I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 721 Gift To Fey

Chapter 721 Gift To Fey

Name: Fein Bonifacio

Race: Absorberus, Perfect Organism, 10th dimensional being (1%)

Talent:  SS

Class: Wizard

Ratio: 1 in 1,000,000,000 Genius

Energies: SS rank (Degu Energy), SS rank (Magical Power)

Str: SS

Agi: SS

End: SS

Bestowed upon: Blessing of the Serpent Race.

Understanding of the Laws: fire lvl 26, water lvl 27, wind lvl 26, earth lvl 53, thunder lvl 24, ice lvl 27, wood lvl 26, shadow lvl 12, time lvl 3, space lvl 24, darkness lvl 23, light lvl 5, death lvl 26, blood lvl 15, destruction lvl 16, snow lvl 20...

Skills: Swordsmanship Lvl 51 (Grandmaster), Cooking Lvl 51, Climbing Lvl 51, Driving Lvl 51, Spying Lvl 51, Boxing Lvl 51, Blacksmithing 31 etc...

Elemental Techniques: Lightning Speed, Elemental Sphere, Elemental Gun, World Tree Domain, Flame Advent, Lightning Flicks, Death Ozone, Decay, High-Temp Adjustment, Low-Temp Adjustment, Blood Lock, Blood Rush State, Destruction Flame...

Degu Abilities: Storage Space, Stats Improvement, Probe, Map, Lottery, Titles, Disease Immunity, Lightning Manipulation (Pseudo-God), Wind Manipulation (Pseudo God), Super Typhoon Domain (Pseudo-Mythical), Greater Resize (Mythical), Golden Human Form (Pseudo-Mythical), Pre-Historic Human Form (Mythical), Phasing, Superspeed, Phasing Punch, Phasing Arrow, Shadow Manipulation.

Additional Abilities: Ghecko Substitution (Mythical), Gene Bank (Mythical), Perfect Transformation (Mythical), Absorption (God), Infinite Magic Power (Mythical)

Gene Bank (Recorded Creatures): Normal Animals, Ravens, Skeleton Warrior, Dark Ghoul, Undead Knight, Mummy, Bee Killers, Golden Giant, White Leopard, Zombie, Vampire (Blood Primogenitor), Wolf, High Rank Demon...

Spells: Illusionary Maze (A-rank), Shadow Assassin (A-rank), Rain Meteorite (S-rank), Hellfire (S-rank), Mighty Explosion (S-rank)

Fein took a deep breath and closed his eyes, feeling the warmth of the sun's rays on his skin. He sat in the middle of his room, surrounded by books and notes scattered on the floor. He had just made a decision that could change his entire existence, but he refused to let it consume him.

"I won't worry about what the future holds," Fein muttered to himself, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'll take it one step at a time. It could take millions of years before I become a full 10th-dimensional being."

Fein opened his eyes and glanced around the room. The sun's rays had illuminated the space, casting a golden glow on everything. He stood up and walked over to the window, feeling the warm breeze brush against his face. He looked out at the vast expanse of the sky, feeling a sense of calm wash over him.

"I won't let the weight of my destiny crush me," Fein said, his voice steady and resolute. "I'll face whatever comes my way, and I'll do it with grace and determination."

Fein turned away from the window and walked back to his desk. He picked up a pen and began writing in his journal, detailing his plans for the future. He felt a sense of clarity and purpose as he wrote, the words flowing easily from his mind to the page.


"I'll continue my research, and I'll keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible," Fein said, his pen scratching across the paper. "I won't let anyone or anything hold me back."

Fein finished writing and closed his journal, feeling a sense of satisfaction wash over him. He looked around the room once more, taking in the sun-drenched space and the quiet calm that surrounded him.

"I'll take what the future throws at me," Fein said, his voice filled with determination. "And I'll make the most of every opportunity that comes my way."

Fein entered his blacksmithing room, a space that was his sanctuary. He closed the door behind him, shutting out the outside world and immersing himself in the warmth of the sun rays that streamed in through the window. He thought about his sister, Fey, and what weapon he could create for her.

After a few moments of contemplation, Fein decided on a pair of boots. He smiled to himself as he thought of the perfect name for them - "Tholanoid." Fein began to work his magic, incorporating his understanding of laws and the materials he had at hand. The result was an A-rank artifact with three special abilities that would make Fey's heart sing.

eαglesnᴏνel Fein admired his creation and began to describe the abilities to himself. The first ability was called "Lightning Step." It allowed the wearer to move at incredible speeds, boosting their movement speed by 800%. Fein was proud of this ability since it would enable Fey to outrun her enemies in combat.

The second ability was called "Aerial Float." It allowed the wearer to float in mid-air for up to five minutes. Fein knew that this ability would be useful for Fey to evade attacks from below and gain a better vantage point in combat.

The third ability was called "Shockwave." It allowed the wearer to create a powerful shockwave upon landing from a jump or fall, which could knock back nearby enemies. This ability would give Fey an advantage in close combat.

Fein took a step back and examined his creation once again. He could almost see Fey's smile as she received the boots. He imagined the joy on her face as she discovered the abilities of the Tholanoid.

However, Fein also knew that his creation was not without limitations. He had put all his skills and knowledge into the creation, but he was only human. He couldn't create an artifact without its share of drawbacks. The Tholanoid had a limited use of its abilities, and its power would deplete with every use. Moreover, the boots would require a significant amount of degu energy to recharge.

Fein looked around his room, taking in the tools and materials scattered around him. He knew he had created something remarkable, but it was only a small step towards his ultimate goal. He resolved to continue working and honing his skills until he could create artifacts that would change the world.

With a smile on his face and the Tholanoid in his hand, Fein left his blacksmithing room, ready to give his creation to his sister.


Fey smiled. "Thanks, brother."

Fein smiled at his sister, "You're welcome, Fey. I know you'll put them to good use." He handed the boots to her and watched as she put them on.

Fey lifted her feet off the ground and floated in the air. She spun around, feeling the rush of the wind against her skin. "These are amazing, Fein! What did you call them again?"

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