I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 822 Third Trial

Chapter 822 Third Trial

Fein's gaze sharpened, his brows furrowing momentarily as he absorbed the riddle's essence. "That's simple. It's an echo," he replied, his tone dripping with condescension.

The Guardians exchanged glances, impressed by Fein's swift response. With each correct answer, Fein's confidence swelled, his laid-back demeanor radiating an aura of intellectual superiority. The riddles continued, each one more complex and mind-bending than the last, but Fein's super brain remained unfazed.

As he neared the heart of the maze, the final riddle echoed through the forest. "I have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, and rivers but no water. What am I?"

Fein's lips curled into a knowing smile, his eyes alight with a mischievous glimmer. "Ah, that's an interesting one. It's a map," he answered, his voice oozing with self-assurance.

The air seemed to shimmer as Fein's response hung in the stillness of the forest. The Guardians nodded, their faces revealing a mix of admiration and intrigue. Fein had successfully unraveled the secrets of the maze, his intellect guiding him flawlessly through the web of paths and hidden passages.

With Fein's final answer, the maze itself shifted and transformed, revealing a clear path that led him to the heart of the Test of Wisdom.

Fein, ever the picture of smugness, brushed off imaginary dust from his shoulder. "Well, that was a walk in the park. Do you have any more brain teasers for me, or is that all?"

The Guardians remained silent, their expressions speaking volumes. They had witnessed Fein's genius firsthand, and there was no doubt in their minds that he had proven his worth in the Test of Wisdom. The forest seemed to echo their decision, but it wasn't the end yet. The maze stretched out before him like a labyrinthine puzzle waiting to be solved. With a self-assured swagger, he delved deeper into the twisting paths.

The first puzzle presented itself in the form of a grid of colored tiles, each emitting a soft glow. Fein smirked as he surveyed the pattern. "A color-matching game? How pedestrian," he mused, rolling his eyes.

With a swift and calculating mind, Fein deduced the underlying principle. He realized that each tile had a unique color, and adjacent tiles had to match in color. His fingers danced across the tiles, rearranging them effortlessly until every color found its match. The grid glowed brightly, unlocking the passage forward.

The second puzzle challenged Fein with a series of intricate symbols etched into stone tablets. The symbols seemed to shift and change as he studied them. Fein's lips curled into a wry smile as he grasped the puzzle's essence. "Symbolic transformations, eh?" he muttered.

Drawing upon his keen observation, Fein deciphered the hidden logic behind the shifting symbols. He recognized the pattern of rotation and reflection, manipulating the tablets with deft precision. As the symbols aligned perfectly, a hidden mechanism clicked, revealing the way forward.josei

The third puzzle confronted Fein with a massive mechanism of gears and levers. It seemed impenetrable at first glance, but Fein saw through the complexity. He scoffed at the contraption's attempt to confound him. "Mechanical manipulation, huh? Child's play," he scoffed.

With an analytical eye, Fein traced the interconnected gears and levers, deducing the exact sequence required to unlock the mechanism. His fingers danced across the intricate apparatus, adjusting gears, and pulling levers with calculated precision. The once-immovable gears groaned in protest, surrendering to Fein's mechanical prowess.

The fourth puzzle tested Fein's ability to navigate a maze of shifting pathways. Walls of stone shifted and reconfigured, attempting to confound him. But Fein, undeterred, approached the challenge with a devilish grin. "A maze that thinks it can outsmart me? Adorable," he sneered.

Fein's mind mapped the intricate twists and turns of the shifting maze. He calculated the optimal routes, predicting the movements of the walls with uncanny accuracy. His body weaved effortlessly through the maze, avoiding dead ends and deadfalls until he emerged unscathed, leaving the perplexed maze behind.

The fifth puzzle challenged Fein with a collection of ancient hieroglyphics etched onto stone pillars. The symbols danced before his eyes, seemingly indecipherable. Fein cracked his knuckles with a self-assured smirk. "Language of the ancients, huh? Let me show you how it's done."

With an impressive grasp of linguistics, Fein pieced together the fragments of ancient knowledge, connecting the hieroglyphics to their corresponding meanings. His sharp intellect unlocked the secrets of the ancient language, deciphering the hidden messages that revealed the path ahead.

The sixth puzzle unveiled itself as a complex mathematical equation scrawled across the forest floor. Numbers and symbols melded together, challenging Fein's numerical acumen. Fein chuckled to himself. "Mathematics. Finally, something that speaks my language."

His eyes gleaming with confidence, Fein dissected the equation, recognizing the patterns and operations at play. He swiftly calculated each step, manipulating the numbers with fluid ease. The equation's complexity crumbled under the weight of his logical SS-rank brain talent.


As Fein triumphantly solved the maze's intricate puzzles, he found himself facing the third trial—the Sacrifice of Compassion. The atmosphere in the Forbidden Forest crackled with anticipation, for Fein's choice would shape his path ahead.

Suddenly, his attention was drawn to a wounded creature, its eyes filled with pain and a plea for help. It seemed harmless, but it held the potential to reveal the secret entrance to the Abyss Dimension. Fein's goal beckoned, but compassion tugged at his conscience, like an annoying itch he couldn't ignore.

Fein approached the creature, a sarcastic smirk playing on his lips. "Oh, great. Another detour," he muttered, sounding more annoyed than a cat with an empty food bowl. Yet, curiosity flickered in his eyes as he examined the creature's wounds.

Reluctantly, Fein knelt beside the injured creature, his movements surprisingly gentle despite his gruff exterior. He shot the creature a side-eye, his body language oozing a mix of annoyance and intrigue. "You better appreciate this, you know," he grumbled, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

With skilled hands, Fein tended to the creature's wounds, cleaning and dressing them with practiced precision. He couldn't deny the faint sense of satisfaction that crept into his heart, hiding beneath layers of snark and cynicism. And to his surprise, the creature seemed to sense it too, its trust growing with each touch.

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