I Got Married Without You

Chapter 665

Chapter 665

Chapter 665

Chapter 665 Tie Aaron Up and Bring Him to Me

When James opened his eyes once more, it was the second day. Seeing the Evans Family members standing in the ward, his hawk eyes were stained with impatience.

Knowing that he preferred quietness, the Evans Family did not make any noise. They remained to stand quietly aside, and the extreme quietness made it seem like a family meeting.

Sitting at the foot of the hospital bed was a seventy-five-year-old dressed in a suit and leather shoes, a vibrant elderly man with gray hair. With his back straightened, his eyes were tear-filled looking at James’ pale and thin face…

With his crane tightly clutched, he uttered in a deep voice, “James, things have gone hard on you.”

The voice of the old man revealed the vicissitudes of the years,

but it was still as vigorous and powerful as always.

Coupled with his body that exuded an overbearing aura and his

voice that was oppressively majestic.

That sense of oppression was inherent in the Evans Family. It was

a powerful aura that came with years of taking the throne no one

Chapter 665 Tie Aaron Up and Bring Him t… could easily compare.


With his eyes lowered, James nodded his head without anything

else to say…

Mr. Evans, too, sensed the distance between them. After sitting

for a while, he began feeling restless and awkward.

When James was young, he had acquiesced in Gloria’s actions out of guilt for her, and had never defended his grandson.

Although he focused on cultivating James, they weren’t close,

and James seldom visited him at the Evans Manor after he was all

grown up…

Knowing that the incident was a matter that gnawed at James’

mind, he didn’t stay long and left after giving a few words of


Seeing members of the Evans Family following Mr. Evans out of

the ward, James withdrew his indifferent gaze to Paul, who stayed


“Has she been here?”

Paul and Andrew exchanged glances before Paul lowered his eyes, answering with a guilty conscience, “She did. After you fell asleep last night, Eva and Ms. Garcia came to visit you, but since

Eva felt a little uncomfortable, Ms. Garcia sent her back…”..

Chapter 665 Tie Aaron Up and Bring Him t… 3/6 James’ well-kept brows were drawn to a frown. “Paul, when you lie, you’ll unnaturally look at the floor…”

Paul’s heart missed a beat. He tried to retort, but happened to see

-James chiding with an icy face. “Did something happen to her?”

Paul had his head lowered, not daring to answer. James’ gaze shifted to Andrew, and at sight of him with his head drooped, his blood boiled in rage.


James growled, his entire body trembling, not knowing if it was from his physical discomfort, or for fear of anything happening to


In short, the flustered emotions were stuck in his heart,

suffocating him as if a hand was strangling his airway, so

uncomfortable that he couldn’t catch his breath…

Seeing that he couldn’t hide it any longer, Paul had no choice

but to tell the whole story. “James, Ms. Garcia has been missing

for two months. I sent people all over the world to search, but

they couldn’t find her whereabouts, and I don’t know where she


Learning how Amelia had gone missing for two months, the boiling rage sent him spitting out a mouthful of blood…


Chapter 665 Tie Aaron Up and Bring Him t… 4/6

“Mr. Evans!”

Paul and Andrew turned pale with fright. They rushed forward,

one to worriedly check his body, and the other rushed to ring the bell.

James, who hadn’t been able to move an inch, didn’t care whether he was vomiting blood. He mustered his strength and pushed Paul away to lift the quilt, getting up from the hospital bed.

He supported the edge of the bed and made up his mind to go looking for Amelia, but his weak knees gave him away by sending him falling to the ground…

After being in a coma for two months, the body stimulated by a

series of therapies such as brain cell-nourishing drugs, hyperbaric oxygen, and acupuncture couldn’t bring him to walk around

immediately after waking up…

Yet, James refused to give up. He braced himself and tried to get

up from the ground again and again…

Seeing that, Paul and Andrew quickly tried to step forward to help him, but they were frightened by his cold eyes and froze in place.

“Mr. Evans, I’m sorry, I took the liberty of keeping this incident from you. I was afraid that you’d not be able to bear the news when you’ve just woken up, so I kept it a secret from you.”


Chapter 665 Tie Aaron Up and Bring Him t… After Andrew apologized, he dropped to the ground on one knee in front of James, forcibly dragging him up to the hospital bed.

“Mr. Evans, you shouldn’t be walking now based on the condition of your body. After you’ve recovered, you can go to Ms. Garcia. Else, if you force yourself to stand up, you’ll hurt your muscles, tendons, bones and everything that’s involved. If you end up with

a limp leg, I’m sure Ms. Garcia will be hurt…”

Once Andrew mentioned Amelia, James suppressed his fuming anger. With his fists clenched, he looked up at Andrew coldly.

“The person who took her away was Aaron. You must all head

over to Aronland at once to bring her back, and…”

When James paused, a murderous chill erupted from his eyes. “Tie Aaron up and bring him to me!”

He had thought that Aaron had been there to rescue Amelia. Little

had he expected him to be there to take Amelia away!

Had he known Aaron’s purpose, he would never have fought his way out and pushed her to Aaron even if he was to die!

At the thought of how Amelia was kidnapped for two months,

James’ resent intensified!

“Aaron, if you have the guts to take my woman away, I’ll give you a

taste of piercing, agonizing pain!”

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