I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 751 Kurogane's Fall

Chapter 751 Kurogane's Fall

Kurogane "The Demon Blade" long before he challenged him to a sword duel. He knew that he was facing one of the most fearsome warriors in the land, a man who had left a trail of death and destruction in his wake.

Kurogane's background was shrouded in mystery, but it was said that he hailed from a long line of samurai warriors. From a young age, he was trained in the art of sword fighting, and it was clear that he had a natural talent for it. However, his thirst for power and dominance led him down a dark path, and he eventually became known as "The Demon Blade."

Kurogane's fighting style was fierce and unrelenting, and he had a reputation for being ruthless in battle. He was not afraid to shed blood, and he would stop at nothing to achieve victory. Fein knew that he would have to be at the top of his game if he wanted to stand a chance against Kurogane.

But it was not just Kurogane's skill with a sword that made him so dangerous. He wielded a cursed sword that was said to have been forged in the depths of hell itself. The sword granted him incredible power and speed, but it also had a dark side. When Kurogane wielded the sword, he was driven into a bloodthirsty frenzy, making him even more dangerous than before.

Despite the curse that was said to be attached to his sword, Kurogane had achieved some truly terrifying feats on the battlefield. He had slain countless warriors, and there were even rumors that he had taken on entire armies single-handedly. His swordsmanship was so feared that many who heard his name trembled in terror.

As Fein prepared for his battle with Kurogane, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He knew that he was about to face a man who was truly on another level, a warrior who had earned his reputation through blood and steel. But Fein was not one to back down from a challenge, and he knew that he had to face Kurogane head-on if he wanted to prove himself as a swordsman.


Fein and Kurogane stood facing each other, their eyes locked in a fierce gaze as the wind whistled through the grassy plains around them. The tension in the air was high as the two warriors prepared to engage in a deadly duel.

Fein's sword gleamed in the sunlight, its sharp edge glinting as he took a defensive stance. Kurogane, on the other hand, held his cursed sword with a menacing grip, his eyes burning with an intense fire.

Without warning, Kurogane charged at Fein, his sword slashing through the air with lightning speed. Fein narrowly dodged the attack and counterattacked with a swift strike, but Kurogane parried the blow effortlessly, his sword ringing against Fein's in a shower of sparks.

The two fighters continued to exchange blows, their swords clashing and ringing out across the plains. Fein's movements were fluid and precise, but Kurogane's fighting style was raw and brutal, as he unleashed a flurry of attacks that left Fein struggling to keep up.

Despite this, Fein refused to back down and became more and more excited, determined to prove his who's the strongest swordsman. With a fierce movement, he charged at Kurogane, his sword glowing with a white-hot intensity.

Kurogane met him head-on, their swords colliding in a deafening clash that sent shockwaves through the air. The two warriors locked eyes, their faces twisted in fierce determination as they pushed against each other, each striving for the upper hand.

For what seemed like hours, the battle continued, each fighter refusing to give an inch. Fein's movements became more calculated, his strikes more precise as he began to see through Kurogane's fighting style.

eαglesnᴏνel Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Fein saw an opening in Kurogane's defense. With a swift strike, he managed to disarm the Demon Blade, sending his cursed sword flying through the air.

For a moment, the two fighters stood panting, their eyes locked in a fierce gaze. And then, with a sudden burst of energy, Kurogane lunged at Fein, his fists flying through the air in a flurry of punches.

Fein dodged the attacks with ease, his movements graceful and fluid as he landed a series of punishing blows that sent Kurogane reeling. And then, with a final, powerful strike, he sent Kurogane flying through the air, his body crashing to the ground in a heap.

With a swift movement, held his own sword to Kurogane's neck. The guy was literally a savage criminal. Killing innocents recklessly without reason.

For a moment, the two men stood there, with Fein's sword resting against Kurogane's skin. Kurogane's eyes blazed with defiance, but Fein could see the fear in them as well.

"You fought well," Fein said, his voice calm and measured. "But your thirst for power has led you astray. It is time for you to face the consequences of your actions."

With a swift motion, Fein beheaded Kurogane. The crowd that had gathered to watch the battle fell silent, stunned by the sudden and brutal end to the fight.josei

Fein turned and walked away from the body, his mind filled with conflicting emotions. On one hand, he felt a sense of relief that Kurogane would no longer be a threat to anyone.

The wind whistled through the grassy plains once more as Fein stood, victorious but exhausted. He looked down at Kurogane, his face twisted in a mix of admiration and pity. For even though Kurogane was a fearsome opponent, his lust for power had led him down a path of destruction and violence.

With a heavy heart, Fein turned and walked away, leaving Kurogane to pick up the pieces of his shattered life. For in the end, Fein knew that the true measure of a warrior was not in his ability to destroy, but in his ability to protect and preserve life.

As he walked through the silent crowd, Fein knew that this battle would stay with him for a long time to come. He had faced one of the most feared and brutal swordsman. For Fein, this is just one of his stepping stone.

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