I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 693 The Competition Begins

Chapter 693 The Competition Begins

Fein stood atop a mountain, his new armor and sword glistening in the sunlight. He was ready to test out his creation and see just how effective it was. Voli and Fey stood nearby, watching with interest.

Fein drew his sword and swung it through the air, feeling the weight and balance of it. The blade sliced through the wind effortlessly, leaving behind a trail of black energy.

"Wow, Fein. This sword is amazing," said Fey, his eyes widening in admiration.

"I agree. It's a true masterpiece," added Voli.

Fein grinned proudly. "Thanks, guys. But the real test is yet to come."

He sheathed his sword and donned his new armor, made from the sturdy hides of a Minotaur and reinforced with the wings of a Gargoyle. The armor felt comfortable, yet durable, and Fein knew he would be well protected in battle.

As he began to descend the mountain, he spotted a group of monsters below. Fein unsheathed his sword and charged forward, ready to put his creation to the test.

The first monster he encountered was a large, snarling wolf. Fein swung his sword with ease, and the wolf's fur was immediately singed by the sword's heat. The blade also left a deep cut, causing the wolf to howl in pain.

Next, Fein encountered a group of goblins. He swung his sword once again, and this time the blade glowed brightly, illuminating the area around him. The goblins were momentarily blinded, giving Fein the opportunity to strike them down.

Finally, Fein faced off against a giant stone golem. The golem was incredibly strong, but Fein's sword had a special ability. He swung the blade and it glowed with an intense heat, melting the golem's stone armor. The armor quickly reformed, but Fein was ready. He swung his sword once more, this time releasing a razor-sharp crescent of black energy that sliced through the golem with ease.

As the last monster fell to the ground, Fein breathed a sigh of relief. His armor and sword had proven to be incredibly effective, and he knew he could rely on them to win the competition. "That was incredible, Fein!" exclaimed Fey, clapping him on the back.

Voli nodded in agreement. "You truly have outdone yourself with this creation."

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ Fein smiled, feeling proud of himself and his work. "Thanks, guys. I couldn't have done it without your help and support."

Together, the three friends made their way back down the mountain, Fein's new armor and sword shining in the sunlight.


As Fein arrived at the competition, he saw other contestants setting up their displays and making final preparations. He felt a mix of nerves and excitement, knowing that he had put his heart and soul into creating his entry. Fein approached the other competitors, admiring their work and striking up friendly conversations.

One contestant had created a stunning suit of armor with intricate engravings, while another had crafted a powerful and elegant rapier. Fein was impressed by the level of skill and creativity on display, but he remained focused on his own entry, carefully positioning his sword and armor on his display table.

The judges, Juli, Goliath, and Ferry, were all experienced blacksmiths who had participated in numerous competitions over the years. They stood around the three male participants, examining their creations carefully and in detail.

Juli, a stern-looking woman with a no-nonsense attitude, picked up Krizzy's axe and examined the handle closely. "The grip is a bit too slippery for my liking," she commented, "but the weight distribution is good. You'll be able to swing this for hours without getting tired."

Goliath, a towering man with muscles bulging out of his shirt, took a step back from Brian's spear and looked it over from a distance. "This is a well-balanced weapon," he said, "but I think the tip could be a bit sharper. It'll penetrate armor, but not as easily as it could."

Ferry, a wiry man with quick movements, picked up Dave's saber and tested its weight in his hand. "I like the curve of the blade," he said, "it'll make for some deadly slashes. But the edge needs to be sharpened a bit more. It's not going to cut through anything too thick right now."

As the judges gave their comments and criticism, the audience and other participants listened intently. Fein watched from the sidelines, taking mental notes of what the judges were looking for in a winning entry.

After the judges had finished inspecting the weapons, they stepped back and began discussing among themselves. Fein couldn't hear what they were saying, but he could see the intensity on their faces. They were taking this competition very seriously. 

"Well, the three of you have a good level of blacksmithing skills. You have excellent grasps of materials and good techniques. I can see the hard work in your creation." Goliath looked at the three nervous participants and smiled.

Krizzy, Brian, and Dave breathe sigh of relief as they heard the conclusion the judges came up with. 

'Damn! I'll surely win here!' Dave snickered inwardly.


After the three male participants, Krizzy, Brian, and Dave, the judges continued with another five participants. However, only one of them passed the judges' scrutiny, and the rest failed miserably. The judges criticized their work harshly but factually, leaving the audience and other participants stunned.josei

Juli, Goliath, and Ferry exchanged glances with one another, their expressions grim as they examined the entries of the remaining participants. The first contestant had created a mace, but the handle was crooked, and the head was not centered. Goliath shook his head in disappointment as he took a closer look.

"This is unacceptable. How can you expect to win with such shoddy workmanship? The head is off-center, and the handle is crooked. It's practically unusable," he said, his tone stern and unyielding.

The second contestant had created a bow and arrow set, but the arrows were of different lengths, and the bowstring was too loose. Juli furrowed her brows as she inspected the equipment, her lips pursed in disapproval.

"The arrows are different lengths, and the bowstring is too loose. This is not the mark of a skilled craftsman," she said, her voice laced with disappointment.

The third contestant had created a set of throwing knives, but they were dull and poorly balanced. Ferry shook her head as she tested the knives' weight and balance, her expression one of mild disgust.

"These knives are dull and poorly balanced. You could not hit the broad side of a barn with them," she said, her tone brusque and unsympathetic.

The fourth contestant had created a hammer, but the head was loose, and the handle was too short. Goliath scowled as he examined the hammer, his disappointment palpable.

"The head is loose, and the handle is too short. This hammer is not fit for anything more than a doorstop," he said, his tone harsh and critical.

The fifth and final contestant had created a shield, but it was too heavy and cumbersome to be used effectively in combat. Juli sighed as she tested the shield's weight and balance, her expression one of resignation.

"The shield is too heavy and cumbersome. It would be more of a hindrance than a help in combat," she said, her tone regretful.

The audience and other participants watched in silence as the judges gave their criticism, knowing that they, too, would be subjected to the same scrutiny when it was their turn.

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