I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 682 Fenrir And One-Eye Ghoul Versus Asmodeus

Chapter 682 Fenrir And One-Eye Ghoul Versus Asmodeus

Fein, who remained silent for a while, have enough of the arrogance of the demons. SS ranks? He just needed hiss sword to kill them with his current level of swordsmanship. Not to mention his new forms and golden mist technique. "Stop, this Satans are too contemptuous. I'll show them that I don't need to kill them personally."

Fein's word made the Satans snort. Mammon glared at Fein. "Let's see about that." 

'These demons are a bit like from the books in my world.' Fein carefully compared the four satans' appearance on the books on Earth.

Asmodeus is a tall and imposing demon with jet black hair that falls in long, straight locks to his waist. His eyes are a piercing red, and his sharp, angular features are framed by high cheekbones and a strong jawline. He wears black robes that are adorned with intricate gold embroidery, and a gold medallion hangs around his neck. Asmodeus exudes an air of confidence and arrogance, his posture and movements are graceful yet precise, and his voice is smooth and seductive.

Mammon is a short and stout demon with a large, rotund belly and thick, muscular arms. His skin is a deep crimson color, and his eyes are small and beady, giving him a shrewd and cunning appearance. He has a long, bushy beard that is matted with dirt and grime, and his horns curl inwards towards each other, framing his face. Mammon is often seen wearing a ragged loincloth and carrying a large sack of gold coins over his shoulder, which he clings onto tightly with both hands.

Abaddon is a towering demon with jet black skin that is covered in thick, bony protrusions. His eyes glow a fierce yellow, and his face is twisted into a permanent scowl, giving him a menacing and fearsome appearance. He wears dark armor made of interlocking plates that cover his entire body, and his hands end in sharp, claw-like fingers. Abaddon moves with a slow and deliberate gait, exuding a sense of overwhelming power and menace.

Leviathan is a massive serpent-like demon that coils and writhes in the air. His scales shimmer with an iridescent green and blue hue, and his eyes are a piercing orange that seem to glow with an otherworldly light. His mouth is filled with razor-sharp teeth, and his long, sinuous body is adorned with sharp spikes and fins that allow him to move swiftly and gracefully through the air. Despite his intimidating appearance, Leviathan has a calm and almost serene demeanor, his movements are fluid and graceful, and his voice is deep and melodious.

"I'll let my shadow emperors fight you for my sake." Fein grinned. He wants to see if hiss shadow emperors are strong enough to fight satans. After all, his shadow emperors are SS-rank shadow creatures, but he doesn't know how strong they really are.

Asmodeus turned his head at the four shadow emperor with a glint on his eyes. Fallen Arc Angel, A tall, slender figure with nine dark feathered wings that span wide. Her skin is a pale white, and her eyes are a piercing blue. She wears armor made of silver and gold, and carries a long sword made of crystal.

Death God, A cloaked figure with a skeletal face and bony fingers. He carries a large scythe made of black metal, and his eyes glow with an eerie red light. He wears a tattered cloak that billows behind him in the wind.

Fenrir, A massive wolf-like creature with dark fur and glowing yellow eyes. His teeth are razor sharp, and he moves with incredible speed and agility. He wears a collar made of gold and silver, and his fur bristles with power.

One-Eye Ghoul, A humanoid figure with grey skin and a single glowing red eye. He has long, sharp claws and a sinister grin. He wears a dark cloak that conceals his form, and his movements are silent and deadly.

'Is this what really a human could control?' Asmodeuss thought inwardly. He could feel that the energy levels of the four shadow emperors weren't worse than satans like them. If this human called Fein could control such creatures, then how strong is he? Could it be he could fight our Demon God? No, that's not possible!'

Leviathan didn't know that one of them have blasphemous thoughts. In the Abyss, the demon god is the supreme authority and the most powerful of all.


eαglesnᴏνel As One-Eyed Ghoul and Fenrir faced off against Asmodeus, the air crackled with tension. The wasteland shook as they prepared to engage in battle, their powers surging within them.

Asmodeus stood before them, his demonic form towering over the two Shadow Emperors. His eyes flickered with a dangerous light as he gazed down upon them, a sly smile curling his lips.

"Well, well, well," he purred. "What do we have here? A couple of mutts come to play with the big dog?"

Fenrir growled in response, his fur bristling as he stepped forward. "We're not afraid of you, demon," he snarled. "We'll tear you apart piece by piece."

Asmodeus chuckled. "I highly doubt that, my furry friend. But I'm always up for a little sport."

With a flick of his wrist, Asmodeus unleashed a blast of hellfire that sent One-Eyed Ghoul and Fenrir scrambling for cover. They regrouped quickly, however, and sprang forward to engage their foe.

One-Eyed Ghoul moved first, his shadow claws extending from his fingertips as he charged at Asmodeus. The demon sidestepped the attack with ease, his form flickering as he shifted out of the way. He retaliated with a lustful gaze that left One-Eyed Ghoul momentarily stunned.

Fenrir seized the opportunity, leaping in with his wolf's fury. His powerful jaws closed around Asmodeus's arm, biting down with all his might. Asmodeus roared in pain, but his demonic form proved too strong for Fenrir's teeth to pierce.

With a snarl, Asmodeus sent Fenrir flying with a backhanded blow. The Shadow Emperor slammed into the ground, sending a shockwave through the wasteland. One-Eyed Ghoul charged forward again, his unseen strike allowing him to slip behind Asmodeus and deliver a vicious blow to his back.josei

Asmodeus howled in rage, lashing out with his demon form to send One-Eyed Ghoul hurtling away. The Shadow Emperor landed in a heap, but quickly sprang back to his feet. He and Fenrir circled Asmodeus warily, waiting for an opening.

The demon was not about to give them one, however. He unleashed another hellfire blast, forcing them to retreat once again. Fenrir countered with a frost breath that coated Asmodeus's feet in ice, but the demon shattered it with a single stomp.

The battle raged on, each side trading blows and spells. Asmodeus was formidable, but One-Eyed Ghoul and Fenrir were not to be underestimated. With each passing moment, the wasteland was torn apart by their power.

Finally, after what felt like hours of combat, Asmodeus stumbled. One-Eyed Ghoul seized the opportunity, sinking his shadow claws deep into the demon's back. Fenrir joined in, biting and clawing at Asmodeus with all his might.

With a final roar of defiance, Asmodeus was defeated. His body crumbled to dust, scattering in the wind. One-Eyed Ghoul and Fenrir stood victorious, their forms wreathed in shadow and frost. The wasteland was a shattered ruin, but they had emerged triumphant.

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