I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 728 Fourth Wave

Chapter 728 Fourth Wave

As the dust from the previous battle settled, the third wave of monsters appeared on the horizon. The giant mammoth was leading the pack, with the flying eyeball circling above it. The dark green werewolves, covered in pus, followed close behind. The last in line was a towering 100-meter-tall stone statue.josei

Anna, Dave, Bethold, Iren, and Garmisha stood alongside the S-rank shadow lords, Chimera ant, arc angel, and death knight, ready to take on the new wave of monsters.

"Everyone, be on guard. These monsters won't go down easily," warned the death knight.

"Iren, take care of the flying eyeball. Garmisha, handle the werewolves. Dave, Anna, Bethold, focus on the mammoth. The rest of us will deal with the statue," commanded the Chimera ant.

The group split up, and the battle began. Dave charged towards the mammoth, his superhuman strength propelling him forward. Anna followed closely behind, wielding her sword with precision.

The mammoth charged towards Dave, tusks bared. Dave dodged out of the way and grabbed onto the mammoth's tusk, using it as leverage to swing himself up onto the creature's back. Anna leaped up after him and began attacking the mammoth's thick hide with her sword.

Bethold joined in the fray, using his powers of telekinesis to lift boulders and hurl them at the mammoth. The mammoth stumbled under the weight of the rocks, and Dave took the opportunity to plunge his sword into the mammoth's eye. The creature let out a deafening roar and collapsed to the ground, defeated.

Meanwhile, Iren took to the skies, dodging the flying eyeball's attacks. She conjured up a fierce gust of wind and sent the creature tumbling to the ground. Garmisha was dealing with the werewolves, her power to control metal allowing her to manipulate their weapons and turn them against their owners.

As for the shadow lords, they were battling the towering stone statue. The arc angel used her powers of light to blind the creature, while the Chimera ant launched powerful energy blasts from its mouth. The death knight used his sword to strike at the statue's ankles, causing it to stumble and fall to the ground.

The battle raged on for what felt like hours, with the degu users and shadow lords fighting tooth and nail to fend off the horde of monsters. The ground shook underfoot as the massive creatures fell, their roars echoing through the air.

In the end, the group emerged victorious, though not without casualties. The S-rank stronghold lay in ruins, the once-sturdy walls now reduced to rubble. The degu users were battered and bruised, some of them nursing serious injuries.

"We did it. We held them off," panted Anna, leaning heavily on her sword.

"But there's still forth wave and sixth..." replied Bethold, surveying the surrounding destruction.

The group looked around at the devastation wrought by the battle, knowing that there were still three more waves of monsters to come.


As they waited for the fourth wave of monsters, the group huddled together, taking a moment to catch their breath and prepare for the upcoming battle. Anna looked over at Dave, concern etched on her face.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

Dave nodded, his expression grim. "I've been better. But we need to keep going."

Bethold, a young degu user with a shock of curly hair, chimed in. "Yeah, we can't let these monsters destroy our homes."

Iren, a middle-aged woman with a scar running down her cheek, spoke up. "We'll get through this together. We have to."

Garmisha, a hulking brute of a man with a scar above his eyebrow, grunted in agreement. "We'll fight 'em off, no matter what."

The shadow lords, meanwhile, went to Fein to report the casualties caused by the previous waves. Fein listened to their report with a heavy heart, his eyes downcast.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I didn't expect the waves to be this strong."

"We're doing everything we can," said the Chimera Ant. "But we could use some backup."

Fein nodded, deep in thought. "I'll summon the shadow emperors. They'll be able to take care of the last wave if necessary."

The shadow lords thanked him and returned to the group, ready to face whatever came next. As they waited for the fourth wave, the tension in the air was palpable. The sound of distant roars and howls filled the air, and everyone knew that they were in for the fight of their lives.

Suddenly, a deafening roar echoed across the battlefield, shaking the ground beneath their feet. The fourth wave had arrived, and it was even more terrifying than anyone had anticipated.

Hordes of monsters charged towards the stronghold, led by massive beasts the likes of which no one had ever seen before. There were dragons with scales as black as night, towering trolls wielding massive clubs, and grotesque monsters with tentacles writhing out of their backs.

The degu users and shadow lords sprang into action, unleashing their powers on the oncoming horde. Anna created massive gusts of wind that sent monsters flying, while Dave conjured up bolts of lightning that struck down his enemies with deadly accuracy.

Bethold summoned vines from the ground, entangling the trolls and tripping them up, while Iren used her powers to create shields that protected her comrades from harm. Garmisha charged forward, his fists smashing through the bodies of the monsters with ease.

The shadow lords, for their part, fought with a ferocity that was both awe-inspiring and terrifying. The Chimera Ant created duplicates of itself that fought alongside the others, while the arc angel used its holy powers to smite the monsters with divine wrath.

eαglesnovel`c,om The death knight, meanwhile, slashed through the enemy lines with its mighty sword, sending severed limbs and body parts flying in every direction. And when the giant dragons swooped down to attack, the shadow lords banded together to bring them down with a barrage of dark magic and powerful blows.

For hours, the battle raged on, the degu users and shadow lords fighting with everything they had. The ground shook beneath their feet as the monsters threw themselves at the stronghold, but the defenders stood firm, refusing to give up even an inch of ground.

In the end, it was the power of the shadow lords that turned the tide of the battle. Their strength was unmatched, their abilities beyond anything the monsters could have ever prepared for. With a final, devastating wave of dark energy, the shadow lords obliterated the remaining monsters, leaving nothing but dust and rubble in their wake.

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