I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 685 The South's Victory

Chapter 685 The South's Victory

"You dare challenge me, Death God?" Abaddon snarled, his eyes glowing with malevolent energy. "I will crush you beneath my heel like the insect you are."

Death God merely chuckled, a dark, eerie sound that echoed through the wasteland. "You are bold, Abaddon, but you underestimate my power," he said. "I am Death God, and I am not so easily defeated."

The two combatants charged at each other, their powers clashing in a titanic struggle that sent shockwaves throughout the wasteland. Abaddon unleashed a wave of darkness that engulfed Death God, but the Shadow Emperor merely laughed as he emerged unscathed, his undead shield protecting him from harm.

"You are powerful, Abaddon, but you lack finesse," Death God taunted. "Your attacks are blunt and predictable, and they will not defeat me."

Abaddon growled in frustration, and his form shifted, transforming into that of a massive scorpion. He charged forward, his claws and stinger striking with deadly precision, but Death God was quick and nimble, dodging and weaving around his attacks.

Death God responded with a barrage of dark blasts that streaked towards Abaddon, but the scorpion form proved too agile, easily avoiding the blasts and striking back with his own deadly claws and stinger. The two combatants continued to clash, their powers and abilities unleashing destruction on the already battered wasteland.josei

The leaders of Xeno Great Alliance and the Degu Users watched in awe and horror as the two titans battled, unleashing destruction on the land around them. The ground shook, and fissures opened up, spewing forth flames and molten lava. The sky darkened, and thunder rumbled, as if the very elements themselves were protesting the violence.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Death God delivered the final blow, a Death Touch that struck Abaddon directly in the chest. Abaddon writhed in agony, and his form flickered and dissolved, returning to his demonic form. Death God stepped forward, a dark smile on his face.


The Death God stood poised and ready for his next order from Fein. His dark aura emanated around him, swirling with malice and power. The wasteland was now a battlefield, torn apart by the previous battles that had taken place there.

Fein frowned when he realized that Mammon had fled the scene. "Pathetic," he muttered under his breath. "I thought he had more spine than that."

The Death God tilted his head, sensing Fein's disappointment. "Shall I pursue him, my lord?" he asked, his voice laced with dark promises of death.

Fein shook his head. "No, there's no need. We've accomplished what we came here to do. Leviathan, Asmodeus, and Abaddon's demise will send a clear message to the rest of the Satans that they cannot interfere with us. Mammon would surely exaggerate what happened."

The Death God nodded, understanding his master's plan. "As you wish, my lord," he replied, ready to carry out whatever orders Fein gave him.

The degu users watched in awe as the two powerful beings conversed, sensing the immense power emanating from both of them. They were grateful to have Fein and his summons on their side, but also terrified of what they were capable of.

The wasteland around them was now a testament to the destructive power of the battle that had taken place there. The ground was scorched and cracked, and the air was filled with the acrid scent of burning sulfur and ozone. The degu users knew that it would take a long time for the land to recover from the devastation.

Fein turned to the Death God. "Return to your realm, Death God. Rest and replenish your strength. We may have need of your services again soon."

The Death God bowed deeply. "As you command, my lord," he said, before disappearing in a swirl of dark mist.

Fein watched him go, feeling satisfied with the outcome of the battle. He knew that the other Satans would think twice before challenging him and the South again.

"You too guys." Fein turned his head at his other three shadow emperors.

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ "Yes, my lord." The fallen arc angel, fenrir, and one-eyed ghoul vanished.

The degu users watched in silence as Fein's summons disappeared, feeling grateful for their protection but also afraid of the power that they wielded. They knew that they would never forget the battle that had taken place on their land and the devastating power of the beings that had fought there.

'Next are the other regions.' Fein looked at the dark clouds that were looming the battlefield began to recede. He wonders what are the current state of North, West, East, and Central Plains were. He was sure that the war over those regions and the demons weren't over yet. 'Should I let my shadow emperors go there to help them?'


The war had ended, and the South had won. The strongholds were filled with cheers and celebrations. The citizens of the South were grateful for the degu users, the leaders, and Fein, who had fought for their freedom and safety.

In the Stronghold of Solstice, people were dancing, singing, and shouting. They were celebrating the end of the war, the return of peace, and the sacrifice of those who had fought for them. The smell of food and drinks filled the air, and music played in the background.

A man in his mid-30s was standing in the middle of the crowd. He looked up at the sky, and his eyes were filled with tears. "Thank you," he said, his voice shaking with emotion. "Thank you for saving us."

A woman who was standing next to him put her hand on his shoulder. "We should thank Lord Fein," she said, smiling. "Without him, we wouldn't be here."

The man nodded, wiping away his tears. "Yes, Lord Fein," he said. "And his four shadow emperors. I heard they were amazing."

The woman nodded. "Yes, they were," she said. "I heard they fought like demons, but they protected us like angels."

As the celebration continued, people began to share their own stories and rumors about Fein and his shadow emperors. Some said that they had seen the shadow emperors with their own eyes, and they were terrified and amazed at the same time. Others said that they had heard their powerful roars from miles away, and it was as if they were calling the demons to come and fight.

In the Stronghold of Eclipse, a group of children were playing games, running and laughing around the square. Their parents were sitting on the benches, watching them, and talking about the war.

A man with a beard was telling a story about how he saw Fein and his shadow emperors in action. "I was hiding behind a building," he said, "and I saw them fighting the demons. It was like nothing I had ever seen before. The shadow emperors; fallen angel, wolf, death reaper, and a ghoul with one eye. They were moving so fast, and their abilities were so powerful. And Lord Fein, he was like a god, controlling them with ease."

A woman sitting next to him nodded, impressed. "I heard that they could summon undead spirits and control insects," she said. "It's incredible what they can do."

The man with the beard chuckled. "Yes, it is," he said. "And you know what? I heard that Fein can even turn into a giant insect-like creature. Can you imagine that?"

The woman gasped, covering her mouth. "No way," she said. "That's impossible."

As the day went on, more and more people gathered in the strongholds, sharing stories and rumors about Fein and his shadow emperors. The rumors became more and more exaggerated that made some people skeptical, but most were amazed and grateful. They knew that they had won the war because of the courage and sacrifice of the degu users and their leader.

And as the sun set over the South, the celebration continued, and the citizens of the South danced and sang, grateful for their freedom and safety, and for the heroes who had fought for them.

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