I Don’t Want This Reincarnation

Chapter 107

Chapter 107

“Come and choose, Kim Woo-jin. You will use it, but it should be to your liking.”

“I’m fine. You don’t have to buy me…”

“No. I have to spend money.”

Not my money though. Despite the firm push, Kim Woo-jin still hesitated. On the other hand, Kwon Jeong-han approached with a sullen face and pointed to a design.

“This is beautiful. It also suits Kim Woo-jin seonbaenim.”

“Where… this one? What is this? A cat?”

“That’s right, Sir. Besides cats, we also offer a variety of animal designs such as dogs and birds.”

“It’s cute. Right?”

“That’s right.”


Kim Woo-jin, who was quietly looking at me and Kwon Jeong-han, who was choosing a design in earnest, sighed.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t a cat or a dog that Kim Woo-jin chose, but rather a simple and neat design. When I counted 10 of the 7-week items at once, I came up with a different amount than when I bought clothes. (7주짜리 10개를 한 번에 계산하자 옷을 살 때와는 차원이 다른금액이 나왔다, not sure)

After the calculation was over, I put the Cheon Sa-yeon’s black card into my wallet and told Kim Woo-jin.

“Now, instead of carrying it in your pocket, put it in your art inventory. Still, if it’s an A-class weapon, it’s a pretty expensive item, but it’s too much to just carry it around.”


Kim Woo-jin looked at me and licked his lips, adding in a low voice.


You seemed to be burdened, but you must not feel bad. Looking at Kim Woo-jin’s slightly heated ears, I smiled.

“Well, it’s not even my money.”

“And you? You don’t buy anything?”

“I don’t need it. I don’t even have a weapon to use.”

I had lent an inventory seat to Cha Soo-yeon for important things, so I could leave it there.

Anyway, I thought this was enough for shopping. There was no way I could hurt Cheon Sa-yeon by buying something at the department store anyway. I’m in a good mood or something.

We returned to the guild with both hands full of shopping bags hanging like that. Kwon Jeong-han, who guarded me up to the 23rd floor, said to me with a soft smile.

“Thank you for the gift of clothes. I’ll leave work today and see you tomorrow.”

“Okay. Be careful on the road.”

At the words of Kwon Jeong-han that he would come again tomorrow, Kim Woo-jin, who was next to him, frowned slightly, but fortunately he didn’t intervene.

As soon as Kwon Jeong-han was sent and entered the room, Kim Woo-jin took the shopping bag I was holding.

“I’ll wash them up, so you wash.”

“I have a lot of clothes. Can you do it alone?”

Kim Woo-jin rolled his eyes and created a clone in an instant. I couldn’t believe him using his clone to do housework…okay. You looked very comfortable.

Kim Woo-jin, who grabbed the nape of the clone that came to me like a habit, pointed to the bathroom with his chin.

“I got it, so go wash up. I’m faster than you to sort things out anyway. I’ll put the change of clothes at the door.”


It was true, so I couldn’t argue with anything. I sighed and opened the bathroom door.

After showering, I entered the bedroom with a towel on my wet hair and found a familiar case on the table. It was a case containing the cell phone that Cheon Sa-yeon gave me. Why is this here?

‘I definitely threw it away and said that it was a trash… Did Kim Woo-jin leave it here while tidying up?’

Well. The case was too luxurious to be trash. I sighed and pulled out the cell phone.

As expected, I didn’t like it no matter how I looked at it. First of all, I hated it more because it was the same type of cell phone that Cheon Sa-yeon used.


The cell phone I was using was crumpled and destroyed without even giving me a chance to back it up, so it wasn’t just one or two numbers that were blown away. When I turned on the power of my new cell phone, it vibrated and a message flew in.

「Cheon Sa-yeon: ^^」


It was a message that arrived an hour ago. My face was contorted. Why was this bastard sending stuff like this to make people feel bad?

I needed a cell phone, but I didn’t want to use it. This time around, I didn’t know what Cheon Sa-yeon might have done to my cell phone. I turned off the power and put the cell phone back into the case, thinking about it.

‘Is there no other way…’

I didn’t want to contact him about this. Once I opened the bedroom door, I glanced into the living room. Kim Woo-jin was busy cleaning the house with his clone.

It seemed like it could be done secretly now. I carefully closed the door and lifted the bed mattress with my ability.

The cell phone I got when I first met Ha Tae-heon. I didn’t know I would use this again. I smiled in embarrassment and immediately dialled the call.

[Han Yi-gyeol?]

For some reason, he answered the phone right away. I lowered my voice and opened my mouth.

“Hello, Ha Tae-heon-ssi.”


Ha Tae-heon asked in a displeased voice.

[Why did you call this number?]

“Something… happened.”

When I answered by scratching my cheek for nothing, Ha Tae-heon took a deep breath.

[What else did you do?]

“Yes? That, it’s not what I did.”

[Where are you now?]

“Now at Requiem Guild…”

[Come out.]


Unable to keep up with Ha Tae-heon’s speed of conversation, I stood blankly with my mouth closed for a moment. It was still early, not even 6 pm, so it wasn’t appropriate to meet Ha Tae-heon.

“That, I wish I could meet you later at night, not now.”


This time Ha Tae-heon was silent. Why?

“Ah. If you have a job, that’s fine. Even on another day.”

[No. See you this time.]

Ha Tae-heon, who cut off my words resolutely, made an appointment right away.

