I Got Married Without You

Chapter 1132

Chapter 1132

Chapter 1132

Chapter 1132 Dismantle the doll

“No need, I’ve already made my decision……”

Stella wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and gently pushed Henry’s hand away.

“I’m sorry……”

After she got her revenge on Erin, she did plan to be with Henry, only to find out that smooth, and loved, days were not for her.

“Stella, no matter how much you refuse, I will still wait for you.”

He would also take revenge on Erin for raping Stella!

“Henry, don’t be silly.”

For Stella, pushing away Henry, on the contrary, was protecting

him, Erin, that madman, was capable of doing anything.

“You know I’m stupid, then don’t do this to me.”

Henry dropped these words, turned around and left the villa, the

stubbornness that came out of his back made Stella collapse

helplessly on the steps.

On the car driving to Blue Bay Island.

Dismantle the doll


Grace, who was holding a doll, called out to James who was covering Amelia with a blanket.

James lifted his thick vertical eyelashes and glanced at Grace lightly, “Keep it down, don’t wake her up.”

Grace: ……

She was obviously already very quiet, okay?

The little girl puffed out her cheeks, lifted the doll in her hand and

handed it to James: “This doll, do you want it or not?”

The doll was so dirty that he did not even want to look at it: “No.” It

was too dirty that he was afraid to take it.

Grace was about to be pissed off by James, “Hum, if my mommy

hadn’t told me to give it to the most trusted person, I wouldn’t

have given it to you!”

James then moved away from staring at Amelia and turned to the

doll in Grace’s hand, “The doll was left to you by Ginger?”

Grace nodded proudly, “Yeah, my mommy made it for me when I

was very young, how’s that for cool?”

James thoughtfully, after staring at the doll for a few seconds,

stretched out his slender fingers and tapped Andrew on the back,


Andrew, who was sitting on the passenger side, was about to

fall asleep. When he heard James’s voice, he immediately pulled himself together, opened the locker, took out a pair of gloves, and

handed them to him.

After the man put on the gloves, he took the doll in Grace’s hand, carefully touched the doll’s stomach, there was nothing unusual, and asked her, “Mind if I take it apart?”

Grace heard to dismantle their dolls, quickly reached out to snatch back, “Do not dismantle the only toy that mommy left

me ……”

James knew the toy was important to the child and didn’t force Grace, “I suspect your mother hid something in the doll, otherwise

she wouldn’t have let you give it to the most trusted person, if you

trust me, let me take it apart, if not, forget it.”

He put the choice in Grace’s hands, which in turn made it difficult

for her, “Then after dismantling it, can you still sew it on?”

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