I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 680 The War

Chapter 680 The War: South Vs Demons Pt.5

Suddenly, he heard a voice behind him. "Anthony, we need your help!" It was Brick Norty.

Anthony turned around and saw that Brick was fighting a group of demons. He quickly ran towards Brick and took out his bow and arrows.

"Brick, what's the situation?" Anthony asked as he fired his arrows at the demons.

"They're too strong. We need to come up with a plan," Brick replied as he transformed into his black humanoid monster form.

Anthony nodded. "I have an idea. Follow me," he said as he led Brick towards a group of demons.

Brick watched as Anthony fired an arrow at a demon, hitting it in the eye. The demon screamed and fell to the ground. Anthony quickly ran towards the demon and injected it with a poison syringe.

The demon convulsed and died, and Anthony turned towards Brick. "We need to use their weaknesses against them. I've analyzed their movements, and I think we can take them down if we work together."


eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ Brick nodded. "Let's do this."

Anthony and Brick continued to fight the demons, using Anthony's strategies to their advantage. They took down demon after demon, their movements fluid and coordinated.

Finally, the demons were defeated, and Anthony and Brick stood victorious. They looked at each other and nodded, knowing that they had done their part in the war.

Anthony knew that brute strength alone wouldn't win this war. He needed to outsmart the demons. He pulled out a small vial from his pocket and uncorked it, letting the poisonous mist seep into the air.

The demons, caught off guard, started coughing and retching as the poison filled their lungs. Anthony took the opportunity to launch poison-tipped arrows at them, each one finding its mark with deadly precision.

As the demons fell one by one, Anthony remained calm and focused, calculating his next move. He saw a group of demons approaching from the east and quickly formulated a plan.

He drew a circle in the sand and placed a vial of poison at each point of the circle. Then he waited, his eyes trained on the approaching demons.

As the demons stepped into the circle, Anthony triggered the poison, and they fell to the ground, writhing in agony. He walked up to each one and injected them with a fatal dose of poison, ensuring that they would not rise again.

The war continued, but Anthony remained calm and collected, using his intellect and poison to turn the tide in favor of the Eye of the Dark Knights. He directed the other members of the group with tactical precision, using their strengths to complement his own.


Azazel stood in the middle of the battlefield, scanning the area for any incoming enemies. His sharp eyes quickly caught sight of a group of demons charging towards him.

With a confident grin on his face, he extended his hand and absorbed their kinetic energy, feeling his muscles bulging with power.

The demons leaped at him, but Azazel dodged their attacks with ease, his superhuman speed allowing him to move faster than they could react. He countered their attacks with swift punches and kicks, each strike amplified by the energy he had absorbed. His movements were so quick and precise that the demons couldn't even lay a finger on him.

As more and more demons swarmed around him, Azazel continued to absorb their energy and use it to his advantage. He unleashed blasts of electric energy, incinerating several demons at once. He absorbed heat energy from a nearby explosion and used it to increase his strength, effortlessly tossing a demon into the air and slamming it into the ground.

With each passing moment, Azazel became more powerful, more unstoppable. He absorbed more and more energy, his body pulsing with the intensity of the battle. His eyes glowed with a fierce determination as he fought on, never backing down, never giving up. Through the chaos of the battle, Azazel heard a voice calling out to him. It was Fein, instructing him to go in another part of the battlefield.

Azazel hesitated for a moment, torn between his duty to the war and his desire for more power. But then he remembered the reason he was fighting in the first place. It wasn't for his own glory or power, but to protect the people he cared about.

'Damn, I'm too distracted!' Azazel used the energy he had absorbed to launch himself towards Fein's location, ready to continue the fight. As he ran towards his next target, Azazel couldn't help but feel a surge of pride in his abilities. He knew that he was a valuable asset to the war effort, and he was determined to use his powers to their fullest potential. 

Without warning, a group of demons charged towards him. Azazel calmly absorbed the kinetic energy from their movements, causing them to stumble and fall to the ground. He then directed the energy towards his legs, allowing him to move at incredible speed. The demons were caught off guard as Azazel darted around them, dodging their attacks with ease.

As he moved, he absorbed the electric energy from the demons' attacks, strengthening his own energy reserves. With a burst of energy, he launched himself towards the nearest demon, delivering a devastating punch that sent it flying across the battlefield.

The other demons hesitated for a moment, shocked by Azazel's display of power. This gave him the opportunity to focus on their energy signatures, identifying their strengths and weaknesses. He absorbed the heat energy from their flames, causing them to weaken, and redirected it towards his own attacks.

Azazel formed a ball of energy in his hands, charging it with all the energy he had absorbed. With a fierce yell, he launched the attack at the demons, causing a massive explosion that sent them flying in all directions.

A group of degu users approached him, looking for direction. Azazel nodded at them, his mind already formulating a plan. "We need to focus on taking out the demon's leaders," he said. "They're the ones controlling the others. If we can take them out, the rest of the demons will be disorganized."

The degu users nodded, and Azazel led them towards the center of the battlefield. As they ran, he continued to absorb the energy around him, readying himself for the coming fight.

The demons saw them coming and launched a barrage of attacks, but Azazel was ready. He absorbed the kinetic energy of the attacks, dodging and weaving through them with ease. He then absorbed the electric energy, using it to enhance his own speed and strength.

With a fierce battle cry, Azazel charged towards the A-rank peak demon leaders or demons lords, his energy levels peaking. He unleashed a barrage of attacks, fueled by all the energy he had absorbed. The demon lords were caught off guard, unable to withstand the attack which contain an enormous amount of energy.

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