I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 831 Ancients

Chapter 831 Ancients

As Fein stepped into the dimly lit tavern, the scent of ale and spirits enveloped his senses. It was a place of gathering, where secrets were whispered and information flowed like the amber liquid in the patrons' mugs. Fein's purpose was clear—he sought to gather intelligence about the structure of the Abyss, the intricate web of power and influence that governed the demon realm.

The bartender, a shrewd and reedy businessman with a glint of mischief in his eyes, noticed Fein's arrival and offered a knowing wink. It was a silent acknowledgment of their shared understanding—a transaction was about to take place. With a subtle nod, Fein motioned for a drink and took a seat at the worn wooden counter.

The bartender approached, wiping a mug with a well-worn cloth. His weathered face held a mix of curiosity and anticipation, aware that Fein's presence meant an exchange of information was imminent. As he poured the drink, Fein casually placed a gold Kerubim on the counter, a gesture that spoke volumes without the need for words.

The bartender's eyes widened in appreciation, a flicker of greed momentarily crossing his features. He pocketed the coin and leaned closer, his voice lowered to a confidential tone.

"Well, my friend," he began, a sly grin playing at the corner of his lips, "you've come to the right place. Let me tell you about the lower realm of the Abyss."

Fein leaned back, feigning nonchalance while his mind eagerly absorbed the information that was about to be shared. The bartender's voice grew animated as he delved into the intricate details, painting a vivid picture of the demon realm.

"Religion," the bartender began, his hands gesturing to emphasize his words. "In the lower realm, the dominant belief system revolves around the worship of the Ancient Ones. They are revered as godlike beings, with rituals and ceremonies held in their honor."

Fein's expression remained neutral, his eyes focused intently on the bartender's face. He absorbed every word, mentally cataloging the information as the bartender continued his informative monologue.josei

"Geographically," the bartender continued, "the lower realm is vast and diverse. It is a labyrinth of twisting caverns, towering mountains, and treacherous swamps. Each region holds its own secrets and dangers, from the fiery pits of Mount Vorat to the icy wastelands of Frostfang."

Fein's lips curled into a slight smile as he imagined the diverse landscapes of the demon realm. He knew that understanding the geography was key to navigating its intricacies and finding the hidden paths of power.

The bartender's voice grew more agitated as he delved into the history, culture, and technology level of the lower realm. He spoke of ancient dynasties, long-forgotten civilizations, and the rise and fall of powerful demon families. Fein listened intently, absorbing the knowledge like a sponge.

"Major forces," the bartender continued, his voice now tinged with a note of caution. "In the lower realm, power is held by the noble houses. These influential families, with their intricate webs of alliances and rivalries, shape the course of politics and influence within the Abyss."

Fein's eyes sparkled with intrigue. The noble houses held the key to power and manipulation, and understanding their dynamics was crucial in his quest for supremacy.

Fein leaned in, his eyes fixed on the bartender. "Tell me more about the Ancients," he said, his voice low and commanding.

The bartender hesitated for a moment, sizing up Fein with a shrewd look. Then he nodded, as if coming to a decision. "Alright," he said, "but this is sensitive information. You got more gold?"

Fein reached into his pocket and produced a small pouch. He counted out five gold Kerubim and slid them across the counter. The bartender's eyes widened slightly, and he quickly snatched up the coins and stashed them away.

"Okay," he said, "here's what I know about the Ancients." He leaned in close to Fein and began to speak in hushed tones.

Fein listened intently, his eyes narrowing as he took in the details. The bartender spoke of the four oldest Satans, the Demons that had been there since the beginning of the Abyss. He described their demographics, psychographics, and the strengths that made them so formidable.

"They hold immense power and authority," the bartender said, his voice barely above a whisper. "The Demond God himself trusts them implicitly. They're not to be trifled with."

Fein nodded slowly, his mind racing with the implications of what he had just learned. He asked a few more questions, probing for any additional details that might be useful to him.

The bartender seemed to grow more and more uneasy as the conversation went on, glancing nervously over his shoulder as if afraid someone might be eavesdropping. Finally, he stood up straight and said, "That's all I can tell you for now. Anything else is gonna cost you."

Fein nodded, understanding. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a few more coins, tossing them casually onto the counter. "I'll keep that in mind," he said, rising to his feet.

As he left the tavern and made his way back to his abode, Fein's mind was buzzing with new information. He felt as if he had taken a step closer to unraveling the mystery of the attack on the gathering of nobles. But there was still so much he didn't know, so many questions that remained unanswered. He knew that he had to keep digging.

As Fein walked through the dimly lit streets, his mind was consumed by thoughts of the Four Ancients. He replayed the bartender's words in his head, trying to piece together the puzzle of their existence.

First, he focused on their demographics. Each Ancient had a name that resonated with power and darkness. He recalled the bartender mentioning Azrael, the eldest among them, with centuries of wisdom etched into his face. His age was a mystery, for time seemed to bend around him, leaving no trace of its passage.

The second Ancient was Lilith, a seductive temptress who exuded both beauty and danger. Her age was relatively young compared to the others, yet her influence was pervasive. Fein imagined her icy gaze and the allure that drew in even the most steadfast souls.

Next came Beelzebub, the enigmatic Ancient who embodied the chaos and frenzy of the Abyss. Fein pictured his rugged features and wild eyes, reflecting the turmoil within. His age was uncertain, for he was a creature of perpetual transformation, forever shifting in form and essence.

Finally, there was Moloch, the fierce and relentless warrior. Fein imagined his imposing figure, towering over lesser demons with an aura of commanding presence. Though his age was unknown, his battle scars and hardened demeanor spoke of countless conflicts and victories.

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