I Got the Hypnosis App, Now I Can Do Whatever I Want!

Chapter 30

Chapter 30




“…You’re glad it was me…?”

The words Emu had said to me had been reverberating in my mind for a long time.

I came across this hypnosis app by chance, and I didn’t use this power to be thanked by the girls… although I’ve said it many times.

“It’s kind of… a happy feeling and a complicated feeling, isn’t it?”

In the beginning, I thought it was good to just be driven by desire.

But now that I know their hidden problems and the wounds they carry in their hearts, I want to help them a little.

I can do things that I wouldn’t be able to do, but because of this app, I can do something to help them.

“Hey buddy, why did you come to me?”

I asked my partner, who was sitting suspiciously but proudly on my home screen.

But of course, my partner never answered my question because he is just an app.

“Kai~? Can I have a minute?”

“Sis? Okay.”

I replied, and my sis came in.

She’s still short and has small breasts and doesn’t look like a university student, but she’s so pretty that it makes up for it.

“Yosho let’s go.”

With a jump, my sis flew onto the bed.

Then, inevitably, Sis comes next to me, lying on the bed. But because we are also sisters, and brothers, I am not thrilled in the slightest.

(…I don’t even want to use hypnosis in the sexual sense with my sister…)

In hypnosis manga and anime, even your own family can be used as a sexual object, but I can’t do anything that hard… or at least I don’t think I want to.

“So? What’s wrong?”

“Ummm, I’m a bit curious, I mean, I had an awesome dream.”

“A dream?”

Sis nodded and told me.

“Something about a dream where there were about three girls around you?”


That was probably when I was absent with a cold?

Sis hadn’t said anything since then, so I thought she didn’t remember it, but apparently it’s been converted into a dream.

I think she probably came here to laugh at the idea that it was impossible for me to be popular with girls like that.

“It’s impossible for me to be popular with girls like that~”

“I know right, hahaha.”

See, it’s just as I thought – after all.

“But you’re a very kind person, so I thought it’s also possible.”


Sis giggled, as if my pouting face had hit the nail on the head.

“Did I say something so funny? You should be happy when your own sister calls you a kind brother, right?”

That’s well… I nodded yes.

She reached her little hand to my head and stroked it with a gruff, not very gentle strength.

“Well, when you have a girlfriend, introduce her to me. I’ll see what kind of girl she is.”

“What the hell is that… when in the world is that going to happen?”

I do want a girlfriend, but I don’t think I can have one right now.

In the first place, I’m using hypnosis apps to skip girlfriends and such, so it would be bad for them if I got a girlfriend under the current circumstances.

“…I can’t stop using the hypnosis app.”

“What did you say?”


She asked me a lot of questions to see if I was hiding anything from her, but she got tired of me not telling her anything and gave up and went back to her room.

I’m not sure if she trusts me that much, or if she thinks of me as a brother, but forgive me for falling for the hypnosis app, sis… but I’ll say it again and again.

“I can’t stop the hypnosis app.”

But is this really about using the hypnosis app, or is it about the girls you come into contact with while using the hypnosis app… well, I thought it would be the latter without even thinking about it.

“Could it be that you anticipated this? If so, you’re awesome.”

It’s a kind of demonic power to make these girls go crazy over their bodies through a hypnosis app.

I stared at the screen for a while, then suddenly opened up the page where the app description was given again.

“……..it hasn’t changed after all…….hmm?”

Nothing had changed, or so I thought, until I spotted a slight change.

It was an option that certainly didn’t exist before, and when I looked at the location, my name was inscribed.

“Um… what’s this?”

Apart from my name being inscribed, there was one other name, someone I didn’t know.

“Mogi Katsuta…?”

Naturally, I had no idea what that name was.

I tapped on it still, and it seemed to continue onwards, so I went further, and this time that name Mogi, appeared in the center, like a table.

There were several lines connecting to the word Mogi, but all of these lines were torn to shreds.

“I don’t know… could this be me too?”

I didn’t think so, so I tapped my name, too, and moved on to that.

