I Established A Magic School After I Failed the CEE!

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

The construction team entered the campus.

As expected of the construction team summoned by the system, it was very efficient.

It only took half an hour to start construction.

All kinds of mechanical equipment and materials were constantly transported to the construction site.

Moreover, they were all using high-tech silent equipment.

From a hundred meters away, no sound could be heard.

Lex only looked at it for a while. He did not know anything about architecture.

The appearance of the architecture was similar to what he had thought, so he left immediately.

In the blink of an eye, three days had passed.

During these three days, many more students applied for admission.

The number of applicants had now reached more than 1,900.

After that explosion, it had gradually stabilized.

Because it was near the end of the enrollment period, the number of students applying had decreased a lot.

Only a few dozen students could be added every day.

By the time the enrollment period was over, Kasage should be able to enroll 2,000 students.

Compared to those famous schools, the difference was too big.

As long as there were some famous schools, the enrollment would not be less than 5,000 students.

There were also a few famous schools that enrolled more than 10,000 students.

Even so, there were still many people who failed the enrollment.

To be able to enroll 2,000 students was already meeting Lex’s expectations.

As long as the reputation of the first year of the school was known, there would definitely be a lot of students in the future.

After closing the enrollment website, Lex walked out of his office.

However, as soon as he walked out, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Because what he saw was a big red cloth.

That red cloth wrapped around a building that was dozens of meters tall.

And the members of the construction team were all gone.

What was going on?

This made Lex very confused.

Could it be that the members of the construction team were resting today?

Out of curiosity, Lex walked towards the construction site.

However, as he walked, the road was clean.

There was no sign of construction.

This made Lex feel very strange.

Soon, he reached the building below.

Although the building was covered with red cloth, the outline could still be seen. Was this the new building?

The surroundings of the building had been painted with silver-white paint.

The windows were not potholed, and they had brand new glass windows.

From the outside, Lex could not see the interior of the building clearly.

He did not know what was going on inside.

At this moment, he had already walked to the door.

Looking at the oak door that was filled with magic, Lex was even more excited about what was inside.

At this moment, the magic door suddenly opened.

An old man wearing a white robe walked out. He had a long beard on his chin and held a magic staff in his hand.

“Hello, Mr. Principal. I am Owen, the manager of this Alchemy Building.”

Owen respectfully came in front of Lex.

As there were also managers in the Magic Building, they were surprised by Owen’s appearance.

Lex did not appear too surprised.

Instead, he asked, “Where did the construction team go?”

He looked around and did not see anyone.

There was not even a single person renovating the building, so he could only ask Owen.

“Principal, the alchemy building has been completed. The interior decoration has been completed, and the equipment has all been adjusted.”

Owen explained the situation of the entire building to Lex.

Was it already completed so quickly?

Was the decoration good?

Wasn’t that a little too fast?!

In three days, an eighteen-story building could be built.

Even if ten construction teams were to work together, it wouldn’t be so efficient.

More importantly, the alchemy equipment and all kinds of magical items were also available.

In three days, they had prepared everything.

Such a construction team could only be summoned by the system.

However, thinking about it, it was only natural.

The system could even conjure a magical building out of thin air.

Now, it had been completed in three days.

There was nothing unacceptable.

“Since this place has been completed, then what is the red cloth outside?”

Lex thought of the red cloth she saw outside.

“The construction of the new building is completed. It requires the principal’s personal program.”

Owen brought Lex to the front of the red rope.

Then he placed the rope in his hand.

Lex pulled hard, and the red cloth outside the building fell slowly.

The entire building appeared in his eyes.

“Alchemy Building.”

The words reflected silver light in the air dozens of meters away.

The building was not vertical, but it was curved.

It was like a long snake.

It was surrounded by alloy frames and special glass.josei

It looked like the scales of a snake.

There was no other building like this on Earth.

This was probably a magic creation.

The feeling of magic and the mysterious aura were like ancient relics left behind by gods.

One look and one could not take their eyes off it.

If it was already like this on the outside, what would the interior look like?

Lex was already looking forward to the interior of the alchemy building.

What kind of surprise would it bring to him?

Following that, Owen brought Lex into the alchemy building and began to show him around.

Owen did not bring Lex to look at each floor.

Instead, he took the elevator to the top floor.

“Principal, this is your private office in the Alchemy Building.”

The two of them stopped in front of a large door.

There was a statue of a cat on the door.

The cat’s eye shone with a red light and scanned Lex.

Then, they heard the cat talking.

[ Verified! ]


The magic door slowly separated from the middle.

Soon, the entire office appeared in front of Lex’s eyes.

The principal’s office was a great place. The air was filled with a faint scent of wood.

At a glance, it looked like old wood with a lustrous luster.

The two-story high ceiling was filled with books. The winding wooden stairs separated the entire space into small sections like a huge birdcage.

There was no modern technology here.

There wasn’t even a computer.

There was a magic ball on the table that projected a light screen.

The light screen was like a computer screen.

“Principal, you can see the entire building from here.”

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