I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 763 Lost Horribly

Chapter 763 Lost Horribly

As the night fell over the city of Eden in the South, the streets became deserted and the only sounds that could be heard were the faint whispers of the wind. Suddenly, a group of shadow soldiers appeared out of nowhere, patrolling the dark alleys of the city. Their eyes were vigilant, and they were ready to take action if they found any sign of trouble.

As they walked, they heard a faint scream coming from a nearby alley. The soldiers rushed to the scene and found a woman lying on the ground, unconscious. Her clothes were torn, and there were bruises all over her body. The soldiers immediately recognized the signature of the evil sect that had been terrorizing the city for the past few weeks.

One of the soldiers said, "This is the fifth victim in just two weeks. We have to put an end to this once and for all."

Another soldier replied, "But how do we find the perpetrators? We don't even know who they are."

The soldiers looked around, searching for any clues that might lead them to the evil sect. Suddenly, they heard a faint whisper coming from the darkness. They turned around, ready to face their enemy, but saw nothing. The whisper came again, louder this time. They followed the sound and found themselves in front of an old abandoned building.

The building was in ruins, with broken windows and doors hanging off their hinges. The soldiers cautiously entered the building, weapons at the ready. The floorboards creaked under their feet, and the air was musty and damp. They searched the dark corridors, their hearts pounding with anticipation.josei

Suddenly, they heard a strange chanting coming from a room at the end of the hallway. They rushed towards the room, their weapons raised. They kicked open the door and found themselves facing a group of hooded figures, standing in a circle around a young girl.

The girl was bound and gagged, and the hooded figures were performing some kind of ritual around her. The soldiers recognized the symbols and knew that they were dealing with an evil sect with mysterious origins.

The leader of the evil sect turned towards the soldiers, his eyes glowing with an eerie red light. He said, "You are too late. The ritual is almost complete. We have already taken what we came for."

The soldiers tried to attack, but the members of the sect wielded strange and powerful abilities that made them almost invincible. The soldiers fought bravely, but they were outnumbered and outmatched.

In the end, they managed to rescue the young girl and bring her back to safety. But the evil sect had disappeared, leaving behind only questions and fear in the hearts of the innocent civilians of the city of Eden.


Fein listened to the report of his shadow soldiers with a concerned look on his face. He asked them to provide more details about the evil sect and their actions.

One of the shadow soldiers spoke up, "Your Excellency, this evil sect is very mysterious. We have no information about their origins or their members. They only appear at night and target children and women. We tried to stop them, but their members are powerful and wield dark and evil powers."

Fein furrowed his brow in thought. "I see. This is a serious matter. We cannot allow such evil to continue in our city."

He stood up from his seat and paced around the room. "We must find out more about this sect and put an end to their actions. I will personally investigate this matter and bring justice to those who have been affected by their crimes."

The shadow soldiers bowed in respect, knowing that their leader would not rest until the problem was solved.

Fein ordered his shadow soldiers to gather more information about the evil sect and their whereabouts. He also instructed them to increase their patrols in the city and keep a close eye on any suspicious activity. 

The shadow soldiers had received a tip about a small hideout in the South. It was supposed to be the base of the evil sect that had been kidnapping innocent civilians for months. The shadow soldiers had meticulously planned the operation, but they were not expecting what was waiting for them.

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ As they approached the hideout, they noticed that there were guards posted all around it. The shadow soldiers tried to take them out quietly, but one of them was spotted. Chaos erupted as the guards started to sound the alarm, and the shadow soldiers rushed in to take them out.

The evil sect was prepared for the attack. They had erected barricades and set traps to slow down the shadow soldiers. The shadow soldiers were taken aback by the level of resistance that they encountered. The evil sect members seemed to have supernatural powers that allowed them to fight back and overpower the shadow soldiers.

One by one, the shadow soldiers fell. They fought with all their might, but they were no match for the evil sect's powers. Their bodies disintegrated into nothingness as they were defeated.

The evil sect was triumphant. They had successfully defended their hideout and their secrets. The shadow soldiers' mission had failed, and they had paid the ultimate price.

The evil sect members looked around at the scene of the battle. They had expected the shadow soldiers to come, but they hadn't expected them to be so easy to defeat. It was a good thing that they had been prepared.

As they cleaned up the area, the evil sect members discussed their next move. They had to be more careful now that the shadow soldiers had shown their hand. They couldn't let anyone interfere with their plans, and they would do whatever it took to protect their organization.

The shadow soldiers' failure had consequences beyond their own defeat. The innocent civilians who were being targeted by the evil sect would continue to be at risk, and there was no one left to protect them. The evil sect's power and influence in the city of Eden were growing stronger, and no one knew where they came from or what they wanted.

The shadow soldiers' defeat had opened a Pandora's box of mysteries and danger that would threaten the peace and safety of the city.

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