I Got Married Without You

Chapter 1309

Chapter 1309

Chapter 1309

Chapter 1309 Arrange everything

“Did you really kneel?”

“Of course!”

Zack proudly patted his chest.

“I’ve put into practice everything you taught me.”

James looked at Andrew, who was driving, and Peter, who was in the

passenger seat.

“If I asked you to kneel to your crush,

would you do it?”


“We’re not idiots.”

Andrew and Peter replied in unison from

the other end of the phone, leaving Zack

stunned for a few seconds before he


“Sir, are you kidding me?”

A pleasant smile spread across James’ face, his eyes shining like stars.

Seeing James’ bright smile, Zack couldn’t

help but smile knowingly too.

“Sir, this only means one thing.”

Chapter 1309 Arrange everything


“It means that they’re not as loyal as


James smiled but didn’t say anything.

After teasing Andrew and Peter, Zack sheepishly scratched the back of his


“Sir, I… I want to take a five-month leave

to spend time with Gigi. Is that okay?”

As a man who wanted Zack to start a

family, James naturally agreed.

“If you want to leave S, I can…”

“Not necessary for now. Just make sure

I’m not assigned any missions for these

five months.”

Upon hearing the mention of five

months, James raised an eyebrow and suppressed a smile.

“Why five months?”

“Ah, it’s what Gigi suggested. We’ll

date for five months and see if we’re

compatible for marriage.”

To prevent James from worrying, Zack

chose to lie.

James was a person who tended to

overthink, and he quickly associated it

with Erebus.

“That place is not somewhere you can

1. Don’t make decisions on your own.”

Zack pretended not to care.

“Sir, don’t worry. I’m with my crush now,

and I value my life too much to risk it.”

The hint of cherishing his life in his eyes slightly eased James’ doubts.

After hanging up the call with Zack,

James shifted his gaze away from the

phone screen and looked at the rapidly

passing tree shadows outside the car


Now that Alice is taken care of, Zack has

found his place, and Andrew is about

to get married, all that’s left is to leave

Peter behind to protect Amelia.

Most of the arrangements have been made, and now James just needs to deal with Jocelyn and the Lawrence Family

project before he can peacefully go to


In addition, it would be best to quickly

make Paul the CEO of Evans’ so that he

can protect Amelia for the rest of her

life. This is the worst-case scenario, and

James has no choice but to do it.

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