, who was standing on the other side of Fey, overheard their conversation and chimed in, "Fein's right. We need to take action. We can't just sit here and wait for the monsters to attack us."

The three of them looked at each other, and there was a shared sense of determination in their eyes. They knew that they needed to do something to protect themselves and their loved ones.

Fein took a deep breath and said, "Let's start by strengthening our stronghold's defenses. We need to make sure that we're prepared for any attacks."

Fey nodded in agreement, and Melissa added, "We should also start training more people to become degu users. We need to increase our numbers if we want to stand a chance against the monsters."

The three of them continued to discuss their plans, and their voices grew louder and more confident. They knew that they had to act fast if they wanted to protect their home and their people.

As they walked away, Fein couldn't help but think that the future was uncertain, and the fate of humanity rested on their shoulders. It was a heavy burden to bear, but he knew that they had to do their best to protect what was important to them.


The news of the destruction of the B rank stronghold in the north had spread like wildfire throughout the land, striking fear into the hearts of all. As rumors circulated of the stronghold becoming a monster lair, people couldn't help but imagine the horrors that awaited them.

Feared and revered, monsters had always been a part of the world. But nothing could have prepared anyone for the sight of the once mighty B rank stronghold, now reduced to a grotesque monster lair.

The sky above was dark, almost as if the very air was choking on the stench of death and decay. The walls that once stood tall and proud were now nothing but rubble, and the streets that were once filled with the bustling life of humans were now silent and still. The very ground beneath one's feet was littered with the remains of human bones, a grim reminder of the destruction that had taken place.

Monsters of all kinds lurked in every corner, their glowing eyes and vicious snarls only adding to the ominous atmosphere. The air was thick with their foul scent, a mixture of rotting flesh and something far more sinister.

In the center of the stronghold stood what was once the main hall, now nothing but a twisted mass of metal and stone. It was there that the strongest of the monsters resided, a beast so fearsome that even the bravest of warriors would tremble in its presence.

The monster had made its home amongst the ruins of the stronghold, its body taking up the entire space of the once grand hall. Its scales were as black as coal, and its eyes glowed with an unholy light. Its roar echoed throughout the lair, a sound that struck fear into the hearts of any who heard it.

In the shadows, one could see the movement of countless other monsters, their slithering forms and bared fangs ready to pounce on any unsuspecting prey. The air was thick with their presence, and it was clear that the stronghold was no longer a place for humans.

The monsters in the destroyed B rank stronghold were grotesque and terrifying to behold. Some resembled the classic goblins, with green skin and long, pointed ears. They were small and wiry, but their eyes glinted with malice and their teeth were sharp and yellow.

Other monsters were larger, more menacing creatures, like the ogres. They towered over the goblins, with thick, muscular bodies and a heavy brow. Their skin was a sickly shade of gray and they had long, knotted hair that hung down in matted tangles.josei

In the shadows lurked creatures that resembled the infamous Mind Flayers. They had slimy, tentacled heads that floated above their thin, humanoid bodies. Their eyes glowed with an otherworldly intelligence, and they seemed to communicate with each other through telepathy.

Other monsters had more animalistic features, like the gnolls. They had the bodies of hyenas, with mottled fur and sharp, vicious teeth. They walked on two legs and had the intelligence of a human, but their feral nature made them unpredictable and deadly.

pαndα---noνɐ1,сoМ Throughout the ruins of the stronghold, there were also hordes of undead monsters. Zombies and skeletons roamed the darkened halls, their rotting flesh and bones creaking with every movement.

All of these monsters were united in their bloodthirsty desire to kill and destroy. They seemed to take pleasure in the carnage they wrought, and their attacks were brutal and merciless. It was clear that anyone who dared to enter the monster lair would be met with a terrifying and deadly force.

As the sun began to set, the stronghold was engulfed in darkness, and the monsters within it seemed to grow even more powerful. It was a chilling reminder of the danger that lurked beyond the walls, and a warning to all who dared to venture into the unknown.

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