I Don’t Want This Reincarnation

Chapter 268

Chapter 268

When we returned to the drawing-room with Elohim, everyone looked at us with a puzzled look.

‘…it’s kind of strange situation.’

If you suddenly go outside during an important conversation and come back with a stranger… I would think it was strange, too. Looking at the expression on Cheon Sa-yeon’s face, it seemed that he had already recognized that he was Elohim.

“Um, so this one is…”

“Han Yi-gyeol.”


At that time, I was just about to introduce Elohim standing behind me. Ha Tae-heon, whose face hardened, said fiercely.

“Come this way right away.”

Seeing that face, I remembered what happened between Elohim and Ha Tae-heon belatedly.

Elohim hadn’t even taken off his hat yet, so how did he find out? I realized that Ha Tae-heon was an SS-rank again.

“Wait a minute, Ha Tae-heon-ssi! You can’t fight here!”

Feeling the cold energy emanating from Ha Tae-heon, I hurriedly blocked the front of Elohim.

“Why did he come here?”

I didn’t know that either.

“A, anyway, this is the Athena Guild. Calm down a little. Put your energy in…”

“Han Yi-gyeol is right. There’s no need to kick him out as soon as he arrived, right?”

Cheon Sa-yeon, who watched with his arms crossed, took my side. What’s wrong with this guy?

“He must have come all the way here for a reason. After hearing about it, we can just kick him out.”


Alright, okay. As I touched my forehead because of the headache, Elohim, who had been silent until now, opened his mouth.

“It’s okay, kid. I came all of a sudden, so everyone should be confused.”

Elohim slowly took off the black hat he was wearing. Then, along with the white light, his hair grew longer over his waist in an instant and his outfit changed.

Sarak, Elohim, wearing a white pony shirt with white hair fluttering softly, smiled as he removed the hat in his hand with a light dust.

“I also came here to help. Aren’t you in a difficult situation right now?”

“In a difficult situation?”

“The response of refusal to use the moving space that you used when you came to America will come. So you need a new way to get to Korea quickly.”

I remembered late that Elohim and Elahah could read all thoughts with their ability engraved in their eyes. It was believable that such Elohim told me.

“And Cheon Sa-yeon, I have a favour to ask of you.”

In the words that followed, Cheon Sa-yeon narrowed his eyes slightly.

Elohim smiling, Cheon Sa-yeon looking dissatisfied, and Ha Tae-heon feeling bad. And with other people watching the four of us in confusion, the atmosphere in the drawing-room subsided as if cold water had been poured on it.

‘He told me to trust him…’

How the hell did you want to fix this. I said awkwardly with the intention of ending the introduction at least.

“Well, he was the one to who I indebted in China. Ha Tae-heon-ssi already knows him and he knows about other things with Master Cheon Sa-yeon.”

Min Ah-rin listened to my words and asked carefully.

“The energy I feel is very strong… is he an SS-rank talented person?”

“No. This one is… um, he’s called Prophet…”

The more I spoke, the more strange their expressions became.

It wasn’t easy to bring the word ‘God’ out, so I called him Prophet instead, but to ordinary people, even that didn’t seem to make a lot of sense.

How would I explain Kali? There was a long way to go. I let out a deep sigh.

* * *

After I roughly organized the messy atmosphere and sat down, I first took out what we had been through.

“Kwon Se-hyun seen from space is my past. It’s hard to believe, but… I’m not Han Yi-gyeol. I died because I was betrayed by Park Seok-jae and when I opened my eyes, I had been in Han Yi-gyeol’s body.”

“…is that possible?”

“It was hard for me to believe at first too. I’ve become a stranger I had never met overnight.”

I smiled bitterly at Ha Tae-heon’s question and turned his head to Kim Woo-jin.

“Remember when I broke a cup in the hotel and cut my arm with it? That was the moment I opened my eyes after becoming Han Yi-gyeol.”


“I met Kim Woo-jin for the first time, and while talking to him, I found out that this body’s name is Han Yi-gyeol. After that, I met Cheon Sa-yeon and followed the orders. I needed time to get used to it.”

Cheon Sa-yeon knew Han Yi-gyeol from the beginning and had been repeating time, so he must have guessed to some extent since when I entered Han Yi-gyeol’s body.

“You all saw it in that space, right? A world without ability. Similar to here, but different. I’m from there.”

“Different… world. That’s amazing. And I never really imagined that Yi-gyeol-ssi was a different person.”

“I guess so. I met Min Ah-rin-ssi after I became Han Yi-gyeol. Except for Master Cheon Sa-yeon and Kim Woo-jin, people had never met the real Han Yi-gyeol.”

“I was surprised because it was so different from the rumours I had heard from time to time. So, there was a reason.”

This time, Park Geon-ho, who had listened with interest, asked a question.

“How was that possible, as Deputy Master Ha Tae-heon said? It seems difficult with ordinary abilities.”

“Let me tell you about it.”

Elohim, who naturally intervened, waved his hand in the air once. Then, a halo of white light appeared from somewhere and formed something.

“Now, this is the world I’m managing and the world you’re living.”

