I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 673 The Day

Chapter 673 The Day

As Fein walked towards the office in the Dark Knight's base, he couldn't help but feel relaxed. He was used to receiving bad news, and he knew how to handle them. But as he approached the door, his phone rang, and he knew it wasn't good news. He answered the call, and the worried voice of Michael greeted him.

pαndα---noνɐ1,сoМ "Fein, we have a problem," Michael said.josei

"What's going on?" Fein asked, his relaxed demeanor quickly turning serious.

"An army of demons is headed towards our stronghold. They're being led by fifty powerful devils and three satans, and they'll be here in a matter of hours," Michael explained.

'Fifty devils? three satans?' Fein took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment. He knew this was a serious situation, and he needed to act quickly. After all, devils are equivalent to S rank degu users. While satans are equal to SS rank.

"Get everyone to the command center. We need to come up with a plan," Fein said calmly.

He made his way towards the command center, where he was met with the worried faces of the Dark Knights.

"What's going on, Fein?" Kassandra asked, her voice trembling.

"We're under attack. An army of demons is headed our way, and we need to prepare for battle," Fein said, his voice firm and commanding.

The Dark Knights quickly got to work, gathering weapons and supplies, and preparing for the fight to come. Fein paced back and forth, deep in thought as he tried to come up with a plan.

"We can't just fight them head-on. We need to be strategic," Fein said, addressing the group.

"We could use the portals to our advantage," Brick suggested.

Fein nodded in agreement. "We'll use the portals to divide their army and take them out one by one."

As they continued to plan, Fein's mind raced. He knew this battle would be the toughest one yet, and he couldn't afford to lose.

"We can't lose this stronghold. It's our only hope," Fein said, his voice firm.

The members of the Dark Knights nodded in agreement, determination etched on their faces.

"We won't let you down," Kassandra said, a fierce determination in her eyes.

Fein smiled at her. "I know you won't."

The group continued to plan, each member offering their own suggestions and strategies. Fein listened carefully, taking in everything they said.


The news of the incoming demon army spread quickly throughout the stronghold, causing panic and fear to grip the civilians. Some people were seen huddling together in groups, their faces filled with anxiety and worry. Others were frantically packing their belongings, hoping to escape before the demons arrived.

"I can't believe this is happening," one woman said to her husband. "We thought we were safe here, but now we're trapped."

"I heard the degu users and soldiers will protect us," her husband replied, trying to reassure her. "We just have to trust them."

"I hope you're right," the woman said, clutching onto her husband's arm.

Nearby, a group of children were crying and clinging onto their parents, who tried their best to comfort them.

"Don't worry, kids," one father said. "The degu users will keep us safe. They're the strongest warriors in the world."

"But what if they can't defeat the demons?" one child asked, tears streaming down her face.

"They will," the father said firmly. "We have to believe in them."

As the panic continued, a young man with a determined look on his face made his way through the crowds, stopping to help those in need.

"We have to stay strong," he said to a group of people he was helping to carry supplies. "The degu users and soldiers will protect us, but we have to do our part too."

"But what can we do against demons?" one person asked, their voice trembling with fear.

"We can support each other, stay united, and follow the instructions of the leaders," the young man replied. "We can't let fear consume us. We have to have faith and trust in our protectors."

His words seemed to calm the people, who nodded in agreement and began to work together to prepare for the upcoming battle.

As the civilians worked to fortify the stronghold, the degu users and soldiers prepared for battle, determined to protect their home and the people they swore to defend.

Fein rushed towards the conference room as he received the urgent message from the leaders of the stronghold. The hallway was filled with soldiers rushing towards the walls while the civilians were being escorted to the safe zones. Fear was evident in their faces, but they had no choice but to trust the degu users and soldiers who were assigned to protect them.

When Fein reached the conference room, he saw the leaders of the stronghold gathered around the table, looking grim and serious. They immediately called out to him, "Fein, we need you to gather all the degu users from all the strongholds in the South. We need them to defend the walls and protect the civilians from the demons."

Fein took a deep breath and nodded, "Understood. I'll send out the order right away."

The leaders continued to discuss the plan of action while Fein quickly left the room to execute his task. He grabbed his phone and immediately contacted all the stronghold leaders in the South. The message was simple, yet urgent, "All degu users are to report to the walls immediately. The demons are coming, and we need to defend our stronghold."

As Fein walked towards the walls, he could see the civilians gathered in the safe zones, looking worried and anxious. He knew he had to do something to calm them down, so he climbed up a small stage nearby and spoke through the microphone, "Citizens of our stronghold, I know you are afraid, but we will not let the demons harm you. We have degu users and soldiers who will defend our walls with all their might. We will not let them breach our stronghold. Have faith in us and stay strong."

The civilians looked at him with hopeful expressions, and Fein knew he had to deliver. He took a deep breath and shouted out orders to the degu users and soldiers on the walls, "Get ready! The demons are approaching. Keep your eyes on the horizon and your weapons at the ready. Protect our stronghold at all costs!"

The degu users and soldiers stood firm, ready for the impending battle. Their faces were a mixture of determination and fear, knowing that they were the last line of defense for the stronghold and its civilians.

Fein looked up at the sky and saw dark clouds gathering on the horizon. He knew that the demons were approaching, and the battle was about to begin. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he took his position on the wall.

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