I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 936 The Descent Of The Final Boss

Chapter 936 The Descent Of The Final Boss

Unable to overcome the overwhelming fear, the scaly monster succumbed to the illusion's grip. The powerful gravitational force of the illusory black hole manifested as an irresistible vacuum, drawing him inexorably closer. With a final desperate struggle, he was swallowed by the illusory abyss.

"How come the black hole wasn't as powerful as the real thing? Shouldn't he turned into a compressed muscle mass monster now?" Takashi look at Ren. "The black hole's gravity force would compress him from top to toe, while stretching him at the same time. This process is called spaghettification, right?"

Ren sighed at Takashi's stupid question. "The potential effects of a black hole's gravity on a physical body. In the context of her ability, as Luna created the illusory black hole, it is important to note that the black hole itself is a manifestation of her illusions and does not possess the same physical properties as a real black hole.

While the illusory black hole may induce a sense of fear and panic in the monster, causing him to believe he would be consumed by its gravitational force, the actual process of "spaghettification" would not occur. Her illusory black hole serves as a psychological weapon, exploiting the monster's perception rather than subjecting him to the physical consequences of a real black hole. After all, her source of faith is only one S-rank monster...josei

It couldn't replicate the real black hole. She needs at least four S-rank enemies believing at her black hole to even imitate half of the power of black hole."

"That's it." Takashi nodded as he heard Ren's understanding. He doesn't doubt Ren at all because Ren was not only the second strongest of the Central Plains, but also the chief scientist of research department of the region's military.

As Luna stood in the battleground, the two lifeless bodies of the S-rank monsters scattered around her, she couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment mixed with a deep unease. She wiped the sweat from her brow, her breathing heavy from the exertion of the fight. Her amber eyes surveyed the scene before her, taking in the chaos and destruction that surrounded them.

Turning her attention to the blood-filled monster, Luna noticed a flicker of amusement in its bloodshot eyes. It glanced over the vast battlefield where hundreds of thousands of monsters clashed with an equal number of human degu users. The conflict had reached its climax, and the monster troops seemed to have gained the upper hand. The remaining monsters numbered 41,000, while the humans were dwindling at 34,000.

Luna could sense the tension in the air, the weight of the impending defeat weighing heavily on the human forces. The monsters, driven by their primal instincts and a sheer desire for dominance, fought with relentless fury. Their roars echoed through the battlefield, mingling with the cries of pain and the clash of weapons.

Despite the odds stacked against them, Luna refused to give in to despair. She knew that the outcome of this battle could determine the fate of their world. Her mind raced, seeking a strategy, a glimmer of hope that could turn the tide in their favor. The stakes were high, and Luna understood the responsibility that rested on their shoulders.

Gathering her remaining strength, Luna stepped forward, her black hair billowing behind her. She met the gaze of Ren and Takashi, her resolve shining through her piercing amber eyes. It was a silent acknowledgment, an unspoken understanding of the gravity of the situation between them.

As Luna scanned the battlefield once more, her gaze fell upon her fellow degu users, their faces etched with weariness and desperation. They had fought tirelessly, but the relentless onslaught of the monsters had taken its toll. Luna could see the fatigue in their slumped shoulders and sweat-drenched brows, yet she also saw a flicker of hope, a spark of resilience that refused to be extinguished.

Suddenly, Luna's eye narrowed as she felt movement in the air. A strong sense of danger appeared that made her feel suffocated.

Then she only saw the blood-filled monster descended from the sky, its lazy demeanor vanished, replaced by an air of superiority and arrogance. The ground trembled beneath its massive form, its scaly skin gleaming with a sickly sheen. Crimson veins pulsed beneath the surface, coursing with an ominous power. Its bloodshot pupils narrowed as it scanned the faces of Ren and Takashi, its gaze were pure curiosity and mischief.

The monster's appearance was formidable, its towering figure casting a menacing shadow over Ren and Takashi. Its hulking frame exuded raw strength, muscles rippling beneath its scaly exterior. Its jet-black claws, sharp as daggers, glinted in the sunlight, ready to tear through anything in its path. The faint scent of blood hung in the air, a reminder of the destruction it had wrought.

A wicked grin spread across the blood-filled monster's face, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth. Its voice, deep and resonant, dripped with a combination of amusement and disdain. "Well, well, well... It seems this world isn't without hope," it sneered, its voice carrying a hint of mockery. The monster's gaze lingered on Ren and Takashi, its eyes filled with a mixture of derision and interest.

With a dismissive flick of its clawed hand, the blood-filled monster demonstrated its callous disregard for the lives of its fallen companions. The bodies of the eight monsters that Takashi, Ren, Luna, and Amara had defeated lay strewn across the battlefield, their body parts of the eight monster suddenly disappeared.

"Aren't you concerned with you companions at all?" Ren glared at the leader of the monsters.

"Companions? Those shits died because of their weakness. They aren't my companions, they are just useless fodders that does all the trivialities that I won't bother to do myself."

A twisted smirk played upon the monster's lips as it spoke, its voice dripping with contempt. "Weakness disgusts me," it proclaimed, its words laced with disdain. Its tone carried an air of superiority, as if it saw itself as the embodiment of strength and invincibility. To the blood-filled monster, power was everything, and those who could not match its might were unworthy of its attention.

'This monster treat S-ranks with contempt?' Ren couldn't help but feel the arrogance deep within the blood filled monster's bones. It was pure ego of someone who stood in power for a long time.

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