As before, my name was placed in the center, and there were several lines connecting to it.


There’s nothing at the end of those lines. They just lead somewhere.

But instead of the shredded lines seen at Mogi’s place, they were thicker and a slightly suspiciously pink color.

The three thick pink lines are particularly striking, as if to indicate a solid connection.

It somehow looked like a correlation chart showing the relationships between characters in an anime or manga, but I couldn’t see beyond the lines at all, so I couldn’t tell what this was about.

“…still a mystery function in a mystery app… yeah, everything is a mystery.”

Muttering this, I put down my phone.

Incidentally, I looked up the name Mogi Katsuta just to be sure, but as expected, I didn’t get any particularly interesting search results.

“Well, that’s fine. I’m so sleepy, I’m going to bed now.”

Tomorrow is a holiday, so I thought I’d stay up late, but I can’t.

I threw everything that was on my mind out of my mind and went to sleep.

The next day, although I saw something that bothered me, I still didn’t care that much and went out on the street as usual.

“I want to buy that Manga… and maybe while I should invite them my friends to karaoke or something?”

I wanted to take my two friends out, but they both said they had things to do, so I went out alone and lonely.

I went to buy some manga and then went to karaoke alone, and when I was thinking about what to do with the rest, I found…

“…oh, that.”

A woman walking in front of me, it was that woman who dropped her cosmetics before.

I didn’t even know her name and could only think she was just a pretty face, but because of that encounter, I felt like I wanted to give this person a shot.

“……..damn, she’s like a summer bug that flies and is in the fire.”

I’m not particularly interested in her, but right after I thought I’d have my way with her, why couldn’t I pick up my phone?

In my head, I wanted to do a lot of things to that woman, but for some reason, I wasn’t in the mood.


I stopped moving and silently watched that woman disappear into the crowd.

When her back disappeared out of sight, I clicked my tongue and headed towards the bookshop I wanted to visit, but at the same time, my sister’s words came back to me.

[You’re a kind boy…]

For some reason, the fact that she said that to me, that I was a kind boy, came back to me vividly.

The same thing I tried to do to that woman and to Mari and the others should have been the same, but why didn’t I…?

It was probably a mistake because I was thinking like that as I was walking along.



I bumped into someone with a bang.

A woman who let out a small scream and fell on her butt in front of me – she was looking up at me in surprise with her blue eyes that could be seen through her silver hair.


I was stunned by the unexpected encounter.

Because the woman I just bumped into was Someya, one of the yuri couple I once gave up playing with.

“…sorry. My hand–”

Regardless of who the other party was, it was my fault now that I was lost in thought.

That’s why I reached out my hand to help her up quickly and apologize, but then I remembered the trauma she was going through and tried to pull my hand back… But then Someya held my hand back.

“Thank you.”

“…No, it’s because I was thinking, sorry.”

“That’s not true. I was thinking a bit too.”

What I feel from the palm of my hand is a slippery sensation.

I was a little relieved because I thought Someya was saying that she was fine with talking to me normally.


“…What’s wrong?”

Her beautiful blue eyes are like jewels, and when she stares into them, I feel as if I am being sucked in.

Once I had my eyes on her, Someya’s body is very voluptuous and makes me want to hypnotise her and take her into the shadows right now, so she is an erotic woman.

“Last time, you saved me… right?”


“When me and Aika were being picked up… I can remember that.”

The eyes staring straight at me held a conviction.

Just as I was about to go off on a random tangent, Someya’s partner appeared, as if by divine will.

“Sorry to keep you waiting Fiana… you are?”

Yes, it was Sasaki who came.

Moreover, she was looking at Someya’s face as she held my hand in surprise, and I wondered if Someya might be in a shuraba of being suspected of cheating on her.

However, it seems that this is not the case, as all that is in Sasaki’s gaze is surprise, and she does not seem particularly angry.

(… What is it, was this space where two girls are staring at me so painful?)

I was wondering what to do about the totally different kind of stares from Mari and the others.

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