I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 731 The Trio Is Back

Chapter 731 The Trio Is Back

The silence inside the stronghold was deafening. The citizens walked around in solemnity, a feeling of sorrow hanging heavy in the air. The streets that were once bustling with life were now empty. The sound of footsteps echoed in the hallways as the citizens made their way to the memorial hall.

Inside the hall, the walls were adorned with pictures of the fallen heroes. Flowers and candles were lit in front of each picture, casting a soft glow around the room. The citizens stood in front of the pictures, their faces etched with grief.

One of the citizens, an elderly woman, knelt in front of a picture of a young degu user. Tears streamed down her face as she spoke softly, "Thank you for your bravery. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten."

Another citizen, a middle-aged man, stood in front of a picture of Fein. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, "We must not let their sacrifices be in vain. We will rebuild and make our stronghold even stronger. We will honor their memories by continuing to fight for a better future."

The citizens continued to pay their respects, their sorrow palpable. Some lit incense while others left letters and gifts for the fallen heroes. The sound of weeping filled the hall, as they mourned for their loved ones and the heroes who gave their lives for their safety.

After some time, Fein entered the hall. The citizens immediately fell silent and turned towards him. He stood in front of the pictures of the fallen heroes, his eyes closed in respect. After a few moments, he spoke softly, "These heroes gave their lives so that we could continue to live. They fought bravely, and their courage will forever be remembered. We will honor their sacrifice by rebuilding and creating a better future for ourselves and our children."

The citizens nodded in agreement, their expressions solemn but resolute. They knew that they had a duty to fulfill, a responsibility to honor the sacrifices of their fallen heroes. With renewed determination, they left the memorial hall, ready to rebuild and create a better world for themselves and their children.

As they walked out of the hall, the sound of their footsteps echoed in the hallways. The pictures of the fallen heroes seemed to watch over them, their faces forever etched in the memory of the citizens. The stronghold may have suffered a great loss, but it would not be defeated. The citizens would continue to fight, to honor the memories of their fallen heroes, and to create a better future for themselves and their children.


the members of the Dark Knights and Ranger's Eye stepped outside the stronghold gates. They were on high alert, patrolling the perimeter in case another wave of attacks were to occur.

Fein walked beside Kassandra, discussing the incident that had occurred earlier. "That was a close call back there," he said, looking at Kassandra with concern. "I'm glad there are no SS-rank monsters or else even If I manage to kill them, the damage to the stronghold would be devastating."

Kassandra nodded in agreement. "Yes, but we need to remain vigilant. We can't let our guard down just yet."

Eight Little Kids, the young warriors under Fein's tutelage, jogged ahead of the group, scanning the area for any potential threats. Brick Norty walked beside Fein, analyzing the terrain and potential tactical advantages they could use in case of an attack.

Voli, Fein's golden bear companion, sniffed the air, his ears perked up in alertness. Suddenly, he let out a low growl, causing the group to stop in their tracks.

"What is it, Voli?" Fein asked, gripping the hilt of his sword.

Voli pointed his snout towards a nearby patch of bushes, where they could hear rustling noises. Roger, the A-rank degu user, raised his hand, ready to summon his creatures if needed.

As the rustling grew louder, a small animal darted out from the bushes. It was a young rabbit, and it sprinted away as fast as it could. The group breathed a collective sigh of relief and chuckled at their momentary fear.

Kiba, the muscle-headed member of the Dark Knights, let out a hearty laugh. "Haha, a rabbit! We thought it was a monster or something!"

Azazel, smiled wryly. "It just goes to show that fear can sometimes be irrational."

Michael, the captain of the Ranger's Eye, added, "But it's better to be safe than sorry. We can't let our guard down, even for a moment."

eαglesnovel`c,om The group continued their patrol, sharing jokes and humorous anecdotes to lighten the mood. Despite the gravity of their mission, they found moments of levity in each other's company.

As they walked back towards the stronghold gates, Fein turned to Kassandra and smiled. "You know, Kassandra, we make a pretty good team."

Kassandra returned the smile. "Yes, we do. And with the strength and skills of the Dark Knights and Ranger's Eye combined, we can face any challenge that comes our way."

Suddenly, Kidd appeared out of nowhere. Michael was shocked and was about to fight him when Fein told Michael the reasons why Kidd betrayed them.josei

Fein looked at Michael and saw the confusion on his face. "He betrayed us because Niki had his family," he explained. Michael relaxed and put his hand on his chin, contemplating the situation.

Brick, who was walking in front of them, looked back and saw the tension between the two. "What's going on, guys?" he asked, looking at Fein and Michael.

Fein explained to Brick the situation, and Brick nodded in agreement. "That's rough, man," he said to Kidd. "But you should have told us. We could have helped you," he added.

Kidd looked down, ashamed. "I'm sorry," he muttered. "I didn't want to get you guys involved. I was selfish," he added.

Fein put his hand on Kidd's shoulder. "It's alright, man. We forgive you. And that damned Niki is already dead, so..."

Kidd gave Fein a meaningful smile, which Fein responded with a nod. Only Kidd knew that Fein and Niki were one being now. The two decided to keep this a secret because it was just too weird.

Just like that, they continued their patrol, discussing the incident about monster waves. The tension between Kidd and Michael dissipated, and they were back to their usual bantering selves. Brick continued to throw in jokes and puns, lightening the mood.

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