I got an SSS-Grade unique skill

Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Fighting a Boss-Grade monster (4)

[ 1,000 exp gained ]

[ 1,000 exp gained ]




Continous announcement kept on appearing on Adam's view, as for the reason? Greed was currently 'massacring' a large group of ants again!

' Its the fifth time already! ', Adam thought while fighting 6 monsters on his own simultaneously

Ever since Adam and Greed dig deeper on the Gigantic Ants hunting ground, they encountered a herd of monsters frequently..

Howbeit, Greed easily killed those monsters with a continous brandished of his sword.

Adam now increased his supplied mana on Greed from 30,000 to 50,000! hence, a herd of level 100 monster was not a problem at all!

In fact, he enjoyed the lovely sound of consecutive announcement that kept on ringing!

[ 1,000 exp gained ]

[ 1,000 exp gained ]

[ 1,000 exp gained ]




[ You have leveled up! ]

' Another level up message appeared! '

Excitedly, Adam immediately checked his status window to see his improvement so far..

[ Status ]

[ Name: Adam Wights Age: 15 years old

Occupation: Absolute Chosen

Title: SSS-Grade Chosen (SSS-Grade)

Level: 40 Exp: 0/40,000

HP: 590,100/630,000 MP: 580,000/830,000

Unique skill: Extreme Luck (SSS-Grade)

Skill: Absolute ( SSS-Grade )

: #1 - ???? Summon ( Active )

: #2 - Shape-shifter ( Passive )

: #3 - '???' Division ( Passive )


Strength: 510 Agility: 510 josei

Stamina: 510 Intelligence: 710

Remaining Attribute point: 600

Remaining skill points: 10

Item equipped: Robe of Supremacy (SSS-Grade) ]

' Good. ', Addam mutters

For 2 days of diligent hunting inside Gigantic Ants hunting ground, he had achieved a total of 30 levels increment.

Of course, most credits were to Greed as he literally killed monsters like a battling machine, fighting non-stop!

Likewise, Gigantic ants as level 100 monsters gives a whacking 1,000 experience points per kill! greatly expedites his leveling speed.

' I wonder what level were the other fourth batch member was in now? ' , Adam thought silently

Soon, he instantly allocate his 600 remaining attribute points to Intelligence, increasing it to a massive 1,310!

Simultaneously, he immediately checked his mana bar..

[ MP: 1,180,000/1,430,000 ]

' It reached a million now! ', Adam thought excitedly as he can now unlock another skill of 'Absolute'.

Nonetheless, he didnt unlock it instantly as he didnt have enough mana currently, so it might have to wait until he exit this hunting grounds as he might need mana when faced with unforeseen circumstances.

Soon, a young looking man and bulky man can be seen digging deeper on Gigantic Ants hunting ground, killing every monsters they encounter as if its just a mere tofu!...


At the certain hunting ground near Manila City, a woman whose age is 16, was currently fighting with a level 28 monster ' Mutated Leopard '!

Beside her was a beastwoman belonging to a special tiger-beast tribe!

Yes! It was the same beastwoman being sold recently!

The Mutated Leopard and the young girl was moving in a circular motion, looking out for each opponents move.

Soon, the leopard found its chance and immediately pounce on the young girl!

The young girl then acted by raising her staff and mutters a short chant..

After a moment, while the mutated leopard was still suspended on the air, a thick ice-spike suddenly emerge from below it, precisely piercing the body of the monster!

The beastwoman then moves and swang her paw to the still twitching Mutated Leopard, leading the monster to its death!

[ You have leveled up ]

A messsage appeared on the front of young girl which cause her to reveal a gentle smile..

" As expected of Master, you can now fight with a level 28 monster head-on without getting disadvantage! ", praised by the beastwoman to the seemingly her master

The young girl then just replied..

" Its not enough! Im still too weak! I got to hunt harder or I'll be left out. ", said by the young girl firmly


After two hours of walking and killing monsters on the way, Adam was now faced with a big door thats as huge as a two-storey building!

' Could it be a boss-room? ', Adam utters

Some hunting grounds had a Boss-room on the deeper part of it.

Moreover, boss-grade monster were incomparable to a normal monster or even rare one!

Synonymous with chosen, monsters also had their own rating, namely: normal, rare, boss-grade, special and myth!

The monsters like one-horned rabbit, goblin, and Gigantic ants belong to the lowest rating of monsters, specifically the normal one!

Rare monster was then twice as strong as normal, and likewise, a boss-Grade monster was thrice as strong as that of normal monster!

A special monster was commonly those monsters like a final boss in a dungeon or large hunting grounds. or those with a special origin..

Lastly, so far no one had met a myth-grade monster yet but according to rumor, it was the species like dragons, unicorn, phoenix etc...

Adam was now before a boss-room where a boss-grade monster resides! This somehow makes Adam hesitant as boss-grade was thrice as powerful than that of Gigantic ants.

Likewise, what if the boss-grade monster inside was a level 101 or even higher? Wouldnt it be more powerful by then?

' Calm, calm, Lets do it! I can resurrect anyway ', Adam thought after recollecting his urge

Soon, Adam put his hands on the huge door which then open instantly...


What Adam saw behind the door baffled him..

' Is that an egg? ', Adam murmurs upon seeing dozens of white circular stuff inside, laying on the floor, which looks like an egg

' Its so huge! '

The eggs were as big as one-meter! Adam then thought that it was an egg of Gigantic Ants.

His thought was soon validated after approaching one of the transparent white egg and seeing a moving Gigantic ant-like creature inside.

Soon, he tried piercing one of the egg, .. intstantly killing the undeveloped Gigantic ant 'sleeping peacefully' inside!

Right after piercing the egg with his spear-form coin, a message rang...

[ You have killed an 'Undeveloped Gigantic Ant' ]

[ 500 exp gained ]

' ! '

' 500 exp? Undeveloped Gigantic ant? ', Adam stutter amusely as he now shifted his gaze on the long pathway thats full of over 1,000 eggs!

' Treasure! Its a treasure! ', Adam murmurs after gazing on his soon to be 'exp babies'!


AN: Please do help me to spread this novel so we can gain more readers..Dont worry as I will increase the chapter release by that time..Thanks!

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