I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 781 Diversion

Chapter 781 Diversion

As Berthold, Raveus, and Germund watched their troops march out, they each had a look of intense focus on their faces. They knew that this was a crucial moment in their invasion of Milea and that they had to be strategic in their actions.

"Remember, pawns," Berthold spoke telepathically to the troops. "Your goal is to create a distraction, draw the attention of the enemy army, and then retreat. Do not engage in battle unless absolutely necessary."

Raveus added, "If you encounter any resistance, use your abilities to create confusion and disarray among the enemy ranks. Remember, we are playing a game of chess, and every move counts."

Germund finished with, "Be swift and precise in your actions. We are counting on you to give us an advantage in the next phase of our plan."

The pawns marched out, each one ready to carry out their orders. Berthold, Raveus, and Germund watched them go, each lost in their own thoughts.

"I hope this works," Berthold muttered.

Raveus nodded in agreement. "We need to draw the attention of the enemy away from our main forces."

Germund remained quiet, lost in thought. He had a feeling that this was just the beginning of a long and challenging battle, and he was determined to see it through to the end.

As they continued to watch their troops, the three demon leaders communicated telepathically with each other, issuing instructions and assessing the situation.

"Good," Berthold said as he watched the pawns begin to create a disturbance at the border. "They're doing exactly what we need them to do."

Raveus chimed in, "The Milean soldiers are starting to mobilize. They're taking the bait."

Germund nodded in approval. "Now we wait and see what happens next."

The demon leaders remained in their cave, constantly monitoring the situation and issuing orders to their troops. They knew that the success of their invasion depended on their ability to outwit and outmaneuver the Milean army, and they were determined to do just that.

As they watched and waited, the tension in the air was palpable. The fate of the Milean Kingdom hung in the balance, and both sides were preparing for a battle that would determine the outcome of the war.josei


As the orders were given, the demons moved swiftly into action. Berthold, Raveus, and Germund watched from their cave as their troops, the pawns, charged towards the Milea Kingdom's borders. They were like a swarm of insects, moving in unison as they created a chaotic scene to distract the kingdom's army.

Berthold was impressed with the discipline of their troops as they executed their orders flawlessly. Raveus and Germund were equally pleased with how their pawns were moving, and they continued to issue instructions telepathically.

"Move to the left! Attack that group of soldiers!" Raveus commanded, and the demons obeyed.

"Stay together! Don't let them get past you!" Germund shouted, and the pawns listened.

The demons were like chess pieces, each one playing their part in the grand scheme of things. They moved and attacked with precision, drawing the attention of the Milea soldiers and causing chaos on the battlefield.

Berthold watched with a sense of satisfaction as his plan unfolded before his eyes. The Milea Kingdom was caught off guard, and the demons were taking advantage of their surprise.

As the chaos continued, the three demons continued to give orders, constantly adjusting their strategy as needed. Their troops continued to follow their commands without hesitation, moving with a sense of purpose and discipline that only came from years of training.

Despite the chaos, Berthold, Raveus, and Germund remained calm and collected, like expert chess players controlling the game from behind the scenes.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, the demons started to retreat. Their mission was complete, and they had accomplished what they had set out to do. Berthold, Raveus, and Germund watched as their troops returned to the cave, tired but victorious.

The three demons exchanged a satisfied glance, knowing that they had succeeded in creating a distraction and drawing the attention of the Milea Kingdom's army. The battle was far from over, but they had just made a significant move in the game.

They continued to plan and strategize, moving their troops like chess pieces as they prepared for their next move. They knew that the Milea Kingdom would not go down without a fight, but they were ready for whatever came their way.

eαglesnᴏνel The three demons knew that they were in for a long and difficult battle, but they were confident that they would come out on top in the end. They had the discipline, the strategy, and the determination to win, and they were ready to use every tool at their disposal to achieve their ultimate goal.


As the demons retreated, the exhausted Milea soldiers fell to the ground one by one, panting and gasping for air. They had been on high alert for days, and the tension had been unbearable. Finally, they could breathe a sigh of relief.

The soldiers who had fought bravely and tirelessly against the demons now sat on the ground, taking a moment to rest. They were relieved that the demons had retreated and that they had been able to protect their kingdom.

"We did it!" exclaimed one of the soldiers, a young man who had fought fiercely against the demons. "We stood together, and we won!"

The other soldiers cheered, and some of them hugged each other, tears streaming down their faces. They were exhausted, but they felt a sense of pride and accomplishment.

However, they didn't realize that the demons' retreat was just a distraction, and that their real attack was yet to come.

Meanwhile, deep inside the cave, Berthold, Raveus, and Germund watched as their troops retreated. They were pleased with their success in creating a distraction and drawing the attention of the kingdom's army.

"Well done, my pawns," said Berthold telepathically to his troops. "You have served us well."

"Indeed," added Raveus. "We have set the stage for our next move."

Germund nodded in agreement. "We must continue our strategic moves and not let our guard down. The kingdom's army will be prepared now, so we must be prepared as well."

The three demons continued to issue instructions to their troops in real time, planning their next moves on the chessboard of war.

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