I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 766 The Search

Chapter 766 The Search

Somewhere underground the wasteland.... A group of black-robed figures gathered in their underground headquarters, they were in a heated discussion about their recent encounter with the shadow soldiers.

The atmosphere was tense and the mood was one of anger and frustration. "We won this time," one of the members said triumphantly, "but we must be careful. We cannot let our guard down." Another member spoke up,

"Our plan to use the monsters from the portals is still on track. We will destroy the South and take over everything." The leader, a tall man with a menacing aura, stood up and addressed the group. "Remember our motto, 'Kill the South with a borrowed knife.' We will use any means necessary to achieve our goals." 

The others nodded in agreement, their faces twisted in sinister grins. They were all consumed with a sense of power and ambition, believing that their victory was assured.

"Fein is just an ant," the leader declared arrogantly. "He cannot stop us. We will crush him and all who stand in our way."

The others cheered and raised their fists in solidarity, their confidence unwavering. 


After torturing the member of evil sect, Fein decided to head back to their house as the sun was about to fade in the sky.

Fein walked into his home and was greeted with the warm embrace of his sister Fey. "Welcome home, brother. Did everything go well?" Fey asked, her face filled with concern.


Fein nodded, "It was a success. I managed to extract the information we needed from them."

He then turned to his mother who was in the kitchen, "Hey, Ma. I'm going to cook dinner tonight."

Melissa turned around and smiled at her son, "Oh, that's great, Fein. What are you planning to cook?" "Adobo and Sisig," Fein replied with a smile.

Melissa's eyes widened in surprise, "Really? That's one of my favorite dishes."

Fein laughed, "Of course, it's your favorite. That's why I'm cooking it tonight."

He went straight to the kitchen and started preparing the ingredients. He took out the pork belly from the fridge and sliced it into small pieces. He then diced some onions, garlic, and ginger, and started sautéing them in a pan.

The aroma of the spices filled the air, making everyone's mouth water. As Fein continued cooking, his mother and sister watched him with admiration. They could see how much effort he was putting into every step, making sure that the dish would turn out perfectly. "Fein, you're really getting better and better. I didn't know you would cook like this again for us," Melissa said with a gentle smile.

Fein chuckled, "Well, I've been busy for the past few days. I want to be able to cook for you guys more often."

After a few minutes, Fein added the pork belly to the pan and started stir-frying it. He then added soy sauce, vinegar, and sugar, and let it simmer until the sauce thickened. Meanwhile, he also started cooking the Sisig.

He chopped the leftover pork into small pieces and sautéed it with onions, garlic, and chili peppers. He then added soy sauce and calamansi juice, and topped it off with crispy fried garlic. The smell of the dishes filled the whole house, making everyone's stomachs rumble in anticipation. When Fein was finally done, he plated the dishes and brought them to the table.

As they ate, Fein couldn't help but feel happy seeing his family enjoying the food he had cooked. He listened to their praises and criticisms, taking note of what he could improve on next time.

"This is amazing, Fein. You're really a great cook," Melissa said with a smile. Fey nodded in agreement, "Yeah, you should cook for us more often."

Fein grinned, "Of course, I will."

Melissa looked at her son with love and admiration, "Fein, you never cease to amaze me. You're such a talented young man."

Fein blushed at his mother's words, "Thanks, Mom."

As they finished their meal, Fein cleared the dishes and washed them, feeling content and happy. Cooking for his family was one of the things he loved doing the most, and he couldn't wait to do it again.

The exhaustion from the tiring day vanished at this moment. Just like that, Fein went to his room.

Fein stepped into his room, the sound of the door closing behind him echoing through the empty space. He took a deep breath and walked over to the center of the room, where he stood for a moment with his eyes closed, preparing himself for what he was about to do.

He opened his eyes and lifted his hands, a white light emanating from his palms. Slowly, he began to move his hands in intricate patterns, drawing symbols in the air that glowed brightly before fading away.

"Chimera Ant, Death God, Fallen Arch Angel, One-Eyed Ghoul," he spoke softly, calling upon his four shadow emperors. "I command you to search the wasteland and other regions to find the Evil sect."

As he spoke, the symbols he had drawn in the air began to spin and swirl around him, forming a vortex of energy that grew larger and larger until it filled the entire room.

Fein stood at the center of the vortex, his eyes closed and his hands still raised. The symbols continued to spin around him, their glow growing brighter and brighter until it was almost blinding.

Suddenly, the vortex vanished, and Fein was left standing alone in his room once again. He lowered his hands and let out a deep breath, feeling drained from the effort.

Meanwhile, in the wasteland, Chimera Ant, Death God, Fallen Arch Angel, and One-Eyed Ghoul emerged from the shadows, their eyes gleaming with an otherworldly light.

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ "Master has commanded us to search for the Evil sect," Chimera Ant said, his voice low and raspy.

"Let us begin our search," Fallen Arch Angel added, her wings unfurling behind her as she took to the air.

The four shadow emperors spread out in different directions, each using their unique abilities to search for any sign of the Evil sect. Chimera Ant scoured the ground, using his heightened sense of smell to detect any trace of their scent. Death God flew high above, scanning the horizon with his sharp eyes. Fallen Arch Angel flew through the air, her wings carrying her swiftly over the landscape. One-Eyed Ghoul moved silently through the shadows, his single eye searching for any sign of movement.

Two weeks passed as the shadow emperors searched tirelessly, their determination unwavering, like tireless machines. Finally, they caught clues and traces of the Evil Sect.

"We have found them," Chimera Ant growled, his eyes narrowing.

The other shadow emperors gathered around him, their expressions grim.

"Let's inform the master..." Fallen Arch Angel said, her voice cold and aloof.

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