I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 931 Amatirasu, Black Flame Dragon

Chapter 931 Amatirasu, Black Flame Dragon

The two monsters, their fists still smoldering from the scorching heat of Takashi's fiery dragon fist. 

With a casual brush of their singed fists, the monsters taunted Takashi, their voices dripping with contempt. "Is that the best you can offer, human? If so, victory will surely be ours. It couldn't even harm the flesh beneath our skin." one of them spat, a malevolent grin spreading across his grotesque features.

The other monster chimed in, his tone laced with arrogance. "You and your kind are nothing but weak and feeble. We will crush you all."

Takashi, his red hair still exuding hot flames, met their mocking gazes head-on. His eyes fixed on the two, their vibrant crimson color gave the two monster the feeling of danger. With a flicker of amusement in his expression, he retorted, "Well, aren't you two a charming pair? But let me tell you something— I have a lot of flame dragons and the first one I used was the weakest..."

"Heh, you can talk huh... I will kill all the humans here after we pulling your head from your body. After that we will make that gut over there pay!" The monsters attempted to further undermine Takashi's confidence by threatening the lives of humans. They also pointed their fingers towards Ren with provocative expression. But Takashi refused to falter. With a smirk, he replied, "Oh, so now you're resorting to idle threats? How original. But let me assure you, my friend here is more than capable of holding his own. And as for your plans of annihilation, well, I'm afraid that won't be happening on my watch."

Takashi refused to let their prideful words penetrate his psyche, using his humor as a shield against their attempts to destroy his psychological defenses.

The monsters exchanged a glance, their expressions revealing a hint of uncertainty. Takashi's strong willpower and his refusal to bow down gave them a hard time. They realized it was futile to destroy Takashi's mentality. 

As for why they are trying to attack his psychological defense. They believe that the mind takes 60% of the battle. If they manage to weaken his resolve, they would become the winner right from the start. 

Takashi took a step forward. Sparks ignited in his clenched fist, forming a mesmerizing display of orange flames.

With a boundless burst of energy, Takashi leaped into the air, defying gravity with the grace of a seasoned acrobat. As he soared, a striking tattoo depicting a majestic fire dragon materialized on his left shoulder, pulsating with untamed power. With a voice brimming with fiery passion, he bellowed, "Asura Flame Dragon!"

The flames on his fist transitioned from orange to a blazing red. The flame transformed into a colossal dragon of red flames, a whopping fifteen meters in length. 

But those cocky monsters weren't about to back down so easily. They quickly slammed their slimy bodies onto the ground, tentacles digging deep into the earth. And just like that, a dark wall of ink erupted from beneath, like some twisted Jackson Pollock painting come to life. It stood tall and menacing, shielding them from the incoming dragon onslaught.

There was a tremendous clash of forces—asura flame dragon meeting ink head-on. The air crackled with tension as the seething flames battled against the impenetrable darkness. The battlefield shuddered under the weight of their power, but that ink wall held its ground, It managed to hold back the fiery beast, though you could see the strain and the cracks starting to form. It was like watching an intense game of tug-of-war.josei

The intense heat. It didn't give a damn about barriers and walls. It seeped through every crack, every crevice, and bit into those monstrous bodies. Their green skin, once so proud and unyielding, started to split and crack. Blue blood trickled out, contrasting sharply against the grotesque scene.

"Arghh! How is this possible!? His flames manage to penetrate our Dark Vantage Wall!?" The monsters tried to distance themselves from the wall and get away from the heat.

Takashi, cool as a cucumber amidst their panic, couldn't help but flash a confident smile. "See... I have total of nine dragons. And Asura Dragon was the second weakest!" Shoulders squared, feet planted firmly on the ground, he exuded an air of unshakable confidence. He wasn't about to let those two bumbling brutes get the better of him.

'Is he for real!?' One of the monster felt fear this time.

If the flame with such a heat was just really the second weakest. How about his strongest flame dragon!?

As Takashi stood there, his confidence radiating like a blazing sun, a sudden shift in the atmosphere caught his attention. The two monsters, their pride now shattered and desperation taking hold, began to move in sync, their bodies intertwining in a grotesque dance. It was like witnessing a twisted fusion, their green skin transforming into a sickly shade of purple, their eyes turning a haunting pure white. Wings, composed of swirling black dust, sprouted from their hulking forms, adding an eerie and otherworldly aspect to their already fearsome presence.

The fusion was a sight to behold, a manifestation of their desperation to gain an edge against Takashi. Their muscles bulged with an overbearing size, straining against the confines of their skin. Each sinew and fiber seemed ready to explode with raw power. Their chests appeared perfectly solid, and an aura of sheer explosiveness emanated from their monstrous form.

Takashi's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and determination flashing across his face. This unexpected transformation had caught him off guard. "What kind of monstrosity is this?"

Takashi locked eyes with the fused monster, now calling itself "The Destroyer." Its arrogance dripped from every word it uttered, each claim designed to undermine Takashi's resolve. "I am a hundred times stronger than before," it boasted, its voice filled with pride. "A hundred times faster, and a hundred times smarter. You stand no chance against me."

Takashi's expression shifted, a flicker of concern crossing his face. He finally felt the weight of true danger, the magnitude of the threat before him. It was a moment of realization, a sobering recognition that he faced an opponent who surpassed his previous adversaries in every aspect. "It seems I need to use my third sixth strongest flame dragon."

As the gravity of the situation settled upon him, Takashi's eyes transformed. The passion within him mixed with a sense of urgency, and from his gaze erupted burning black flames. The intensity of his stare matched the seething inferno within, revealing an aura of underworld and Abyss.

A surge of energy coursed through Takashi's body, converging at his forehead. There, a tattoo of a black dragon emerged, its intricate design etched upon his skin. The mark symbolized his connection to the depths of darkness.

With a resounding cry that echoed through the battlefield, Takashi unleashed his next move. His voice reverberated with a mix of fury and determination as he shouted, "Abyss Dragon Flame! Amatirasu! Bring them to their knees!"

His words carried a commanding presence, a declaration that he would not be defeated. The name of his technique resonated with ancient power, promising the annihilation of his enemies in a blaze of destruction. Black dragon materialized from his body and rose to the air.

The Destroyer, momentarily taken aback by Takashi's transformation, could sense the imminent threat that loomed before it. A flicker of doubt passed through its eyes, betraying a crack in its otherwise unwavering facade of arrogance.

As Takashi launched his attack, the power of the Abyss Dragon Flame engulfed him. Black flames danced around his body. With each step, he left behind scorch marks on the ground.

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