I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 736 Destruction Bullet

Chapter 736 Destruction Bullet

After the intense interrogation and confession of Lisa, Fein was finally able to close the case. The culprit had been caught and justice was served. As Fein was leaving the police station, he received a phone call from Zero, the head of the QWERTY organization. Zero wanted to thank Fein for solving the case and also provide some information about the victim's background and how they do business with him.

Fein answered the phone call and greeted Zero. "Hello, this is Fein. How can I assist you?"

"Fein, it's Zero. I wanted to thank you for solving the case. We've been following the case closely and we're glad that the perpetrator has been caught. I also wanted to provide some information about the victim and our business relationship with him," Zero said.josei

eαglesnovel`c,om Fein was surprised to hear that the QWERTY organization had a business relationship with the victim. "Thank you, Zero. I'm interested to hear more about that. Could you provide me with some details?"

"Of course. The victim was one of our suppliers. We provide him with the equipment he needed for his business, and he supplies us with the products we need. It was a mutually beneficial relationship," Zero explained.

Fein was taking notes on his phone as Zero spoke. "I see. And how long had this business relationship been going on?"

"About a year now. We've had no problems with him. He was always prompt with his deliveries and provided us with high-quality products," Zero replied.

Fein was intrigued by this new piece of information. "Thank you for sharing that with me, Zero. It's good to know that the victim had a good reputation in his business dealings. It might help me to understand the motive behind the murder."

Zero nodded. "I understand. So, can you tell me more about the process of the investigation?"

Fein cleared his throat and began to explain. "Well, it was a long process. I interviewed a lot of people and followed several leads, which was really a pain in the ass. I had to eliminate several suspects before we finally caught the real culprit. Not only that, the two other prime suspects in my list which has more motives and vague alibi were innocent and it turned out that the least suspicious of the three was the real culprit."

Zero was impressed by Fein's thorough investigation and attention to detail. "It sounds like you really know your stuff, Fein. I'm glad we have you on our side."

Fein chuckled. "Well, it wasn't a perfect crime. But the culprit's way of killing was really unconventional. Lisa used a hairpin to puncture the victim's carotid artery while he was sleeping. It's a method I've never seen before."

Zero was taken aback. "A hairpin? That's quite creative, if not gruesome."

Fein nodded. "It's always good to be prepared for any possibility. That's why I took the time to thoroughly investigate and consider all angles."

Zero agreed. "Well, your work has certainly paid off. Thank you again for your dedication and expertise, Fein."

Fein smiled. "It was my pleasure. I'm just glad we were able to bring justice for the victim and his family."

Zero listened intently as Fein explained the process. "It sounds like you did a thorough job. I'm glad we have professionals like you in the field. Not only a good scientist, but you also have a good reasoning abilities. I wonder what did your mother def you in your childhood for you to have such a good brain."

Fein smiled. "Thank you, Zero. I take my job seriously and I'm always dedicated to finding the truth. You know, I like mysteries and mind stimulating activities."

As the phone call ended, Fein was glad to have a productive conversation with his boss. He felt satisfied that the case was finally solved and justice was served.


As the sun set over the mountain range, Lucius and his daughter Sofia made their way through the thick swamp. Sofia's pale white skin and crimson eyes contrasted with the green and brown surroundings, and her beauty was breathtaking. She was dressed in a simple black outfit that allowed for ease of movement.

Lucius led the way, his long black hair tied back in a ponytail, and his powerful figure radiating strength and confidence. Sofia followed closely behind, her eyes focused on her father's every move.

When they reached a clearing in the swamp, Lucius turned to Sofia. "Show me what you've been working on," he said.

Sofia took a deep breath and closed her eyes, focusing on her destruction power. Suddenly, a burst of energy shot out from her fingertips, hitting a nearby tree and decomposing it instantly.

Lucius nodded in approval. "That's good, but you still have a lot to learn. Let's take it up a notch." He gestured towards the nearby mountain range.

Sofia's eyes widened in surprise. "Are you sure, Father? I don't know if I'm ready for that."

Lucius placed a hand on her shoulder. "Trust me, Sofia. You're ready."

Sofia took another deep breath and focused all of her energy into one bullet of destruction power. She aimed towards the mountain and released the energy. The bullet hit the mountain and caused a massive explosion, sending rocks and debris flying in all directions.

Lucius stepped forward and examined the aftermath of the explosion. "Not bad, but you made a mistake. You focused too much energy into one bullet, and it caused the explosion to be too big. Next time, try to spread out the energy more evenly."

Sofia nodded, her expression determined. "I'll remember that, Father."

Lucius smiled proudly at his daughter. "Good. Now let's keep practicing until you can control your power with precision."

They spent the rest of the evening training, Sofia refining her destruction power with Lucius's guidance. As the moon rose high in the sky, they finally finished, both covered in sweat and breathing heavily.

Lucius placed a hand on Sofia's shoulder. "You're getting better every day, Sofia. Keep up the hard work, and you'll be a force to be reckoned with."

Sofia smiled, her crimson eyes shining with determination. "Thank you, Father. I won't let you down."

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