[One o’clock in the morning. It’d be nice to see you at the place we’ve always met.]

“I understand. And Ha Tae-heon-ssi.”

[Say it.]

“I want to ask you one favour.”

* * *

Late after midnight, I changed into the beige sweatshirt and jeans I bought at the department store I stopped by during the day and opened the bedroom window. Fortunately, it was much warmer than last time, so it wasn’t cold without a coat.

When I arrived at the alley next to the hotel I stopped by when I met Ha Tae-heon, I saw his car parked in the dark. I left early on purpose to arrive early and wait, but I was late again.

“Ha Tae-heon-ssi.”

As I familiarly opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat, Ha Tae-heon, who was sitting in the driver’s seat with arms crossed, looked at me and sighed once more.

“What’s with your outfit?”


I looked down at the clothes at the sudden criticism of the outfit. I didn’t think there was a problem. I opened my mouth hesitantly.

“…not good? It’s new clothes.”

“No. It means you don’t wear anything more.”

Ah. I guess it was a question about whether it would be cold if I wore it like that rather than pointing out the clothes.

“It’s okay though?”

I tilted my head and looked at Ha Tae-heon’s body. A white T-shirt with a slightly loose fit and training pants.

“Ha Tae-heon-ssi, aren’t you cold when you dress like that?”

“I have a lot of heat in my body. Let’s go.”

Ha Tae-heon drove the car without hesitation as if he had set his destination. After staring at Ha Tae-heon’s large hand holding the steering wheel for a moment, I asked carefully.

“Maybe now… are you going to Ha Tae-heon-ssi’s house like last time?”

“Why are you asking something obvious?”

Ha Tae-heon turned the car to the right and continued.

“Since you never know when a person with mental ability will approach you, you can’t be relieved even for a moment. Home is the safest place.”

“It is, but…”

Maybe, it was because of me again. No matter how you look at it, it seemed that Ha Tae-heon didn’t like having anyone into his house, but this time, I felt sorry for being indebted to Ha Tae-heon.

Ha Tae-heon’s house, which we arrived at soon after, hadn’t changed much from the last time. As I was standing in front of the entrance, Ha Tae-heon pointed to the sofa in the living room.

“Sit down. I’ll bring you something to drink.”


Was it alcohol again? I liked the wine I drank at that time, so I sat on the sofa with anticipation.

Ha Tae-heon went into the kitchen and walked out with a white mug in his hand. It was hot milk with foggy steam rising up.

“Drink it.”

“Th, thank you.”

What milk? The mug I was handed over unexpectedly was quite large and heavier than it looked. When Ha Tae-heon was holding it, it looked much smaller than this. I was afraid to hold it with one hand, so I held the mug with both hands and took a sip.

“It’s delicious.”

I thought it was plain milk, but the sweetness lingered in my mouth. Ha Tae-heon nodded at my words and sat down on the sofa opposite.

“I added honey. Don’t leave anything behind, drink it all.”

All of this? It was a bit too much. I had something to talk about, but the time would run out after drinking only milk. I put down my mug because I wanted to start a conversation, but Ha Tae-heon immediately stopped my actions with a blink of an eye.

“Why stop? Drink it all.”

“No, let’s talk first.”

“Drink it all.”

With the terrifying gaze, I finally swallowed my tears and picked up the mug again. How long would you drink all of this? It was already past two o’clock. It was so hot that I couldn’t drink it in one go.

So I drank milk hard while being watched by Ha Tae-heon. After drinking warm milk in silence for over 30 minutes, I couldn’t even talk in earnest, but my body began to feel drowsy.

I forcibly opened my hot eyelids from exhaustion and put down the empty mug. After confirming that I had finished drinking, Ha Tae-heon took something from the side table next to the sofa and put it on the table.

“This is the cell phone you requested.”

It was the same cell phone as Ha Tae-heon’s own model. Blinking slowly, I looked around the cell phone with my hand.

“Thank you. The one I used before was broken and in trouble.”

“What caused it to break?”

“Um… Cheon Sa-yeon broke it. I got a new phone, but it’s a bit uncomfortable to use.”

After thinking for a while, I just answered honestly. I didn’t even want to lie to Ha Tae-heon, who gave me a cell phone despite the sudden request.


I felt pathetic in Ha Tae-heon’s gaze looking at me. I was sure he must be thinking, ‘What is this idiot?’ and didn’t feel any shame, but I didn’t have anything to say. From Ha Tae-heon’s point of view, I could only look like that.

“Anyway, thanks to you, I can take a breath. May I know Cha Soo-yeon-ssi’s number and Master Hong-Si-ah’s number? Ah, and Kim Soo-hwan-ssi’s number too.”


“Ha Tae-heon-ssi?”

Ha Tae-heon, who frowned, crossed his long legs nicely and opened his mouth.

“Why don’t you ask for my number?”

“Pardon? Aa.”

I asked everything. I smiled shyly and stroked the nape of my neck.

“I already memorized Ha Tae-heon-ssi’s number?”

“…give it to me. I’ll save it for you.”

Oh, such consideration. It would be better to entrust it to Ha Tae-heon than me, who had slower hands, so I handed the cell phone to Ha Tae-heon without thinking about it.

As expected, Ha Tae-heon quickly saved the numbers. When I got it back and checked it, I found that, in addition to the requested numbers, Ha Tae-heon’s number was also saved. Why did you ask if it was going like this?

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