I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 794 General Qin Mo's Burden

Chapter 794 General Qin Mo's Burden

The king's brow furrowed in deep thought as he absorbed the contents of the letter. It spoke of other high officials, controlled in secrecy by the demons, who had betrayed their sworn oaths. The weight of this revelation settled upon the king's shoulders, knowing that he must take decisive action to safeguard his kingdom from further harm.

In the end, the king sighed and looked at the two corpses and says. "You two did your job... It's the demons fault. You two did your best and remained loyal. Your sacrifice won't be in vain!"

With a heavy heart, the king turned to General Qin Mo, his voice carrying the weight of command. He entrusted him with the solemn task of rooting out the spies indicated in the letter, knowing that the safety and integrity of the kingdom depended on their removal.

In the end, Corneo and Belaso were given the honor they deserved. Their bodies were laid to rest upon the pyre, surrounded by mournful whispers and flickering flames. The scent of incense filled the air as the flames danced, carrying their spirits to the realm beyond.

The kingdom mourned their loss, yet their sacrifice would not be forgotten. Their names would be remembered as martyrs, symbols of loyalty and remorse. The cremation served as a final act of closure, a gesture of respect and farewell to two individuals whose lives had been tragically intertwined with the darkness that sought to devour their homeland.


As the sun set on the kingdom, General Qin Mo prepared himself for his task. He dressed in dark clothing and strapped his spear to his back. He knew that he must complete his mission swiftly and silently.

ραпdαn૦νel Qin Mo began his journey under the cover of night, using the shadows to his advantage. He moved with the grace of a predator, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger.

The first house he came to belonged to a wealthy merchant who had been suspected of working with the demons. Qin Mo slipped through the open window and found the man sleeping soundly. Without hesitation, he pulled out his spear and aimed it at the man's head, piercing through his skull with ease. The man never even had a chance to awaken.

The general moved with the same deadly efficiency as he moved from house to house, his spear finding its mark with deadly precision each time. His face remained stoic and emotionless, but his eyes flickered with a hint of sadness as he ended the lives of those who had betrayed the kingdom of Milea.

As the night wore on, Qin Mo's mission neared its end. The last house on his list belonged to a nobleman who had long been suspected of treachery. As the general slipped inside, he found the nobleman and his family sleeping soundly.

Qin Mo raised his spear and prepared to strike, but then hesitated. He had never killed women and children before, even those who were connected to treasonous acts. However, he knew that he had to complete his mission, and so he took a deep breath and aimed his spear.

But before he could strike, the nobleman's wife woke up and saw him. Qin Mo knew he had been seen and acted quickly, plunging his spear into her head before she could scream. He then moved on to the children, then left them alive. "I can't do this..."

As he left the house, the general's face remained impassive, but his heart was heavy with the weight of what he had done. He returned to the king and reported that the mission had been completed. The king nodded in approval, unaware of the anguish that weighed on Qin Mo's heart.


As the first light of dawn began to peek over the horizon, the chilling aftermath of General Qin Mo's mission unfolded inside the house where the nobleman and his family once resided. The air was heavy with grief and confusion as the children awoke to the sight of their lifeless parents lying on the floor, their bodies still warm from the recent tragedy.

The eldest child, a young boy of no more than ten years old, was the first to comprehend the horrifying reality before him. His eyes widened with shock and disbelief, his small frame trembling uncontrollably. He clung to his younger sister, a girl of six, who stirred from her slumber and instinctively clutched onto her brother's arm, sensing the distress in his trembling form.josei

Tears streamed down their faces as the children stared at their deceased parents, their innocent minds struggling to grasp the cruelty of the world they had been thrust into. The boy's brows furrowed with anger and determination, while the girl's bottom lip quivered with both fear and sorrow. The once peaceful and loving sanctuary of their home had been turned into a nightmare of bloodshed and loss.

The boy's small fists clenched at his sides, his knuckles turning white from the intensity of his grip. He could feel a fiery resolve building within him, fueled by the grief and a deep desire for justice. With a trembling voice, he made a silent vow to avenge his mother and father, swearing that the perpetrator would face the same fate that had befallen his family.

The girl, too young to fully comprehend the magnitude of the situation, clung to her brother, her tear-stained face buried in his shoulder. She couldn't understand why someone would harm their parents, but she could feel the pain and emptiness in her brother's trembling form. In that moment, she made a silent promise to stand by his side, offering her unwavering support and love.

The room echoed with the sounds of their quiet sobs, the children's cries blending with the weight of their broken hearts. They were left to navigate a world now devoid of the warmth and protection their parents had provided. But amidst their sorrow, a determination began to take root, a flicker of strength in their young eyes.

Unbeknownst to the children, General Qin Mo stood hidden in the shadows outside the house, his heart heavy with the weight of the children's grief. He had completed his mission, unaware of the lasting impact it would have on these innocent souls. He knew that he had brought them pain, and in that moment, he silently vowed to protect them from any further harm, even if it meant sacrificing himself.

As the morning sun cast its golden rays upon the devastated scene, the children, still embracing each other tightly, stood up from their tear-soaked knees. With resolute determination etched upon their young faces, they took their first steps towards a path of revenge, their innocent hearts forever scarred by the brutal loss they had endured.

And as they ventured into the unknown, General Qin Mo, burdened by remorse, made a silent vow to watch over them, hoping to one day find redemption for the sins he had committed in the name of his kingdom's safety.

In the following days, the kingdom continued on, unaware of the dark deeds that had been done in its name. And as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, General Qin Mo tried to put the memory of that night behind him, but he knew that it would haunt him for the rest of his days.

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