Among the many spheres floating in the air, Elohim pointed to the one shining golden. And he moved his hand to another sphere right next to it.

“And this is the world where Se-hyun lived.”

This was the first time he explained the world in detail. I watched the beautiful shining spheres and listened to the story that continued.

“There are dozens or hundreds of other worlds with similar shapes. Of course, there are worlds in which different races with completely different appearances live. And in those countless worlds, there are beings who each manage them… this place is managed by me and my twin brother.”

“Do you mean God?”

“It would be similar. However, we’re not as omnipotent as the Bible says. There are restrictions on how deeply we can involve with the world.”

All the spheres began to spin in a big circle. Then, gradually the inside of the drawing-room darkened and small lights spread widely.

It was like looking at the night sky with the Milky Way. I was mesmerized by the beautiful sight.

“Innumerable worlds like this exist under the protection of managers. This world and that world must never collide or connect with each other. But in our world, that strong providence is crumbling.”

The golden sphere shook unstable. The surface twisted as if it was about to explode.

“As the gates connected to the other worlds open and time repeats countless times, our world is rapidly unstable. The existence of the gate and the awakening of people at the same time were all influenced by other worlds.”

“Then you’re saying that the reason Yi-gyeol-ssi came over here is because of the gate?”

“You’re quick to understand, kid.”

Elohim, who smiled softly, looked at me.

“Se-hyun awakened his ability just before his death. This so-called ‘intervention’ is an out-of-class ability that has endless possibilities and cannot be measured.”

“If it’s outside the rank, isn’t it higher than the SS-rank? That’s why the space was created in Han Yi-gyeol-ssi’s past.”

“Wa, it’s the first time I’ve seen someone with out-of-class ability. I can’t believe he’s right next to me…”


At Woo Seo-hyuk’s words, Min Ah-rin looked at me like a proud child.

Didn’t I just tell you that I was Kwon Se-hyun, who was managing the store? Even though I was Han Yi-gyeol on the outside, there was a middle-aged man inside, but the attitude hadn’t changed. As expected from Min Ah-rin.

“It seems that Se-hyun came here using his own ability. If the world hadn’t weakened, no matter how out-of-class ability he has, he would have failed.”

Ha Tae-heon, who was sitting with his forehead twisted, spoke for the first time since he started explaining.

“Why is it Han Yi-gyeol? Couldn’t he get into his own body or someone with a higher rank?”

“Well. If he had an S-class body, Yi-gyeol-ssi would have suffered less.”

Ha Tae-heon sharply pointed out the unexpected part. My original body was already dead, so I couldn’t come with it and couldn’t enter the other talented body…

‘Because from all of the characters who appeared in the Abyss, Han Yi-gyeol was the only one on the verge of dying.’

I thought about it until then and lowered my head, unable to answer. If I talked about Abyss, I should definitely explain what it was.

I couldn’t even tell everyone that it was a novel I enjoyed reading. To Ha Tae-heon, who said he liked me, even more…

Looking at me like that, Elohim answered with a smile.

“It’s because the body of a child named Han Yi-gyeol was in the worst condition. The soul of this body was on the verge of extinction. If Se-hyun hadn’t come in, this child would have died. Kwon Se-hyun and Han Yi-gyeol saved each other.”

“Then… are you saying that the old Han Yi-gyeol is still in Yi-gyeol’s body?”

Cheon Sa-yeon’s hand flinched when he heard Min Ah-rin’s voice. When I thought of the relationship between Cheon Sa-yeon and Han Yi-gyeol, I understood he had such a reaction.josei

“Yeah. He remains. But it’s very weak.”

“I see…”

Everyone, including Min Ah-rin, had complicated faces. Kim Woo-jin, who had been thinking about it for a while, looked straight at me and said.

“Han Yi-gyeol, I don’t care about anything as long as you can live without any danger.”

“Umm… me, too. To be honest, Yi-gyeol-ssi’s safety is the most important thing.”

“I don’t know about Han Yi-gyeol before, so I agree with those two opinions… but Han Yi-gyeol, then how should I call you from now on?”


I blinked blankly at Park Geon-ho’s random question and he continued to ask.

“Then it’s not Han Yi-gyeol, but Kwon Se-hyun, right? When I met him in the space, he seemed to be older than Han Yi-gyeol.”

“Oh, that… is…”

“Ah, that’s right! Should I call you Se-hyun-ssi now? But how old are you? I was also curious when I was living in the space.”

Everyone’s eyes that were focused on me were more curious than before. With my back on the sofa in a cold sweat, I laughed awkwardly.

“No, just call me what you used to call me now. The age is… of course, older than Han Yi-gyeol, but…”

“How old are you?”

“What’s your age?”

“How much older are you?”


I, I’m scared. With a little hope, I sent a look asking for help to Woo Seo-hyuk and Cheon Sa-yeon, but they didn’t intervene, either because they were curious. It was really too much.

When I was about to tell them my age, a heat filled the back of my neck and ears. After hesitating for a while, I opened my mouth eventually.

“…35 years old.”

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