I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 668 Aftermath Of The Battle

Chapter 668 Aftermath Of The Battle

Fein had been traveling for days now, exploring the unknown depths of the South. The water around him was dark, almost black, and the only light came from his torch. Suddenly, three massive creatures emerged from the shadows, each one more terrifying than the last.

The first one was a hydra, with nine heads that glowed with a sickly green light. Each head had a different ability, from spitting acid to launching fireballs. Fein could feel the heat coming off the creature's breath even from where he was.

The second one was a Kraken, a hundred meters long and covered in sharp spines. It moved with incredible speed, and its tentacles whipped through the water like a tornado. Fein could hear the sound of its beak snapping shut as it eyed him hungrily.

The last one was a half-man, half-fish creature, with scales covering its body and gills on its neck. Its eyes glowed a bright blue, and Fein could sense a powerful aura emanating from it. He knew this creature would be the most difficult to defeat.josei

Fein drew his sword, and his eyes blazed with a fierce purple light. "You three picked the wrong day to mess with me," he said, his voice calm and controlled.

The hydra launched itself at Fein, its nine heads snapping and hissing. Fein dodged the first few attacks, then struck out with his sword. The blade glowed with purple flames, and as it sliced through the hydra's neck, it left a trail of ash in its wake. The other heads fell to the ground with a sickening thud.

The Kraken attacked next, its tentacles lashing out with incredible force. Fein dodged and weaved through them, his sword flashing in the darkness. With one swift slash, he cut off several of the Kraken's tentacles, causing it to scream in pain and retreat back into the shadows.

The half-man, half-fish creature remained, watching Fein with a cold and calculating eye. It knew it was the most powerful of the three, and it was not going to be defeated easily. Fein could sense its aura, a deep and powerful degu energy that threatened to overwhelm him. For a reason that it was an SS-rank peak monster. Though, Fein with his current swordmanship wasn't the same as his previous self.

Fein charged forward, his sword blazing with purple fire. The half-man, half-fish creature dodged and weaved, but Fein was too fast. He struck out with his sword, and the creature screamed as the blade cut through its scales.

With a final burst of energy, Fein channeled his purple flames into his sword and delivered the final blow. The half-man, half-fish creature fell to the ground, defeated.

Fein stood there, panting and covered in sweat, as a massive wave swept over him. The creatures were gone, reduced to nothing but ash and bone. He had triumphed, and he knew that he was now one step closer to discovering the secrets of the South.


As Fein swam away from the battleground, he was unaware of the massive chunami that had been created as a result of their fight. The waves continued to grow and surge, crashing towards the southern coast. The people living there were caught off guard as they tried to evacuate to higher ground. Amidst the chaos, a group of fishermen was struggling to bring their boats ashore, hoping to save their livelihoods.

The sky had turned dark, and the winds were picking up speed. The once calm and tranquil sea was now a raging beast, with waves taller than trees. The fishermen had never seen anything like this before, and fear crept into their hearts as they tried to hold on to their boats, hoping they wouldn't be swept away.

One of them, a middle-aged man named Carlos, yelled out to his fellow fishermen, "We need to hurry and get the boats to higher ground before it's too late! Grab onto the ropes and pull with all your might!"

The men strained against the ropes, their muscles aching as they tried to bring the boats ashore. But the waves were too strong, and the boats were being tossed around like toys. Carlos could see the fear in his friends' eyes, and he knew they needed a plan.

"Listen, we can't fight against these waves. We need to abandon the boats and make our way to higher ground. We can come back for them later."

"But what about our livelihoods?" one of the fishermen asked.

"We'll worry about that later. Right now, our lives are at stake. Let's go!"

They abandoned their boats and started to run towards the hills. But as they turned back, they saw the chunami rising up like a giant wall of water. It was coming towards them, and there was nowhere to run.

They huddled together, hoping for a miracle. The chunami crashed into the shore, sending water and debris flying in every direction. The fishermen held on to each other, trying to stay afloat as the waves consumed everything in their path.

After what seemed like an eternity, the water began to recede, and the fishermen found themselves lying on the ground, battered and bruised. They looked around and saw the devastation that had been wrought by the chunami. Buildings were destroyed, trees uprooted, and the once beautiful coast was now unrecognizable.

As they slowly got up, they knew that their lives would never be the same again. The chunami had taken everything they had, and they would have to start from scratch. But they were alive, and that was all that mattered.

The fishermen looked out towards the sea, wondering what had caused such a massive wave. Little did they know that it was the aftermath of a battle between Fein and the monsters, a battle that they had no idea had even occurred.


Fein lay still at the bottom of the sea, his body surrounded by the dark, cold water. His chest rose and fell gently as he slept, his hair swaying slightly in the underwater current. The only sound was the soft swishing of the water around him.

Despite the eerie stillness of the underwater world, Fein appeared at peace, as if the sea was his natural habitat. His eyes were closed, his breathing slow and even, and his body relaxed.

As he slept, his mind drifted through various dreams, some of them peaceful and serene, while others were filled with action and adventure. His muscles twitched occasionally, as if he was fighting an unseen foe in his dreams.

The sea creatures around him, large and small, paid no attention to the sleeping warrior, simply going about their business in their own quiet way. The underwater world seemed almost surreal in its beauty and tranquility, and for a moment, Fein seemed to be a part of it.

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