I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 768 Everything Going Smoothly

Chapter 768 Everything Going Smoothly

With that, the Shadow Emperors vanished back into the shadows, leaving behind a ruined throne room and the defeated Evil Sect Four Pillars.

Hours passed, and Fein began to grow anxious. He paced back and forth in his room, unable to shake the feeling that something was wrong. But just as he was about to give up hope, the four shadow emperors appeared before him once again, their bodies covered in blood and sweat.

"Master," the Fallen Arch Angel said, panting heavily. "We have succeeded in wiping out the Evil Sect. Not a single member remains."

Fein let out a sigh of relief, his heart finally able to calm down. "Thank you for your hard work. You have done well."

The Chimera Ant bowed. "It was our pleasure, Master. We will always be here to serve you."

eαglesnᴏνel Fein nodded, his mind already turning to the next mission.

'I need more information about them. It would be bad if their base on the wasteland was just one of their base.'

Fein gathered his trusted allies, the Dark Knights, to inform them of a new mission. He handed over a collection of documents, materials, and clues that he found in the wasteland and instructed them to investigate the base of the Evil Sect.

"You need to find out what they were planning and what they were trying to accomplish. We need to be sure that the base in the wasteland was their headquarters... If not, it would be troublesome." Fein explained to the Dark Knights.

After all, if its not the main lair of the evil sect. It would complicate things. If it was only one of their bases, then the operation wasn't thoroughly successful because they haven't cut off the weed at its root. Fein knew this... He was aware that its better to cut off the heads of the snake to end the fight. 

Even if there's still thousands of bases, without the head or the leaders to lead. The organization would eventually fall apart without direction.

The Dark Knights nodded in agreement, acknowledging the importance of their mission.

Fein reassured them, "Don't worry about the members of the Evil Sect. They've already been taken care of by the Shadow Emperors. You won't find anyone there anymore."

The Dark Knights set out for the wasteland, using the materials and documents as their guide. They searched the ruins of the Evil Sect's base, taking note of everything they found.

After hours of searching, the Dark Knights stumbled upon a secret room hidden deep within the base. Inside, they discovered a map outlining the Evil Sect's plan to conquer the South using monsters from the portals.

"The Evil Sect was planning to use the monsters from the portals to invade the South," one of the Dark Knights exclaimed in disbelief.

Another Knight added, "If they succeeded, it would've caused chaos and destruction throughout the entire region."

Fein sat in the throne in the base, listening intently to the dark knights' report about their investigation of the Evil Sect's base in the Wasteland. His expression was one of deep curiosity as he listened to the revelation of the sect's ambition to conquer not just the South, but the West and East as well.

"Thousands of bases," Fein muttered, "How could they have gone undetected for so long?"

"The Evil Sect has always been known for their secrecy and their ability to hide in plain sight," one of the dark knights replied. "It's only through our thorough investigation and the clues left behind that we were able to uncover this particular base."

Fein nodded thoughtfully, "And what about their history and origin? Do you have any information on that?"

The dark knights exchanged glances before one of them spoke up, "It's a long and convoluted history, your Majesty. The sect has been around for centuries, and its origins are shrouded in mystery. What we do know is that they worship powerful demons and use dark magic to achieve their goals."


Fein leaned back in his throne, a troubled expression on his face. "This is worse than I had imagined... Fortunately, they foolishly built their headquarters to the South."

"It's like entering the tiger's den with you here," Kassandra grinned in response.

"Well, there's no need to worry about the evil sect anymore. Without the four powerful pillars leading them. It won't be long before they collapsed with power struggle and internal conflict. Another thing, inform the leaders of the West and East regarding this matter. So they can at least take care of small bases."

The Dark Knights quickly realized the importance of their discovery and reported back to Fein with their findings. Fein nodded in approval, satisfied for their hard work and dedication to the mission.

"You've done well." Fein said with a smile.


Fein walked out of the Dark Knight's base feeling relieved and accomplished. The Evil Sect had been wiped out, and their ambitions had been uncovered. On top of that, the serum he had been working on for so long was finally entering the clinical phase. It was all going according to his plan.

As he walked down the street, he saw a barbecue stall and decided to treat himself to some food. The aroma of grilled meat filled the air, and his mouth watered in anticipation. He approached the vendor and ordered a skewer of chicken and a bottle of soda.

While waiting for his order, Fein observed the hustle and bustle of the street. People were going about their business, some in a hurry, while others took their time. There were street vendors selling all sorts of goods, from clothing to gadgets. The noise of the traffic and the chatter of the people filled the air, creating a vibrant atmosphere.

Finally, his order was ready, and he paid the vendor before walking away with his food. He bit into the juicy chicken, savoring the flavor and the tenderness of the meat. The combination of the sweet and savory sauce was perfect, and he washed it down with a gulp of cold soda.

Fein felt content, and his mood improved even more. He had been working hard, and this little treat was just what he needed to recharge. He continued walking towards his house, enjoying the sights and sounds of the city.

As he walked, he couldn't help but think about the serum. He had invested so much time, effort, and resources into it, and he was confident that it would be a game-changer. It could revolutionize the way people lived and worked, and he felt proud of himself for being a part of that.

The sun was setting, and the sky was turning orange and red, casting a warm glow over the city. Fein felt a sense of peace and tranquility, a welcome respite from the chaos and violence he had been dealing with. Finally, he arrived at his house and unlocked the door. 'Were my mom and sister home already?'

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