I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Chapter 36 36

Chapter 36 36: Four Types Of Returner Stone

A teleportation portal the size of a human enough to go through appeared in a secluded area not far from the tower.josei

Shortly after, two figures come out of the portal, it's Argon and Cambion.

Argon looked around, and after confirming that no people were around, he turns his gaze to Cambion.

"Cambion... For now, call me Young Master, not My Lord." Argon looked at Cambion's soulless appearance.

"As you wish, My- Young Master."

Since Cambion got summoned, Argon didn't see any emotion on his face, it's always that stiff and soulless face.

"En, let's go." Argon nodded.

A minute later.

Seeing what was in front of him, Argon's eyes widened, and he has a look of disbelief written all over his face.

What was in front of him was a small town with his dungeon at the center. Although it doesn't have walls around it, there were houses, stalls, and camps around the tower forming like a small town

This area also becomes a flat land, the trees were gone.

"What is this, how fast did they build these houses?" He can't help but be impressed.

Although he didn't inspect what was going on around his tower. Still, how many days have passed since these people arrived at the dungeon?... One day, two days?

'Well, these people are cultivators, so cutting wood and building ordinary houses in a day shouldn't be a problem for them.' He thought.

'Sigh' "Who cares how they do it, this is also beneficial to me, it will be easy to gather information about this world."

Argon didn't think about it too much and continued walking, Cambion followed behind him.

While walking, Argon saw a stall on the side that has fruit in it. He snatched one fruit, and as for the vendor, it didn't react at all.

Argon's hand was too fast for the vendor to see.

Argon took a bite of it, this will be the first food he gonna eat since he come to this world. Although as a Qi Gathering realm monster, he can survive without food for a month, as a modern person he still misses the taste of food.

A sweet taste pervaded Argon's mouth, it taste like an apple.

"Such a familiar taste."

While Argon was enjoying his fruit, he heard a commotion. He looked around and saw a gathering of people, so he walked toward it.

"Hey old man, why is your returner stone so expensive? People are selling it for 20 qi stones, and you selling yours for 25 qi stones."

"That's right, this is daylight robbery!"

"Yeah, why don't you just make it 30 qi stones!! You shameless old man." A female cultivator shouted in anger.

For low-level cultivators, it's hard to get a returner stone, because low-level monsters were almost impossible to drop a returner stone.

So, they can only buy it with high-level cultivators if they don't want to get stuck inside. However, getting 20 qi stones was impossible for first-layer to third-layer body tempering cultivators.

Furthermore, even if high-level body tempering cultivators can afford it, twenty qi stones is already their lifelong earnings.

Everyone suddenly becomes quiet, because the old man really did change the prize to 30 qi stones.

Everyone turned around and glared at the woman who shouted, if the person who shouted was not a woman, everyone already beat the shit out of this person.

As for robbing the old man, no one dares. The old man has a cultivation base of sixth layer body tempering, in this place, he's considered a master. In addition, the three forces were supervising this place. So, unless you have a death wish, no one will make trouble in this place.

Argon on the corner was just watching the scene in silence.

"qi stone must be some kind of currency in this world." He thought.

Argon didn't stay long and continued walking.

"System, how much is the returner stone?"

Since returner stone is such a hot pie, he was planning on using it to get information. Although he can just order Cambion to kidnap a human and make it talk, it was too hassle and unnecessary.

[There are 4 types of returner stones, low, middle, top, and special grade... The low to top-grade returner stones, the higher the grade the more people it can teleport. As for the special grade, it can teleport ten people even if they are in a combat situation.

These are the prices.

Low grade: 100 soul coins

Middle grade:1,000 soul coins

Top Grade: 10,000 soul coins

Special grade: 100,000 soul coins]

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