I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 779 Falling Apart

Chapter 779 Falling Apart

Thomas tried to protest his innocence, but the soldiers didn't listen. They closed in on him, and he felt the cold steel of their weapons against his skin. He woke up in a cold sweat, his heart pounding in his chest.

The demons watched from the shadows as Thomas tossed and turned in his bed. They knew that their plan was working, and that the seeds of doubt they had planted in his mind were taking root.

The next night, it was the general's turn. As he slept, he dreamed that he was leading his troops into battle against the demons. Everything was going well at first, but suddenly his sword shattered into pieces, leaving him defenseless.

The demons appeared out of nowhere, their eyes glowing with a sinister light. The general tried to fight them off, but he was outnumbered and outmatched. He woke up with a start, his hands shaking with fear.

The demons grinned as they watched the general's nightmare unfold. They knew that soon, he would begin to doubt his own abilities as a leader, and that he would start to second-guess his own decisions.

Meanwhile, the kingdom's leaders and advisors continued to argue and bicker among themselves, each one convinced that someone else was to blame for the kingdom's troubles. The demons watched with glee as the seeds of discord they had sown began to bear fruit.

The advisor and the general, on the other hand, were secretly delighted with the chaos that was unfolding. They knew that it would only serve to strengthen their own positions of power within the kingdom.

As the days passed, the demons continued to manipulate the dreams of the kingdom's leaders and advisors, sowing even more doubt and suspicion. They knew that it was only a matter of time before the kingdom would be torn apart by its own internal conflicts, leaving it ripe for conquest by the demons.

The demons watched with satisfaction as their plan unfolded. The officials were weakened and vulnerable, making it easier for the demons to achieve their ultimate goal of taking over the kingdom. The demons continued to manipulate the dreams of the officials, ensuring that their grip on the minds of the kingdom's leaders remained strong.

As the days passed, the officials grew more and more divided. They no longer trusted each other, and the once loyal and united kingdom was in danger of falling apart. The general and advisor reveled in their success, their faces twisted into cruel smiles as they watched the officials they had manipulated turn against each other.

The demons had succeeded in their plan to sow discord among the high-ranking officials of the kingdom, and they knew that it was only a matter of time before they could take over completely. They continued to watch and wait, their eyes gleaming with anticipation as they plotted their next move.

As the kingdom teetered on the brink of collapse internally, the demons watched with satisfaction. They had successfully sown discord among the high-ranking officials, weakening the kingdom from within.

eαglesnovel`c,om Berthold, Raveus, and Germund looked at each other and grinned. Their plan was working perfectly.


The demons had spent months gathering information about the kingdom, using their powers to manipulate dreams and read thoughts. With this knowledge in hand, they finally decided it was time to launch an attack. They knew the kingdom was riddled with internal conflict and weaknesses, and they intended to take full advantage.

As the demons launched their assault, the kingdom's soldiers found themselves struggling to work together. Many of them had lost faith in their leaders and were consumed by suspicion and doubt. Some soldiers were hesitant to follow orders, while others were quick to act without thinking things through. The demons watched from the shadows, pleased to see their plan working.

The soldiers of the kingdom stood in disarray as the demons launched their attack. They were disorganized, uncoordinated, and lacked any semblance of morale. The demons, on the other hand, were swift and merciless. They swept through the disorganized soldiers with ease, cutting them down left and right.josei

In the midst of the chaos, the soldiers yelled at each other, pointing fingers and placing blame. "This is all your fault!" one soldier screamed at another, who responded with a string of curses. The lack of trust and cooperation among the soldiers was evident, and the demons were taking full advantage of it.

Meanwhile, the kingdom's leaders were also struggling to make decisions. They were suspicious of each other's motives and questioned every strategy that was proposed. "We can't trust your plan," the general said to the advisor. "You're just trying to undermine me." The advisor scoffed. "I'm trying to save us all, but you're too paranoid to see that."

As the soldiers continued to flounder, the demons grew bolder. They began to taunt the soldiers, jeering at them as they cut them down. "Is this all you've got?" one demon sneered as he swung his sword. "Pathetic."

The soldiers' formation broke down completely, and they were now fighting as individuals rather than as a cohesive unit. The demons were able to pick them off one by one, exploiting their weaknesses and striking at their most vulnerable points.

Amidst the chaos, the kingdom's leaders were helpless. They could only watch in horror as their soldiers were cut down before their eyes. "We have to do something," the advisor said desperately. "We can't just stand here and watch them die."

But the general was frozen with fear and suspicion. "I don't know who to trust," he muttered. "I don't know who's on our side."

The demons took advantage of the chaos, slipping through the kingdom's defenses and wreaking havoc. They attacked supply lines, destroyed infrastructure, and captured key locations. The soldiers fought bravely, but their poor teamwork and lack of trust in each other made it difficult to mount a coordinated defense.

As the demons continued to wreak havoc, it became clear that the kingdom was in serious trouble. The soldiers were disorganized, the leaders were paralyzed with indecision and distrust, and the demons were taking advantage of every weakness. It was a recipe for disaster, and unless something changed quickly, the kingdom would fall.

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