I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 845 Overwhelming Power

Chapter 845 Overwhelming Power

Fein's eyes swept over the rebels, taking in their battle scars and unyielding determination. He nodded approvingly, a silent acknowledgement of their hard-fought victory. The rebels exchanged knowing glances, a silent understanding passing between them that they were about to witness something extraordinary.

Flexing his fingers, Fein unleashed his supernatural prowess. Crackling energy swirled around him as the sky transformed into a tempestuous canvas. Dark storm clouds amassed, churning with raw power, and a wicked grin crept across Fein's face.

The rebels stared upward, their mouths agape, as an enormous meteor materialized amidst the swirling chaos. It blazed with an otherworldly brilliance, casting an eerie glow across the battlefield. A mixture of excitement and trepidation pulsed through the rebels' veins as they realized they were about to witness the epitome of badassery.

Fein raised his arms high, commanding the celestial behemoth with an air of confidence. The rebel stronghold trembled beneath their feet as the meteor hurtled toward its intended target. The ground quaked and a thunderous explosion reverberated through the air as the meteor collided with the fortress wall, shattering it to pieces in a magnificent display of destruction.

As the debris settled, the rebels turned their gaze to Fein, eager to catch a glimpse of the mastermind behind the cataclysmic spectacle. But to their surprise, he vanished into thin air, leaving behind only an ethereal whisper of his presence.

"Bloody hell, did you see that?" one rebel exclaimed, his eyes wide with awe. "Who the hell was that guy?"

Another rebel, his voice tinged with a mix of reverence and exhilaration, replied, "I don't know, mate, but he just obliterated that wall like it was nothing. Talk about making an entrance!"

With the path now clear, the rebels felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through their veins. They exchanged knowing looks, And as they stormed into the heart of the enemy stronghold, they charged forward and as they stormed into the heart of the enemy stronghold, they saw Fein vanish out of thin air and saw the meteorite on the fifteen meter crater.


Fein popped into existence smack in the middle of the chaotic battleground at House Vespertine. His eyes went wide as he took in the wild scene unfolding before him—the rebels going head-to-head with the demon soldiers in an all-out magical brawl. Spells were flying left and right, each element slinging at the other with jaw-dropping force.

The rebels, their faces dead set on victory, let loose a torrent of elemental magic that was straight-up mind-blowing. Water surged like a raging river, crashing into the demon soldiers and sending them flying. Ice formed into wickedly sharp spikes that impaled those poor demons, freezing them solid.

But hold up, the rebels weren't done yet. They cranked up the intensity, summoning a freaking whirlwind that tore through the battlefield, smacking those demon soldiers around like rag dolls. Thunder boomed in the distance, followed by flashes of lightning that lit up the whole damn place. The rebels rode that lightning, pointing it straight at their enemies and zapping them with the kind of power that'd give a bolt of electricity a run for its money.

Fein was all eyes, man. He watched the rebels go to town, their moves smooth as silk as they manipulated the elements like it was second nature. Sweat dripped down their determined faces, their muscles straining as they wrestled with the sheer power they were throwing around. You could see it in their eyes—a mix of intense focus and pure resolve. They weren't messing around.

On the flip side, those demon soldiers weren't about to take all that elemental whammy lying down. Nah, they fought back with dark magic that was as twisted and nasty as they were. Shadowy tendrils slithered through the air, tangling with the rebels' spells and trying to mess things up. The battlefield got dark real quick, like you couldn't see two feet in front of you without squinting.

But let's not forget the rebels, my friend. They yelled and hollered, rallying each other like a team on a winning streak. "Keep pushing!" one of them shouted, their voice gritty with determination. "We ain't backing down! Show 'em what we're made of!"

Fein scanned the rebel crew, soaking in every expression and gesture. Their eyes blazed with a fire that matched the intensity of their spells. Brows furrowed, teeth gritted—they were all in, no doubt about it. And man, their moves were slick. It was like they had some secret telepathic connection, their spells and actions blending together in a seamless dance of elemental destruction.

The battle raged on, and Fein couldn't help but be drawn in deeper. The rebels adapted on the fly, finding weak spots in the demon soldiers' defenses and exploiting them like bosses. Their spells grew more complex, more explosive, as they dialed up the power and left everyone's jaws hanging.

Fein's heart pounded in his chest as he watched the rebels unleash hellfire and damnation. Their magic surged, crackling with a newfound intensity that sent shivers down his spine. They weren't gonna take no for an answer—they were here to kick demon ass and take names. 'Not bad at all...' josei


Under the wide-eyed gazes of the rebels, an eerie figure emerged in the sky. Horns protruded from its head, and a dark robe draped its form. A collective gasp rippled through the rebels as they witnessed this ominous being's arrival.

Time seemed to stand still as the horned figure exhaled, its breath carrying an otherworldly power. In an instant, six rebels dissolved into nothingness, their bodies disintegrating into thin air. The remaining rebels staggered back, their eyes wide with shock and horror at the swift and devastating display of the figure's power.

With a simple gesture, the figure raised a finger, and the very ground beneath them trembled. The earth convulsed violently, as if a giant serpent stirred from its slumber. Trees swayed and cracked, their trunks splintering under the immense force unleashed by the figure's command. The ground split open, revealing a deep chasm that seemed to lead to the very core of the world.

Fein, despite his own formidable power, stood frozen in disbelief. Even he had never witnessed such a display of raw strength after Niki. His eyes locked onto the figure, his body tense... The figure, an SS-rank peak!

The figure wasn't done yet. With a single word that boomed through the air like a cataclysmic command, "Tundra," the sky fractured with an explosion of thunder. Dark clouds rolled in, swirling with a tempestuous energy. Lightning crackled within their depths, illuminating the figure's sinister form.

The rebels, their faces etched with a blend of terror and defiance, stumbled backward, their bodies instinctively seeking shelter from the impending storm. They exchanged frantic glances, their expressions mirroring their disbelief at the figure's ability to manipulate the very elements themselves.

As thunder roared and lightning danced across the sky, the rebels found themselves at the mercy of this enigmatic being. The figure's face remained obscured beneath the dark hood, leaving only glimpses of malevolence and power in its wake. It exuded an aura of darkness that seemed to seep into every crevice of the battlefield, drowning it in an oppressive gloom.

The rebels exchanged whispered words of disbelief, their voices laced with fear. "What... what is this?" one rebel stammered, his voice trembling. "We never stood a chance against something like this!"

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