I Got Married Without You

Chapter 1113

Chapter 1113

Chapter 1113

Chapter 1113 Don’t be nervous, Amelia’s husband do not eat people

After finishing packing up, Henry turned around and glanced at


He opened his mouth to say something, but felt that his words

were inadequate.

He stood in the room for several minutes before turning around

and leaving the bedroom…

Eva and Jayden were still outside, and when they saw him come

out, they quickly walked up to him.

“How is Stella?”

Henry looked back in the direction of the bedroom.

“Her emotions are stable, but she’s guarded.”

After speaking, he withdrew his gaze and looked at Eva.

“Eva, can you stay here for a while and take care of her for me?”

“No problem.”

Chapter 1113 Don’t be nervous, Amelia’s hus…

Without Henry having to say it, she had already planned on

staying to take care of Stella.

“If possible, could you also bring Grace over…?”

Stella liked children, and having a child around might warm her up.


Eva nodded, and Henry then left.

Half a month later, Henry took Erin to court.

Meanwhile, with Eva and Grace’s company, Stella slowly regained

her former vigor.

On the same day that A and J returned to America, Jayden and

Henry went to Stella’s villa with their belongings.

As Henry handed over the ingredients to Eva, he was asked,

“How’s the lawsuit going?”

“It has just been submitted to the court, so we have to wait for the


It takes time to fight a lawsuit, but Henry is not in a hurry, as he has plenty of time to spare.

Eva nodded and looked at Stella, who was sitting on the sofa

Don’t be nervous, Amelia’s hus… playing with Grace.

“She’s been in a better mood lately, thanks to your occasional

encouragement,” Eva said.

After Henry classified the ingredients and put them in the fridge,

he smiled at Eva.

“Once I defeat Erin, I will give her a grand wedding.”

Eva clenched her fists and made a gesture of encouragement to


“Then you better keep at it, I’m looking forward to drinking at your


“You’ll have to give us a big red envelope then.”

“Of course.”

Eva smiled and waved at him, “Go and keep Stella company, Jayden and I will take care of things here.”

“Okay,” Henry replied, before turning and leaving the kitchen.



Eva, who was picking vegetables, turned her head to look at

Don’t be nervous, Amelia’s hus… 4/5 Jayden who was washing the vegetables.

“What’s up?”

“What time will James and Amelia arrive?”

She pointed to her phone screen with her clean fingers.

“It’s 4 pm now, their private plane will arrive at 6 pm.”

“Only two hours left, we need to hurry up with the preparations…”

Jayden quickened his pace as he washed the vegetables, and asked anxiously,

“Do you think James will like the home-cooked food we make?”


Eva made a face that said “I don’t know”.

“Maybe… he will like it?”

But who knows if someone born in Rome will like it?

Eva felt a bit nervous but couldn’t help smiling.

“Is Dr. Sherwood scared?” she joked.

Jayden wasn’t scared, but he hadn’t interacted with James before

Chapter 1113 Don’t be nervous, Amelia’s hus… 5/5 and only knew that he was the big boss behind the hospital,

which made her feel a bit uneasy.

“Didn’t your friend say that James is very fierce?”

“I heard rumors like that, so I’m a bit nervous.”

“After all, we’ll be sitting at the same table in two hours.”

Neil came to visit Stella once and happened to run into Jayden.

He dared to criticize James behind his back, which was quite


Eva sympathized and glanced at Jayden, who had been bullied by Neil before.

“Don’t worry, Amelia’s husband won’t eat people.”

To be honest, it was just a comforting remark. Eva hadn’t even dined with James herself, so who knows if he really eats people or


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