I Developed The Zombie Apocalypse And Netizens Went Crazy With Excitement

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Umbrella Corporation Is Going to Wipe Out Raccoon City?!

When the two argued, rotten hands reached out from the cemetery under their feet and grabbed everyone’s ankles and calves.

The cemetery’s zombies came back to life!

Mikuya was a second-round player, so she was mentally prepared for it.

However, it was the first time most live-stream viewers saw the scene.

[Fuck! What are these? The T-virus can even infect the dead?]

[Crazy! It’s too crazy!]

[I knew it! Nothing good would happen when coming to the cemetery in the middle of the night!]

[The producer is too evil. Everyone will be scared to death by the scene when playing the game alone!]

The comments were all ridiculing the nightmarish plot.

Mikuya and her companions fought as they retreated. Finally, they escaped the zombies’ encirclement and arrived at the main street.

Suddenly, the game paused. A plot animation about another person’s perspective was shown.

The new plot immediately attracted the viewers’ attention, and everyone watched the screen attentively.

It showed a plan called “Nemesis” officially launched in Umbrella Corporation’s camp outside Raccoon City.

Afterward, an extraordinarily huge and ugly human-shaped monster woke up in a laboratory.

It was a human-shaped biological weapon created by Umbrella Corporation.

On the other side, the three Special Forces abandoned by Umbrella Corporation were seeking help from the company. However, they didn’t receive any response.

Suddenly, a helicopter appeared in the sky. The three Special Forces thought it was a rescue team sent by the company. However, they realized the helicopter ignored their calls for help and went directly to the city center.

The three of them came to the building in the center of the city. They could only see a few opened large supply boxes. The weapons inside were big, and obviously, it was not suitable for human use.

The story ended here, and the comments in the live stream room immediately started a heated discussion.

[There’s a profound comprehension of the plot! The large supply box in the building should be for Nemesis!]

[Poor Umbrella Corporation employees are just pawns of the company!]

[Umbrella Corporation is just too evil. They’re definitely the biggest villain in the game!]

[It seems that the big boss of Zombie Apocalypse II should be the humanoid monster. The Licker appears to be inferior compared to this monster!]

Mikuya led the team to continue the game. josei

Meanwhile, a strange phenomenon occurred. Every time they passed by a public phone, it would ring.

Many viewers were trying to persuade her not to pick up the call as it must be something wrong.

However, Mikuya picked up the phone without hesitation, and a man’s voice came from the other end.

He was Angela’s father, Dr. Charles!

He never gave up on saving his daughter, and he had confirmed his daughter’s location!

“I need you to help me save my daughter. In return, I’ll tell you how to leave Raccoon City!”

“Umbrella Corporation has completely sealed off the city. You won’t be able to leave that place alive without my hints!”

“Moreover, I can tell you in advance that Umbrella Corporation will soon launch a miniature nuclear bomb to wipe out the city entirely. If you can’t leave before it happens, you’ll only die there!”

“Consider my request carefully. The deal is good for both of us.”

Dr. Charles thought he would waste a lot of time and effort to get Mikuya’s trust.

He didn’t expect Mikuya to readily agree, leaving Dr. Charles unable to finish his lines.

After hanging up the phone, Mikuya told Jill and the others about the mission to save Angela, but they all objected.

However, when she told them the city was about to be wiped out by miniature nuclear bombs, it was passed by vote.

Since no one would rescue them, fighting to the end was better than staying there and doing nothing.

The recent scene caused a frenzy of comments.

The viewers were furious when Umbrella Corporation planned to cover up the truth through the media after launching the nuclear bomb and disguise their actions as a nuclear power plant leak.

[Wow! I thought Umbrella Corporation created the T-virus was evil enough, but it turns out they’re going to use nuclear weapons!]

[Is Umbrella Corporation planning to give up on all the survivors in the city?]

[How can such a company exist in the world? No wonder the zombie apocalypse broke out!]

[Typical whitewashing! Haha! That’s how our media works. As long as you pay them, you can do whatever you want!]

The comments in the live stream room ridiculed the media platforms controlled by capitalism.

Soon, the team arrived at a bridge. Suddenly, Mikuya stopped walking.

Peyton also heard strange noises and turned to look down at the bridge.

However, he was suddenly shot by a rain of bullets and died immediately.

Mikuya wore a very solemn expression on her face even though she was a second-round player.

She knew the first challenge was coming!

“You guys go to the school and find Angela first. I’ll meet up with you after I get rid of this thing!”

In the previous game, Mikuya had planned a perfect escape route. If she continued to stay with the NPCs, it would only increase the game’s difficulty. Hence, she let them leave first.

Finally, Mikuya met the giant zombie.

Unfortunately, the difference in size and weapons between the two was significant. Mikuya couldn’t help but be helpless.

Luckily, the escape route that Mikuya had prepared came into effect. After crossing countless streets, Mikuya found a trash chute inside a shop.

Mikuya could survive since the zombie after her couldn’t go through the pipes due to its size.

Her miraculous escape immediately shocked the viewers.

[Oh my God! Is that you, host? I suspect that you’re not the host I subscribed to!]

[Do a urinalysis! Do a urinalysis immediately! Something isn’t right!]

[The host survived? Did she play the giant zombie for a fool? Is this reasonable?]

[Don’t be at ease after achieving a minor goal. It is just the start. To end the game, you’ll have to kill the giant zombie!]

After being shocked, Mikuya needed some time to calm down, so she interacted with the viewers.

“You’re right. The giant zombie is indeed the big boss, and there’s a post-credits scene at the end of the plot.”

“Everyone must focus on the following plot. Make sure to catch all of the plots!”

“Let’s go to the school to save Angela and leave this damn place!”

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