I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 739 Tanginamo

Chapter 739 Tanginamo

Fein woke up early as usual, stretching his arms and legs as he got out of bed. He went to the bathroom to wash his face, feeling the cold water refresh him. After finishing his morning routine, he went to the kitchen to cook breakfast for his family.

"Fey, Mom, breakfast is ready," he called out as he served a plate of steaming hot pancakes with maple syrup and whipped cream. Fey came down the stairs first, followed by their mother, Melissa. They all sat down at the table, and Fein poured them some freshly brewed coffee.

"Thanks for breakfast, Fein. It looks delicious," Melissa said as she took a bite of the pancakes.

"It's my pleasure, Mom. I just want to make sure you both have a good start to the day," Fein replied with a smile.

After finishing breakfast, Fein cleaned the dishes and headed to the market to buy ingredients for the week. The market was bustling with people, vendors shouting out their wares and prices. Fein weaved through the crowds, his eyes scanning the stalls for the best deals and freshest produce.

As he approached a stall selling vegetables, he overheard a heated conversation between a vendor and a customer.

"I can't believe you're charging that much for tomatoes. It's outrageous!" the customer complained.

"Well, I have to make a profit, don't I? Prices are going up all the time," the vendor replied defensively.

Fein couldn't help but intervene. "Excuse me, but I believe both of you are being unreasonable. As a customer, you have the right to negotiate for a fair price. And as a vendor, you should aim for a reasonable profit margin without overcharging your customers."

Both the vendor and customer looked at him in surprise, but Fein simply smiled and continued on his way.

eαglesnovel`c,om He spent the rest of the morning going from stall to stall, bargaining for the best prices and filling his basket with various ingredients. As he was leaving the market, he saw a young girl selling flowers, her face crestfallen as no one seemed interested in her wares. Fein approached her and bought a bouquet of her prettiest flowers, brightening her day and bringing a smile to her face.

Fein returned home with his purchases, feeling satisfied with the morning's errands. He put away the groceries and then sat down to rest, enjoying a cup of tea and a good book. It was a simple and peaceful morning, but it was moments like these that made life worthwhile.


After getting all the necessary ingredients for their journey, Fein went to the fruit vendor to buy some apples for his mother's bakery. As he picked up an apple to inspect it, the vendor immediately approached him.

"That'll be two coppers for that apple," the vendor said with a grin.

Fein raised an eyebrow. "Two coppers for this? It's not even ripe yet."

"It's the best apple you'll find in this market, kid," the vendor said, holding out his hand for payment.

Fein didn't like being taken advantage of, and he knew the vendor was overpricing his produce. He took a deep breath and put the apple back on the stand.

"I'll give you one copper for it," Fein said firmly.

"One copper? That's ridiculous!" the vendor exclaimed.

Fein stood his ground. "Look at it, it's not even fully grown yet. It's not worth more than one copper."

The vendor glared at Fein but eventually gave in, handing him the apple for one copper.

Fein smiled and thanked the vendor before walking away. As he made his way home, he couldn't help but feel proud of himself for getting a good deal. He knew he couldn't let anyone take advantage of him or his family.

When he got home, Fey and their mother were already waiting for him. He handed his mother the apples and went to prepare breakfast. As they ate, he couldn't help but tell them about his negotiation skills at the market.

"I managed to get this apple for one copper instead of two!" Fein exclaimed, a sense of accomplishment in his voice.


Fey chuckled. "You always were good at getting a good deal."

Their mother smiled proudly at Fein. "That's my son, always looking out for us."

Fein beamed with pride, knowing he had done something good for his family. He took a sip of his tea and couldn't help but feel grateful for everything he had.

After breakfast, Fein and his friends left for their journey to the Central Plains. He couldn't wait to show off his swordsmanship skills and make a name for himself in the world.


After securing their things and packing everything they need, Fein and Voli stood before a portal created by Fein's power of space. Voli looked at Fein with admiration, knowing that not everyone could wield such power.

"Fein, you truly are amazing," Voli said, "to think that you could create such a portal to take us to our destination."

Fein smiled and replied, "It's just a small trick I learned. It saves us a lot of time and effort."

Without further ado, the two stepped through the portal and arrived at the border of the South. They were in a small town called "Tanginamo," which was still hundreds of miles away from the Central Plains.

The town was bustling with activity as vendors shouted out their wares, people bustled about their business, and animals made their presence known. Fein and Voli made their way through the throngs of people, Fein scanning the area for anything they might need for their journey.

As they walked, Fein noticed a group of merchants selling herbs and spices. Curious, he made his way towards them and began inspecting their goods.

"Excuse me, how much for these herbs?" Fein asked, holding up a small bundle of dried leaves.

The merchant gave him a once-over and said, "Those herbs are of the finest quality, sir. They are worth at least 100 gold coins."

Fein raised an eyebrow, unconvinced. "100 gold coins? That's a bit steep, don't you think?"

The merchant scoffed. "You must be a fool to think that. These herbs are rare and hard to come by."

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