I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 714 Transformation To Blood Primogenitor

Chapter 714 Transformation To Blood Primogenitor

Fein walked through the opulent halls of the Vladimir Mansion, his eyes taking in the grandeur of his surroundings. As he approached the door to Lucius's study, he could hear the sound of the patriarch's deep voice emanating from within.

"Come in," Lucius called out before Fein even had a chance to knock.

Fein pushed open the door and entered the study, where he found Lucius sitting behind his desk. Sofia was nowhere to be seen.

"Fein, my boy!" Lucius said, standing up to greet him with a wide smile. "It's been too long since we last spoke. How have you been?"

"I've been well, Lucius," Fein replied, taking a seat in front of the desk. "I just came to check on Sofia's progress and see how you've been."

Lucius nodded, his expression growing more serious. "Sofia is doing quite well. She's in her final phase of training and should be able to breakthrough to the S-rank realm soon."

Fein nodded in understanding. "That's great news. I'm sure she'll make a formidable S-rank degu user."

eαglesnovel`c,om Lucius leaned back in his chair, his eyes studying Fein's face intently. "Speaking of degu users, I must say I'm impressed by your recent accomplishments. Killing Niki and Maxwell Greyfold was no small feat."

Fein shrugged nonchalantly. "It was just something that had to be done."

Lucius raised an eyebrow. "Fein, don't be so modest. You've surpassed even my expectations for you. I must say, I'm quite proud of what you've become."

Fein shifted uncomfortably in his seat, feeling a hint of embarrassment at Lucius's praise. He decided to change the subject.

"Lucius, there's something I've been meaning to ask you," Fein said, taking a deep breath. "You've offered me the chance to become a vampire before because I'm you daughter's boyfriend, and I've always declined. But...I think it's time for me to accept your offer."

Lucius's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? This is unexpected, but welcome news. I'm glad you've come to see the benefits of immortality."

Fein closed his eyes and took a deep breath, focusing his mind on the transformation process. As he opened his eyes, they had turned blood-red, and his pupils had elongated into slits. His canine teeth had grown into sharp fangs, and his skin had turned deathly pale.

Lucius gasped in awe, his eyes wide with shock. "Fein...you're already a vampire!?"

Fein smiled thinly, his fangs glinting in the dim light of the study. "Yes, Lucius. I am."

Lucius stared at Fein for a long moment, his expression a mix of fear and awe. Finally, he found his voice.

"You truly are a monster, Fein," he whispered. "But I suppose that's why I respect you so much. Is Sofia the one who converted you? But why do I feel your blood concentration is a bit low?"

"Well, I'm I didn't exactly turn into a vampire in the conventional method. You just have to think of me as special and have my own way of becoming one. As for why my vampire blood has a low blood quality, it's because I didn't choose my source carefully." Fein chuckled.

"Lucius, Can you give me some of your blood?" Fein looked at Lucius. He plans to use his ability to save Lucius DNA on his gene bank and become a blood primogenitor, obtain blood manipulation exclusive to Lucius.  josei

Fein's question lingered in the air for a few seconds, the room was filled with silence as Lucius looked at him with confusion. The request was strange, even for someone like Fein. Lucius couldn't help but wonder what could Fein possibly want his blood for. He decided to break the silence and ask.

"Why do you want my blood, Fein?" Lucius said, his voice stern yet curious.

Fein paused for a moment, pondering if he should reveal the truth. But he knew it was better to keep it a secret, so he decided to give a vague answer.

"I have my reasons," Fein said, looking straight into Lucius' eyes.

Lucius didn't seem satisfied with the answer, but he didn't press the matter further. He simply sighed and looked away. It was then that Fein felt the need to explain himself.

"Lucius, I have something to tell you. I've become a blood primogenitor," Fein said, with a serious expression on his face.

Lucius' eyes widened in shock. "What? That's impossible," he said, looking at Fein with disbelief.

Fein didn't say anything and instead began his transformation. His body started to change, and a weird phenomenon appeared. The sky turned from a bright afternoon to a dark, blood-red night. The moon hung in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the room. Lucius was speechless, he had never witnessed such a transformation before.

Fein's body started to expand and grow, his skin turned a deep shade of red, and his eyes turned blood-red. His fangs grew, and his body hair turned into a thick, dark fur. His nails became long and sharp, resembling claws.

Fein stood up, towering over Lucius. The room shook, and the air was filled with an intense aura that made Lucius feel uneasy. Fein looked at Lucius, his eyes glowing with a bright red light.

"I have obtained the power of blood manipulation, Lucius. I am now a blood primogenitor," Fein said, his voice deep and intimidating.

Lucius couldn't believe what he was seeing. He knew that only one blood primogenitor could exist in the world. But Fein had somehow managed to break that law and become an exception.

Fein's transformation had caused a weird phenomenon, and Lucius knew that the birth of a blood primogenitor was always accompanied by such an occurrence. He looked at Fein with a mixture of fear and respect.

"You have truly became one," Lucius said, his voice trembling with excitement.

Doesn't this mean his daughter's husband is a blood primogenitor like him!? Although he doesn't really care about bloodline purity much since he only wants his daughter to be happy. It would still be good if the next generation's bloodline is pure. However, Sofia would have to marry a vampire with high-quality blood in order to do that, which was impossible since Fein was a human. However, now that Fein transformed into Blood Primogenitor, Lucius knew that it was only a matter of time before the birth of a special creature that Sofia might bear from Fein would bless the world. 

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