I Got Possessed By A Succubus Queen

Chapter 191 About The Succubus

Chapter 191 About The Succubus

"Daddy, are you cheating on the girl you promised to marry?"

Ashley asked with an innocent curious expression, surprising Anna and even Alex, who still didn't process well his new memories from Liza.

The daddy's girl really asked an important question, but her daddy was a little clueless at the moment.

"The girl I promised to marry? Who?..."

Receiving such a bewildering question, Alex was just trying to recall when he said and promised such things. Soon, he began to understand, as he displayed what Liza said when he was asleep.

Basically, just praising herself indirectly, while lying!

'Uhm... I-I-I'm sorry!! I just want to avoid receiving marriage proposals while you're asleep, so I lied about it'

Liza didn't think such topic would raise up again any time soon. That just caught her off guard, shaking speaking, and trying to explain her doings, while adding few lies.

'Okay, how about praising yourself too much, Huh? I didn't know I love you so much, oh, how cute'

Although she was hella nervous, Alex wasn't actually upset or anything, just smirking faintly, and trying to get more adorable reaction from Liza. He could feel she was lying more, but going through loads of embarrassing minutes.josei

'S-Stop it! I told you why I lied and I needed to have back up to my words so I convince them, so k-knock it off!'

She was the queen of succubi, but definitely teasable. Being in such situation was apperantly so embarrassing. First, indirectly implying she loved him and secondly showing her determination of marrying him. No matter who was she, a girl who definitely get embarrassed about such matters, a girl in love!

Alex understood that and did really played along with her eyes, retuning his eyes to Ashley and preparing for an answer.

"Yes, I have told her about you, girls, and she is okay with it. She isn't a human, so her way of seeing those things is normal, but she is persistent and determined when it comes to marriage"

He softly spoke to his attentive girls while keeping a smiling on his face, sucking on the straw and drinking his juice typically. He wasn't hating the idea, since it can save him from the upcoming marriage proposals.

"That's strange, but what is she? What's her name? And most importantly, where is she now??"

This time, it was Anna that jumped with the questions. Her curiousity was rotting her brain as definitely got hooked up with this mysterious supergirl and wanted to know more.

"Well, her name is Isabella and she is a succubus. Hmm I have no idea where is she now, but she will come back soon, I hope~"

Seeing their curious eyes, Alex leaned back and just revealed Liza's identity. She was the one who did it first and he just followed. He did enjoy the grunts of the succubus and also the shock his girls had on their faces.

"Woaohhh! I really don't think I will be able to sleep tonight, just wow, a succubus?? She has a pretty name too, but gosh, a succubus, I'm pretty sure she is hot. I'm actually excited to see her more, than being jealous!"

Just with a big loud exclamation, Anna expressed her reaction openly, unlike Ashely who silently opened her eyes wide. For the two, it was the first time they know succubi were real creatures and were absolutely amazed about it.

Especially, Anna, who was truly clueless, seeing her boyfriend performing magical spells and shooting fire from his hand. Today was a big special day for her.

"Well, I can't say much about her now, you have to wait until you hear everything from her mouth. Now, let's relax and rest before work. The store is getting successful and work is getting harder"

Alex just thought he finished the topic with day, relaxing every muscle in his body, while ogling at the two girls doing the same on opposite side.

Their conversation just went on and on unexpectedly, chatting about this succubus and future expectations. Alex couldn't turn down their questions, yet, he avoided revealing any more sensitive information.

Just giving them information about how Liza looked like, how she talked, and how she behaved, while also putting some light lies here and there. It ended as a satisfying conversation, but also as the start of their upcoming work!

"15 minutes before 4 PM, I guess we gotta go now, it's already time"

After standing up, Alex uttered while looking at his phone. The two girls also stood while doing some stretch-ups, feeling better to go for some part-time job.

"Yes, we need to go, I feel bad for Mary for having to deal with all that alone, we gotta help"

Anna said while collecting the juice glasses, taking them back to the kitchen, and coming back to get ready to go out. The same happened with the two, and soon found themselves opening the door again. It been almost two hours since they came.

They swiftly walked out, then towards the elevator, then out of the whole building. Time was flying, and there wasn't much time to waste. Still, they typically walked towards the store while chatting a little.

The store was 10 minutes away if you walked slow as a turtle, so it was okay to only have few minutes left before the time.

'Uhm I'm still feel weird you have spent two hours talking about me, but anyway, sorry for not getting your permission'

As he walked with both girls on his sides, the succubus's voice didn't disappear for long, sounding so exhausted. She had the most embarrassing two hours in her life and just wished earth to swallow her than listen to Alex smirkingly teasing her.

However, now she got over it, and decided to throw a little apology, despite he didn't show any bad feelings for her lies.

'Nah, it's fine, I also wanted to do it, I like you and you know that'

After she thought she could no longer get embarrassed, Alex's bold statement showed her not. He was unusually honest this time.

'Come on, stooop it already! I'm gonna sleep, bye'

Surely, it was hard day for Alex, but Liza had a resort and went to just sleep, temporarily escaping of awkward shying moments. Alex was already close to the store too, so chatting time ended, or that what he thought.

Just as he came near the store, Anna soon shout as she saw a fimiliar person standing before the glass door, peeking inside, trying to find someone.

"Oh! Alice, what are you doing here? Are you looking for something, or maybe someone"


Hearing her bestfriend's voice behind her, Alice, jumped out of surprise and turned around, just to see six eyes on her, making her nervous and embarrassed, blushing with her incredibly cute face.

Especially the two red eyes. Alex gazed at her back, and her blue ocean-like eyes, contained so much desire in them, a desire for something he only had...

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