I got summoned to another world, then married a yandere!

Chapter 334 - It Was Josef

Chapter 334 - It Was Josef

After Akaro, Josef and Maria returned to the husband's wooden house, the party went for the remaining members.

All of them were pretty close, so the whole journey lasted one day, then Kyoya could see Hiro and his family doing pretty well.

There was elven beauty as a guardian and she already seemed to be in love with him. However, the difference of their strength was still wide and not too much development was between them.

Though Hiro had a loose tongue when it came to that as it was one of his dreams and desires to have such a lady in his family. That was why Kyoya and Josef knew that Hiro had kissed the elven beauty.

It was just a matter of time.

"I will keep monogamy tradition alive," Josef commented to Kyoya and both of them laughed out loud.

While the ladies went to hug and greet each other, Hiro came with three children to greet his friends.

Those three were his children and all of them were hiding themselves behind him while peaking at Kyoya and Josef from time to time.

"Why are you so scared of us? It's not like it's our first meeting." Kyoya smiled, then took out some snacks for Hiro's children.

The bravest one kicked the ground, snatched those snacks, then returned to his initial position.

Though Kyoya had seen those three already a few times, his children were only aware of their existence.

It went both ways as both parents didn't want their children to go around the world yet.

Right now, Kyoya finally introduced his twins to Hiro's children, "I hope you can get along." He pushed his children forward as they were a little nervous as well. It was because of Kuro's talk during the dinner they had just recently.

Both of them wanted to get closer with Hiro's children because they were the same, but they also didn't want to cause problems for their father in case something went bad.

But for now, it seemed like things were going well.

"I have never seen red eyes… Waa…" Hiro's daughter exclaimed while looking into Kuro's red eyes.

She was curious and made the father's son a little awkward, "Haven't you seen father's red eyes?"

"Yours feel different! Like a beast!" She exclaimed and Hiro sneered at Kyoya.

He whispered to him, "Looks like your son is more manly already."

"What did you say?" Kyoya pushed up his sleeve, his forehead soon striking Hiro's sneering face.

Both men ended up sparing for a little.

And from afar, Kuro looked worriedly, "I didn't want to cause problems."

"You did nothing wrong," Josef replied from afar while looking around. He was on the guard in case these two went even harder against each other.

If the ground suddenly shattered, then he would be the first one to save the children.

But it didn't seem like that would be the case as both fathers were keeping an eye as well.


"The husband's aura has been inherited. My daughter is the silent type, but she spoke just first to become friends with your son. I feel like we might be a real family in the future," Hiro said after the spar.

Kyoya rolled his eyes and replied, "Don't think of anything stupid. Let things flow naturally."

Hiro slapped Kyoya's arm, "I am not some god of matchmaking or wingman…" He glanced at Kyoya with a weird glance as these terms… were somewhat related to the husband.

He continued, "But we can arrange the adventure party for them in the future. I feel like five of them would be a good team. That's what I had been thinking about and I would feel better."

"Why do you think about such a far future?" Kyoya asked.

"It's not like you haven't thought about it already," Hiro was sure of it as he replied, "Fifteen years is nothing and when I said that I am two hundred years old, my children looked at me like a weirdo. It hurt, damn."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because they read the book with an old man who was one hundred years old before that. He looked old… Too old, you know. So they were thinking I had been lying to them about my appearance and wanted to see my real one… It was…"

"It was an incident you didn't expect. We also had one," Kyoya laughed, feeling good that he was also not the only one to have such problems."

When he shared that his children thought of him as the creator of everything, Hiro burst out laughing so much that someone threw stone at him.

It was probably his son, but it was just a guess.

"I plan to go to another world pillar… Are you coming along?" Kyoya cut the chase after this small talk.

He shared his reasons and Hiro just could agree as he also had been yearning for some serious battle.

In the Forest Pond accident, he evolved. This evolution and his swift slash had been the thing he trained for a long time with Fusia.

But this elf went easy on him and both of them couldn't go full out at each other anyway… Even if they did, there wouldn't be a genuine killing intent.josei

"The lightning race… This will be a great opponent for us, right?" Hiro smiled, "I will be able to evolve more and learn about this light power! Let's go. As for children, we will have to leave someone behind. My wife can take care of them."

"True, I also thought of asking Hana or Noe about it. We still have to meet them too." Kyoya added and the men finally returned to the house where the ladies already had a nice tea in the garden.

But before that, Kyoya and Hiro approached the playing children.

Hiro asked, "Who was the one to throw stone at me?"

The five brats formed a row and raised their eyes at him.

They looked so innocent, so cute and just harmless that Hiro's eye twitched a few times.

He couldn't possibly ask them again, could he?

"I guess it was Josef," He turned his eyes to Josef and he just showed him middle finger for being such a good friend.

The kids laughed and returned to have some fun.

For now, they had been enjoying football as Hiro used to play it a lot in his childhood. His sons shared a little of his hobby and Kuro seemed to like it too.

"Looks like they will be a great team in the future! Haha! They didn't sell anyone down the river! Haha!" Hiro laughed.

Kyoya also laughed out loudly, "It's good that they get along."

A few meters away, Hiro's son approached Josef.

"Thank you uncle! Nice throw by the way!" Hiro's son raised thumb up and thanked Josef for throwing the stone.

"I knew he would blame it on me," Josef played along and laughed.

Of course, Josef didn't use any abilities and even missed it, but he did it on Hiro's son's request.

"They couldn't see through us! That's how you get more snacks by the way," It was kinda clever brat.


Hana and Noe were currently together in one of the 5th floor's cities.

They got a message through the husband's game feature about his arrival, so they wanted to prepare a nice meal for everyone including their children.

A lot of cuisine would ignite the adventurer's passion and both ladies knew that Kyoya and Hiro would prefer it if their children began that path and worked their way through the floors on their own.

On their shopping, Noe suddenly stopped.

She noticed a man's eyes on her and she couldn't shake his attention off… It was a bother, so she decided to face the man upfront.

It was also the fifth floor, so there shouldn't be a problem…

However, the man turned out to be strong and with the aura similar to hers, "Are you from the guardian's family on the 15th floor?"

"..." Noe didn't answer, but her eyes betrayed her status.

She was just too much shaken by this question.

The man didn't miss that, "I see." He sighed and continued, "There is nothing to worry about. I am not with ill intentions, for now…" Those words already raised Noe's alerts, but the man quickly took out paper out of his storage.

He shoved it into Noe's arms, then said, "You can find us here… No, you must find us here. Otherwise, we will come to you and kill everyone around you to hide our existence."

"What are you talking about?" Noe asked with a shaken voice.

"We were just like you, the guardian family's descendants. We had immortality won through sheer hard work and fairness… But those bastards from the Ascended Kingdom think they can do whatever they want… Other kingdoms aren't bothered by that in the slightest as we have no solid proof."


"So we have to rely on ourselves. Read this letter and prepare. You might be the chosen one."

The letter had one plan.

It was to gather all guardian's descendants and find the one to rule them all.

"Their plan is similar to what Xaya did in the Forest Pond, isn't it?" Hana asked from the side.

Noe nodded and replied, "Yes… I think they want to use quantity against this kingdom…"

"Well, they just threatened you, so they fucked up badly… I personally feel like there is no need for a guardian family anyway." Hana commented.

"..." Hana's honest words made Noe just faintly shake her head. She kinda understood her, though.

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