I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 874 SS-Rank Spell

Chapter 874 SS-Rank Spell: Wispy Tail Flame

Imeng's voice took on a more cautious tone as he introduced the next spell. "Fein, let me tell you about the Conceal Spell. This spell allows you to mask your presence, making you harder to detect. It's ideal for stealth and evasion, granting you an advantage when you need to stay hidden. However, be aware that the spell requires focus and energy, and it doesn't make you completely invisible. It merely diminishes your presence, making it more difficult for others to notice you."

Fein's eyes widened, understanding the significance of the Conceal Spell. The thought of being able to move silently and unnoticed through dangerous territories intrigued him.

Imeng's gaze softened as he continued. "Next, we have the Soothe Spell. This spell has a calming effect on people and animals, helping to alleviate fear, anxiety, or aggression. It can be incredibly useful when dealing with frightened animals, agitated individuals, or even calming yourself in tense situations. The advantage is obvious, promoting harmony and reducing conflict. However, remember that the Soothe Spell is not a solution for deeper emotional issues."

Fein absorbed the information, realizing the potential impact of the Soothe Spell in diffusing tense situations and fostering understanding.

Imeng's expression grew thoughtful as he introduced the next spell. "Fein, let's talk about the Enhance Spell. This spell temporarily boosts your physical abilities, increasing strength, speed, and agility. It's like unlocking hidden potential within yourself. The advantage is clear—you gain an edge in physical activities and combat. However, be cautious, as the Enhance Spell puts a strain on your body and drains your energy. It's a powerful tool, but it should be used sparingly."

Fein's excitement surged at the thought of tapping into enhanced physical abilities. He understood the importance of controlling the spell's usage to avoid overexertion.

Imeng took a deep breath before revealing the final spell. "Lastly, Fein, we have the Preserve Spell. This spell helps to preserve food, preventing spoilage and extending its freshness. It's a valuable tool for maintaining supplies during long journeys or when resources are scarce. The advantage is evident—it allows you to stretch your provisions and reduce waste. However, remember that the Preserve Spell has its limits, and it won't prevent food from spoiling indefinitely."

"They are all really damn useful." Fein chuckled.

"Well, how about I show you one of my strongest spells?"

Hearing this, Fein's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but exclaim. "Really!?"

Imeng just smiled in response and began to demonstrate. He clasped his hand behind his back and took a deep breath. 'Ha... Let ime impress this kid.'

Fein watched in awe as Imeng revealed the true destructive potential of magic. The air crackled with anticipation as Imeng prepared to demonstrate a spell that held unimaginable power. He looked at Fein, a mixture of seriousness and solemnity in his expression.

Imeng shot Fein a serious look, his eyes shining with intensity. "Fein, you gotta understand the sheer force of magic. It ain't just sparkles and rainbows. It can be a real destructive beast if you don't know what you're doin'." Imeng's voice carried a weighty tone, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.josei

Fein nodded, swallowing hard as he prepared himself for the spectacle about to unfold. He could sense the seriousness and solemnity in the air, knowing that this was a moment that demanded his full attention.

Imeng closed his eyes briefly, his face scrunched in deep concentration. Fein watched as his mentor's hand rose, palm facing upward, and a flicker of dark blue flames appeared above it. The wispy tail flame danced and wriggled, casting an eerie glow that sent shivers down Fein's spine.

Without warning, Imeng flung the flame into the night sky with a swift motion. Fein's eyes followed its trajectory, mesmerized by the enchanting display. The flame streaked across the darkness, leaving a trail of luminous blue in its wake, like a shooting star on a deadly mission.

And then it hit.

An explosion rocked the landscape, shaking the very ground beneath Fein's feet. The force of it nearly knocked him off balance, and he instinctively covered his ears as the deafening boom reverberated through the mountains. The air was filled with a scorching heat, and a shockwave rippled through the surroundings.

Fein's eyes widened as he surveyed the aftermath. The once-majestic mountain that had stood tall was now reduced to a smoldering pile of rubble and ashes. Its lush greenery had been transformed into a desolate wasteland, with blackened tree stumps jutting out like skeletal remains.

Turning his gaze to where a lively river once flowed, Fein's heart sank. The riverbed was now dry and cracked, devoid of any signs of life. The water had evaporated under the intense heat of the flames, leaving behind a barren stretch of earth.

Imeng's expression mirrored the gravity of the situation. His face bore a mix of awe and regret as he turned to Fein, his voice tinged with somberness. "Fein, this is the true power of magic. It's a double-edged sword, capable of both creation and destruction. We gotta be careful how we wield it."

Fein nodded, his mind reeling from the display of raw power. He realized now more than ever the immense responsibility that came with harnessing magic. It was a force that demanded respect, caution, and a deep understanding of its potential consequences.

As the echoes of the explosion faded away, Fein made a silent promise to himself. From this moment forward, he would approach magic with the utmost reverence, mindful of the destructive force it held.

Fein turned to Imeng, his eyes wide with curiosity, and asked, "Master, what was the principle behind that spell? Why was it so destructive?"

Imeng's expression grew solemn as he looked at the aftermath of his spell. He took a deep breath, his voice tinged with a somber tone. "Fein, that spell's destructive potential lies in its elemental nature and the concentrated energy it contains."

Fein listened intently, his eyes fixed on Imeng as he absorbed every word. The seriousness in Imeng's voice resonated with him, urging him to grasp the significance of what had just transpired.

Imeng continued, his voice laced with caution. "The 'Wispy Tail Flame' is a manifestation of concentrated fire magic. It harnesses the intense heat and volatile nature of fire to create a spell that can obliterate anything in its path. When I say concentrated, its a compression of heat by hundred of times...

You can imagine a mountain that is forcefully compressed in the size of atom. That wisp of flames I conjure looks frail and weak, but its energy could power up an entire country for months!"

'Fuck!' Fein's brows furrowed and couldn't help but curse as he tried to comprehend the magnitude of such power. He realized that understanding the principles behind the spell was crucial in order to grasp its destructive force.

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